
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.03.22





【Phillip】So Maria, what is work culture like in your country? In America?

【Maria】Yeah so work culture is very busy in America. It is a very intense type of system. Everything is revolved around work. I noticed that we don’t have as many breaks throughout the year as other countries in comparison. When women get pregnant they are getting a small period of time for maternity leave. Most fathers do not get maternity leave.
It’s—it’s also based on the state, right? So some states have better regulations for people having time off of work versus other states. But overall it’s a pretty big work ethic system that we have going on here. You are lucky if you get an hour lunch break. A lot of places give you 30 minutes to have a lunch break. When I was in Italy, they would have a siesta. So they would just shut down the shops for a few hours in the middle of the day. That would never be fly in the United States. (laughs)
So it’s very busy. Lots of things happening. If you’re sick and you call out of work, some companies require you to show a doctor’s note saying, “Hey, I went to the doctor. He said I couldn’t go to work. Here’s my proof and here’s my evidence.” And you—you have to show documentation for certain kinds of jobs. So I feel like there’s a lot of pressure with that. We don’t get a lot of vacation days.
And it’s—there’s been a shift more recently to work from home because of COVID that’s been happening. So a lot of people have been like, “Wow, this is a nice gig. I want to keep it.” So people are looking for jobs where they’re working from home. That’s been huge in the United States. I think everywhere, but…yeah, we have high-speed internet so a lot of people are trying to find a way to stay home and take care of their families while also maintaining a steady income.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the usual amount of time offered for lunch break in American jobs, according to Maria?
  2. What did Maria observe about work schedules in Italy?
  3. What major shift in work culture did COVID bring about in the United States, according to Maria?



  1. Maria says most people are lucky if they get more than 30-minute lunch breaks.
  2. She noticed many businesses took “siesta” time off during the middle of the day, closing their stores for a few hours at a time.
  3. Maria says that COVID made working from home more viable and more attractive, and many American workers have since sought out work-from-home jobs.



Maria shares with Phillip her thoughts on work culture in America. In general, Maria thinks work culture in America is intense compared to other countries, with most aspects of life centered around one’s work.

Women in the US only get a small time off from work for maternity leave, and most fathers don’t receive any paternity leave at all. This can vary by state, as some states have more generous regulations on mandatory time off for new parents.

Most lunch breaks in the US are only 30 minutes long, with most workers being lucky to get anything more. While in Italy, Maria observed that many Italians took “siesta” time off in the middle of the day, closing their shops for several hours. Maria thinks this would never happen in the US.

Maria also notes that some companies require doctor’s notes from an employee to approve sick time off, and there aren’t many days given to most employees for vacation. COVID also had a significant impact on American work culture, with the remote work culture that emerged causing many Americans to seek work-from-home jobs even after the COVID restrictions were lifted.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Revolve around(〜を中心に回っている)

“revolve around”は本来「〜の周りを回転する」を意味することから、日常会話では自身の生活や予定などが、ある物事を中心に成り立っている(回っている)意味としてよく使われます。例えば、子供がいる家庭のライフスタイルであれば、“My life revolves around my kids.(私の生活は子供を中心に回っている)”のように表現することができます。基本的に“revolve around”の後に中心となる物事が続きます。

  • He works nonstop. His life revolves around work.
  • Our conversation revolved around cultural differences.
  • He’s so selfish. He thinks the world revolves around him.

2) Not fly(上手くいかない、無理)

“not fly”はあるアイデアや提案、言い訳などが受け入れられなかったり、上手くいかなかったり、何かが無理であることを意味する口語表現です。例えば、「フォーマルなイベントにシャツとジーンズで来るのはよくないよ」という場合は、“Showing up at a formal event in a shirt and jeans isn’t going to fly.”、「その発想は面白いけど、この会社では無理だね」は“That’s an interesting idea, but it won’t fly at this company.”のように表現し、周りの意見や期待に沿わないため受け入れられない状況を表現する時に使われます。

  • I don’t think that excuse is going to fly with our boss.
  • Getting a tattoo definitely wouldn’t fly with my parents.
  • Raising prices without an explanation will not fly with the customers.

3) Call out of work(仕事を休む)

“call out of work”は「仕事を休む」を意味します。特に、急な病気や体調不良、家庭の緊急事態や予期せぬ事情のため、仕事に行くことができない時に使われます。例えば、“John called out of work.”は「ジョンは今日仕事を休みました」を意味し、当日仕事に来れないと連絡があったことを意味します。連絡方法は電話に限らず、メールでも“call out of work”が使われ、日常会話ではシンプルに、“John called out today.”と言うことも多いです。

  • I’m feeling under the weather, so I’m going to call out of work.
  • Sarah called out today because of a family emergency.
  • My car broke down, so I had to call out of work.

4) Work from home(在宅勤務をする)

“work from home”は自宅からリモートで仕事をすることを意味します。自宅から仕事をすることを“work at home”と言うこともできますが、“at”を使う場合は場所が強調され、例えば、カフェで仕事をしている場合は、“I’m working at a cafe today.”と言います。日常会話では一般的に、在宅勤務をすることを“work from home”を使って表現します。

  • My job allows me to work from home twice a week.
  • I prefer to work from home because it saves me time on commuting.
  • Do you work from home or go into the office?

5) Gig(一時的な仕事)

“gig”は本来、歌手やバンド、DJなどが1回限りのパフォーマンス、特に短めのショートパフォーマンスを行うことを意味します。その他、“gig”には日雇いのバイトや派遣の仕事など「一時的な仕事」という意味もあり、「副業」は“side gig”や“part-time gig”と言います。

  • I’m doing a gig tonight. If you’re free, you should swing by.
  • I’d love to go to dinner with you, but I have a teaching gig at 7.
  • I don’t edit YouTube videos full-time. It’s just a side gig.



  • Intense・・・張り詰めてる
  • Break・・・休み
  • Regulation・・・規制
  • Proof・・・証明


  • In comparison・・・〜と比べると
  • Maternity leave・・・産休
  • Based on・・・〜による
  • Time off of・・・休暇
  • Work ethic system・・・勤労意欲
  • You are lucky if・・・〜ならラッキー
  • Shut down・・・閉まる
  • In the middle of the day・・・日中








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