
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.06.23





【Alex】Is there anything that you have a love/hate relationship with?

【CJ】A love/hate relationship with…there is. There is. I’m going to give you one that I feel this way about in Japan.


【CJ】And that would be the onsen. I have a love/hate relationship with the onsen.


【CJ】Yes, yes.

【Alex】Why is that?

【CJ】Well, because, you know…I’m from Kentucky. So… (laughs)


【CJ】You know…

【Alex】I have never been to Kentucky or New York or places you mentioned earlier, so yeah.

【CJ】Well, there’s no onsen there. There’s nothing like an onsen in Kentucky.


【CJ】But yeah. It’s just—it’s just not…you know—okay, I get it. In Japan, it’s part of the culture. I get it. You know, and I understand why people like it.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】But…just the whole…you know, just—just…maybe you know. Maybe you know what I’m going to say, right? (laughs)

【Alex】Yeah, yeah. I think any American at some level is going to relate to this issue.

【CJ】Yeah, right? Maybe…

【Alex】Yeah. Even me.

【CJ】…getting to the water is the hard part.


【CJ】You know, once you’re in the water, that’s the “love” part.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【CJ】It’s warm and it’s…

【Alex】Right and you’re hiding in the water.

【CJ】Yeah you’re in—you’re in the water, right?


【CJ】But getting to the water, that’s the challenge right?

【Alex】Yeah. Yes.

【CJ】So I just…I don’t know. I’ve been. I’ve been.

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】But man, you know…it took me about 13 years before I finally made the jump.

【Alex】Ah, I see, I see. Yeah, I…I think—you know, I’ve been to a—it’s not anything like Japanese—but I’ve been to a Russian one and a Japanese one in Seattle. But you wear bathing suits.


【Alex】So it’s kind of, like a little bit of a bridge to it. But it’s really not the same thing.

【CJ】Yeah, nope. That is a hot tub.

【Alex】The first time I did it I had to just kind of…you know the…yeah. Getting over the nervousness, I just have to kind of, like, “Well, whatever.” And, you know, it was winter. So it was cold. So that was kind of a distraction, too. So, like… (laughs)

【CJ】Oh, yeah I can imagine. Right?

【Alex】Get in as fast as possible. But yeah—because I went to some outdoor ones in—in the beginning. And now I feel like I’m kind of used to it.

【CJ】Yeah, yeah.

【Alex】I really love it. Yeah, it was a little difficult in the beginning. So I definitely understand.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What US state is CJ from?
  2. What is it about onsen that CJ doesn’t like?
  3. What helped Alex overcome her nervousness around onsen?



  1. He is from Kentucky.
  2. He doesn’t like the process of taking his clothes off and getting into the water in front of strangers.
  3. She forced herself to get in quickly and to visit outdoor onsen to overcome her nervousness.



Alex asks CJ if there is anything that he has a love/hate relationship with. CJ answers by saying one of his love/hate relationships is with onsen in Japan.

CJ comes from the state of Kentucky in the US, and in Kentucky, there was nothing like onsen in Japan. So when he got to Japan and experienced onsen for the first time, he was surprised at how one is expected to undress and enter the water in front of strangers.

The “love” part of onsen for CJ is the actual water itself and the feelings of warmth that come with it once a person enters. But what CJ doesn’t like is the act of getting in itself, especially doing so in front of strangers.
シージェーは温泉が 「好きな」理由として、湯船に浸かった瞬間に感じる包まれる温かさだと話します。しかし、シージェーは特に見知らぬ人の前で、お風呂に入るまでの手順が好きではありません。

Alex believes that most Americans will find onsen uncomfortable the first time they try it for the reasons CJ cites. But she overcame her own nervousness with onsen by simply visiting outdoor onsen on multiple occasions to lessen her fears. Over time, she got used to getting into onsen and no longer feels nervous around them.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Have a love-hate relationship(大好きでもあり大嫌いでもある)

love-hate relationshipは、「愛憎関係」を意味する日常表現です。人や物、場所に対して好きと嫌いの感情が同時、または交互に生じる状況で使われ、特に大好きと大嫌いの間で絡み合うニュアンスがあります。例えば「SNSは大好きであると同時に大嫌いでもある」と言いたい時は、“I have a love-hate relationship with social media.”と言います。

この表現は一般的に、“I have a love-hate relationship with ~.”の形式で使われ、空欄には大好きと大嫌いな対象が入ります。

  • I have a love-hate relationship with learning a foreign language.
  • He has a love-hate relationship with Tokyo.
  • Many people have a love-hate relationship with katakana English.

2) There is nothing like(〜のようなものはない、〜は最高だ)

there is nothing likeには二つの意味合いがあります。一つ目は文字通り、「〜のようなものはない」を意味し、比類できるものがないことを強調するニュアンスがあります。例えば、今日の会話でシージェーは“There is nothing like an Onsen in Kentucky.”と言いましたが、これは「ケンタッキー州には日本の温泉のようなものはがない」を意味します。

二つ目は、「〜より素晴らしいものはない」を意味し、何かが最高であることを強調する意味合いとして使われます。例えば、「夏の暑い日に飲むキンキンに冷えたビールは最高だ」と言いたい場合、“There is nothing like drinking an ice cold beer on a hot summer day.”と言います。

  • The manga cafes in Japan are unique. There is nothing like manga cafes in the U.S.
  • There is nothing like taking a long hot bath after a long day.
  • There is nothing like BBQing with your friends in the summer.

3) Make the jump(思い切って〜する)

直訳で「ジャンプする」となるこの表現は、思い切って行動を起こすことを意味します。プールや海に飛び込むように、緊張しながらも、大胆な一歩を踏み出したり、決断的な行動を起こすニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、10年間働いた会社を辞めて思い切ってキャリアチェンジをした場合、 “I made the jump and changed my career.”と言うことができます。

  • I made the jump and started my own cafe.
  • He decided to make the jump and travel around the world for a year.
  • She made the jump to pursue her passion as an artist.

4) Bathing suit(水着)

Bathing suitは「水着」を意味します。国によって水着の表現の仕方が異なるようですが、アメリカでは一般的に bathing suitまたはswimsuitが使われます。 昔はbathing suitは女性用の水着のイメージがありましたが、今は特に性別を区別せずに、bathing suitとswimsuit、どちらも使われます。ちなみに、男性用の水着はswimming trunksと表現し、「海水パンツ」を意味します。

  • Don’t forget to bring sunblock and your bathing suit.
  • Let’s put on our swimsuits and head to the pool.
  • Tom accidentally went into the onsen with his swimming trunks.

5) Get over(乗り越える、克服する)

get overは状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話では不安感や恐怖心を克服する意味として使われています。人前で話す時の緊張感を克服したり、高所恐怖症を克服するなど、努力して自身の弱点を克服したり問題点を乗り越えるニュアンスがあります。

  • I need to get over my fear of speaking in public.
  • It took me years, but I finally got over my fear of heights.
  • Once I got over my fear of making mistakes, my English significantly improved.



  • Mention・・・話に出す
  • Hot tub・・・バスタブ
  • Distraction・・・気を散らすこと


  • Part of the culture・・・文化の一部








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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