
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.03.29





【Phillip】Yeah I think—I think in Australia we’re kind of the opposite. Very much so. I think the theme in Australia is “work-life balance.” It’s really, really strong here. And I also think that we’ve got really powerful unions in Australia. So they really pressure kind of the private sector and even the public sector as well to have negotiable working hours, reasonable maternity and parenting leave.
Sick leave is a bit of a funny thing in Australia because a lot of people—we call it “chuck a sickie” It’s like an Australian thing where if—if there’s a long weekend coming up, people will tend to chuck a sickie on the Friday. So they’ll take the Friday off, get the Saturday, Sunday, and the Monday off as well. And that’s when a lot of people will just, “Oh, I’ve got a cough, boss!” And then just…


【Phillip】…as you said, they’ll go to the doctor to get a doctor’s certificate or a doctor’s sign-off. But here it’s really easy to go to the doctor so a lot of people can just pull that one.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】But I think the biggest difference if I was to say about Australian work culture is that there’s a very—there’s a lack of hierarchy. Even though there is a clear allocation of duty—you’re the manager, you’re the assistant manager, now.
If you walk into an Australian workplace, a lot of people are just totally casual. You know, people will call each other nicknames and by their first names, even just by their initials. Or they’ll just call them, “boss.” “Oh, what do you want, boss?” Stuff like that. And be very, like direct with themselves. They think the boss is doing something wrong, they’ll, you know, go up to them and very clearly say, “Oh look, mate. I think you’re doing this all wrong.” You know, and the boss will just be like. “Okay, yeah. Thanks for bringing that up. I disagree with you, but…” you know?
And most—there’s that kind of respect where, like, “Okay, thanks bringing it up, but I’m not going to do that.” And the other person, “Yeah, sure.” Depending on the person, they’ll have hard feelings or not. But most of the time people like that clear, honest, direct kind of conversation between people. I think, yeah…that’s the differences—the laid-back-ness of the Australian workplace.
I think a lot of people especially from Asian countries that come to Australia…they get really shocked by, like, “Wow, everyone’s so casual here. They’re talking to each other like they’re best mates.” And hanging out after work…you know, doing those kinds of things. That’s surprising for a lot of people.

【Maria】Mm hm.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the main theme of Australian work culture, according to Phillip?
  2. What expression is used to describe Australians’ tendency to take the first day of the work week after a long weekend off, using sickness as an excuse?
  3. What kind of communication do most Australians appreciate in the workplace?



  1. He thinks Australian work culture is centered around work-life balance.
  2. Phillip says this practice is called “chucking a sickie.”
    フィリップはこの習慣を「chucking a sickie(ずる休みをすること)」と呼ぶと言います。
  3. They appreciate clear, honest, and direct communication.



Phillip shares with Maria details about Australian work culture, which contrasts with American work culture in many ways. Phillip says that Australian work culture is much more focused on maintaining a work-life balance among its workers.

Australia has powerful unions that pressure the private and public sectors to have negotiable working hours and maternity or parental leave. There’s also a practice called “chucking a sickie,” in which Australian workers will call in sick on the first day of the work week following a long weekend, using a doctor’s note as an excuse.
オーストラリアには強い労働組合があり、労働時間や出産・育児休暇の交渉ができるように、組合が民間企業や公的機関に圧力をかけています。また、「chucking a sickie」と呼ばれる習慣があり、長い週末休暇前の金曜日に、医師の診断書を口実に休む労働者もいると話します。

Phillip also describes a de-emphasis on hierarchy in the Australian workplace. While there are managers and higher ranking positions, most workplaces maintain a casual atmosphere, with employees calling each other nicknames.

Another aspect of Australian work culture is the directness of communication between employees and their supervisors. Lower ranking employees often speak openly and directly, even when they disagree with their superiors. Phillip says most Australians appreciate this honest, direct communication, though it can be surprising to people visiting or immigrating to Australia from a country with more formal workplace customs.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Maternity leave(産休)

出産のために会社を休む「産休」を英語で“maternity leave”と言います。父親が育児休暇を取る場合は“paternity leave”、育児休暇全般は“parental leave”と言います。アメリカでは、雇用主は産休として12週間の休みを与えることを法律で定められていますが、給与を払う義務はありません。

  • Jenny is on maternity leave until the summer.
  • Mike is taking paternity leave to help take care of his new baby.
  • Our company offers 12 weeks of parental leave for both mothers and fathers.

2) Sick leave(病気休暇)

“sick leave”は「病気休暇」を意味し、病気や健康の問題で仕事を休むことを意味します。「病気休暇を取る」は“take a sick leave”、「病気休暇中である」は“be on sick leave”と表現します。

  • I need to take a sick leave today because I have the flu.
  • Tony has been on sick leave for the past few days.
  • I used up all of my sick leave last month.

3) Come up(出来事が近づいている)

“come up”は状況に応じてさまざまな意味になる表現ですが、今日の会話では出来事が近づいていることを意味します。旅行やイベント、予定された行事などが間近に迫っている状況で使われ、例えば、「私たちの旅行はもうすぐです」は“Our trip is coming up.”と言います。

  • Do you have any trips coming up?
  • Golden Week is coming up soon. Do you have any plans?
  • The deadline for the project is coming up.

4) Bring up(話題を持ち出す)

“bring up”は「~のことを話す」を意味する表現で、何かの話題を持ち出したり、言い出すといったニュアンスがあります。“mention”や“talk about”の代替表現として日常会話で使われます。 言いづらい話を切り出す時は“I hate to bring this up but”と言い、日本語の「申し上げにくいのですが・・・」に相当する表現です。

  • Why don’t you bring up those concerns at the next meeting?
  • It’s not a good idea to bring up politics in small talk.
  • I hate to bring this up, but I noticed a mistake in your report.

5) Hard feelings(悪感情)

“hard feelings”は、他人との間に起きたトラブルや誤解などが原因で起こる怒りや悲しみといった不快な感情を指します。一般的にこの表現は、“No hard feelings.”のように否定形で使われ、「悪く思わないでくれ」や「悪気はないんだ」を意味します。

ビジネスにおいては、やむを得ない決断によって誰かを不快にさせてしまうことがあると思いますが、その際に、その決断に対して「悪く思わないで欲しい」というニュアンスで使われます。また、気にかけてくれた相手に対して、「別に気にしてないよ」や「悪く思ってないよ」のように、ネガティブな感情がないことを伝える場合にも、 “No hard feelings.”と言うことができます。

  • We’ve decided to go with another vendor. No hard feelings.
  • No hard feelings. Thank you for considering me for the project.
  • The decision to not extend your contract was tough, but it’s just business. No hard feelings.



  • Union・・・労働組合
  • Sign-off・・・診断書
  • Hierarchy・・・上下関係


  • Very much so・・・全くそのとおり
  • Private sector・・・民間企業
  • Public sector・・・公的機関
  • Allocation of duty・・・義務分担
  • Go up to someone・・・言いに行く
  • Laid-back-ness・・・リラックスした








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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