英語表現 1
Make a long story short
「長い話を短くする」と直訳できるこの表現は、要点や結論を伝える場合の「要するに」や「つまりは」、または手短に返答したい場合の「簡単にいえば」や「早い話が」などの意味としてよく使われます。通常は文頭で使われ、「Make」を省いて「Long story short」と略すことも一般的です。会話だけでなく、Eメールなど文章を書く際にも使えます。
To make a long story short I need to borrow some money.
Anyway, to make a long story short, I decided to turn down the job offer and stick with my current job.
Long story short, he got cold feet and called off the wedding.
Anyway, to make a long story short, I decided to turn down the job offer and stick with my current job.
Long story short, he got cold feet and called off the wedding.
英語表現 2
(Put it) In a nutshell
「In a nutshell」は「一言で言えば」を表し、「Make a long story short」と同じ意味です。話の内容をざっくりとまとめて言葉少なめに伝えるニュアンスがあり、特に長くてややこしい話をするのが面倒に思い、肝心な点だけを簡潔に伝えたい状況で使われる傾向があります。正式には「Put it in a nutshell」ですが、日常会話では「Put it」を省いて「In a nutshell」と言うのが一般的です。
In a nutshell, my time abroad completely changed my life.
You don’t have to give me all the details. Just explain what happened to me in a nutshell.
In a nutshell, to become a better English speaker, you have to speak!
You don’t have to give me all the details. Just explain what happened to me in a nutshell.
In a nutshell, to become a better English speaker, you have to speak!
Hi, Jun San. I hope you are having a good day and getter better from a cold.
I’m always confused about American humor. I know, basically, American people are sarcastic in terms of American humor. But, I can’t make people laugh haha. So it’d be great if you can talk about humor in your podcast. If you already have it, let me know! I’ll check that out by myself.
Hi Rio
I’m feeling much better! Back to normal. Thank you 🙂
Humor is probably the hardest part of any language to acquire. It goes far beyond just understanding the language. You have to fully understand the culture. I’ve been thinking about doing a podcast or a video on American humor. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it’s とても難しい to explain.
One of these days, I’ll give it a shot though!