
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.05.10





【Phillip】For us, our—our biggest issue if you’re talking about addictive substances would be—would be alcohol.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】We have a lot of alcohol-fueled violence. So it’s—in recent years it’s getting better. I think that the government and the police have been trying to coordinate with, like bars and—and nightclubs and that to organize so that they have the power to refuse patrons who are really intoxicated.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】Our biggest issue was a lot of people would—they’d go to the nightclub, go to the bar, get hammered, go out of the bar, but then start a fight in the street.


【Phillip】And then that would lead to, like, you know, what we call “one-hit punch” killing and—or they’d get in the car and try and drive.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】And that was an issue a couple of years ago. But lately I think they’ve figured out a good system where the police are working with these establishments that do sell alcohol to try and make sure that the zone around their establishment is just as safe as inside the establishment. So they’re kind of working with that. And recently we’ve been getting better at underaged drinking as well.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】Unlike in America, Australians, we can drink from 18.

【Maria】Mm hm, yeah.

【Phillip】Most kids are drinking when they’re 13. (laughs) So…so either through an older sibling, or a cousin that will buy them alcohol and they’re getting it at 13 or 14. So—and alcohol in Australia is just everywhere. So a lot of kids grow up just seeing people drinking, their parents drinking, their friends drinking. We don’t have that barrier between…a lot of our establishments also allow—it’s in them, but there’s also drinking going on around them. So it’s another normal thing for kids to grow up in.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】So when you get told, “No, you can’t have that,” they go, “Well, I’ve seen it all my life. Why not?”

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】And yeah. So—yeah, not so much on the drug front. But, yeah definitely alcohol—we have issues.

【Maria】Okay. Yeah, I mean we have alcohol issues as well in America, which is a problem. You know, lots of DUIs and people going out and having reckless behavior as well. I don’t think we’ve solved that issue, though. It seems like you guys are actively working on it.

【Phillip】Yeah, we’re trying to but, yeah.


【Phillip】I think—I think it’s just hard because our drinking culture is just…like, I don’t know about in America, but definitely for young people, the goal of going out drinking is to get blackout drunk.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】Like, it’s not just to have a good time. It’s—you’ve got to drink until your completely torn. And then that’s a good time.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】And I think that culture is still deep for young people. I think it’s something that they’re trying to change, but, you know, doesn’t work so well.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. In recent years, what have Australian police been doing to clamp down on alcohol-related violence?
  2. What is the legal age of drinking in Australia?
  3. According to Phillip, what is the point of going out drinking for most young people in Australia?



  1. They’ve been coordinating with bars, nightclubs, and other establishments that sell alcohol to make sure the areas outside of bars are just as safe as inside.
  2. 18 is the legal age of drinking in Australia, though most people are exposed to it much earlier.
  3. Phillip says most Australian young people go out drinking just to get blackout drunk.



Following Maria’s discussion of the opioid epidemic in the United States, Phillip talks about Australia’s problem with alcohol abuse. Phillip says that Australia experiences a lot of alcohol-related violence.

Phillip says the biggest issue was people going out to bars and nightclubs, getting drunk, then starting fights outside of the establishments or trying to drive while intoxicated. He also says that police are getting better about dealing with those issues by coordinating with those establishments and making sure the zones outside of them are as safe as inside.

In Australia, the legal age of drinking is 18, though Phillip says most people are exposed to it at a much younger age in their lives. There is a strong drinking culture in Australia, and this makes it challenging to discourage drinking in young people because they’re accustomed to seeing everyone around them regularly drinking.

Phillip says that for most young people in Australia, the point of going out drinking is to get blackout drunk. While there are efforts to change this, he doesn’t think they’ve been very successful.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hammered(すごく酔っ払う)

“hammered”は「すごく酔っ払らう」を意味する口語的な言い方です。人にもよりますが、テンションが異常に上がったり、まともに話せなくなったり、歩く時にふらついたりなど、一般的にはかなり酔っ払っている状態を表します。例えば、「彼はすごく酔っ払っている」は “He is hammered.”、「今夜は酔っ払いましょう」は “Let’s get hammered tonight.”のように、一般的にはbe動詞、またはgetと組み合わせて使われます。

  • I drank too much and got hammered last night.
  • If you keep drinking like that, you’re going to get hammered.
  • I got hammered last night and now I have a bad hangover.

2) Lead to(〜の原因となる)

“lead to”は、何かを引き起こす、または特定の結果をもたらすことを意味します。特に、ある出来事や行動が別の出来事や状況を引き起こす時に使われます。例えば、 “Eating too much junk food can lead to health problems.”と言うと、「ジャンクフードの食べ過ぎは健康問題につながる」という意味になります。

  • Poor communication can lead to misunderstanding.
  • Exercising every day can lead to good health.
  • Practicing English conversation regularly can lead to better communication skills.

3) Just as ~ as ~(〜と同様に)

“just as ~ as ~”は「〜と同じくらい」や「〜と同様に」を意味し、二つの事物や状況が同じくらいの性質や特徴を持つことを表します。特に、比較対象が同じ程度や量を持つことを強調するために使われます。例えば、アメリカ人の友達に“Your English is just as good as a native speaker.”と言われたら、あなたの英語はネイティブスピーカーと同じくらい上手であることを言っています。

  • This ramen shop in LA is just as good as the ones in Japan.
  • Tom is just as successful as his father.
  • The movie is just as good as the book.

4) Reckless(無謀な)

“reckless”は「無謀な」を意味し、結果を考えずに行動する人を表す形容詞です。多くの場合、危険で、危害につながる可能性のある行動を表すのに使われ、例えば、「彼は無謀な運転をしていました」は“He was driving recklessly.”と言います。ちなみに、reckless の副詞は “recklessly”です。

  • The reckless driver almost slammed into my car.
  • Texting while crossing the street is reckless and can lead to accidents.
  • Steve is a big spender and spends his money recklessly.

5) Blackout drunk(記憶を失うほど酔う)

“black out”は「記憶を失う」を意味することから、“blackout drunk”は「記憶を失くすほど酔っ払う」ことを意味し、お酒を大量に飲み過ぎて翌朝何も覚えていない状態を指します。例えば、「彼は昨晩記憶を失くすほどお酒を飲んだ」は“He got blackout drunk last night.”と言います。また、日常会話では“black out”を使ってシンプルに、“He blacked out last night.(彼は昨晩記憶を失くすほどお酒を飲んだ) ”と表現することもできます。

  • John got blackout drunk at the party and was acting belligerently.
  • We had to carry Mike home because he got blackout drunk and couldn’t walk.
  • I don’t remember anything from last night. I blacked out.



  • Coordinate・・・連係する
  • Patron・・・客
  • Intoxicated・・・酔っている
  • Establishment・・・お店
  • DUI・・・飲酒運転


  • Addictive substance・・・依存性のある物質
  • Alcohol-fueled violence・・・アルコールが引き金になって起こる暴力事件
  • Underaged drinking・・・未成年の飲酒問題
  • Drug front・・・薬物の問題








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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