
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.07.21





【CJ】No, I’m with you on that. It is very, very gray.


【CJ】Or at least it appears to be gray.


【CJ】But—but then again, it’s like, you know…for every good invention that somebody comes up with

【Alex】Right. Yeah.

【CJ】…you know, there’s always going to be people out there that—that use it not for its intended purpose.

【Alex】Right. Abuse it.

【CJ】But for the exact opposite, right?

【Alex】Exactly, yeah.

【CJ】So I mean, there’s that. You know?


【CJ】But like—it’s like you said. I mean, most definitely it happens every day. Kids come in contact with perfect strangers.


【CJ】People get catfished. Things happen that shouldn’t…

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】…shouldn’t happen. But at the same…

【Alex】What—what is “catfished?” Sorry, I don’t know this term yet. (laughs)

【CJ】“Catfished” is…yeah, yeah, catfished. This is when a person acts—they…they—okay, let’s say you’re in a chatroom.

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】Let’s say you and I are in a chatroom.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】And I’ll start chatting to you and I present myself as “Stacy.” Some girl.

【Alex】Ah, I see. I see. Okay.

【CJ】And I—and you and I start talking every day. We form a friendship. And you think I’m one person. But in fact…you know—and so, once I feel the friendship, then I might ask you, “You know…you know Alex, you know I was telling you how my father is sick and I just need some…I just need a little more money to…”

【Alex】Ah, that—I see. I see.


【Alex】So it’s kind of like a scam-type thing.

【CJ】Very much so.

【Alex】Con-artist thing.

【CJ】Yeah it happens every day. Happens every day.

【Alex】Aw, poor catfish. Why do they get used as the label? (laughs)

【CJ】Yeah, well. (laughs) Yeah, they get it bad. Right, a bad rep. But I mean, there’s people out there who are kind and friendly.

【Alex】Right, right.

【CJ】And there’s people out there that are ready to take advantage of it.


【CJ】So I mean…

【Alex】So I think even adults sometimes abuse it or get exposed to that kind of thing and get catfished.

【CJ】Oh, very much so. It’s often—usually adults. Yeah, usually adults.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah. Right.

【CJ】But…yeah, I mean—so I mean, when you look at that, you think about children and—and having an age restriction on social media.

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】Or let’s just put it this way. There is wisdom in having…


【CJ】…an age restriction on it because of…

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】…in fact there’s…any restriction—driving, for instance. If we could—if we could—if we could count on everyone to drive at a reasonable pace, really pay attention, yield to the other driver, then we wouldn’t need traffic laws.


【CJ】But… (laughs) you know, but nobody—people don’t—can’t always—won’t always do that.


【CJ】Even if it’s on purpose or not, right?

【Alex】Right, right, right.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does CJ believe happens with every good invention someone creates?
  2. What is “catfishing,” as described by CJ?
  3. Why does CJ think traffic laws exist?



  1. He believes that eventually someone will use it for the wrong purposes.
  2. CJ explains “catfishing” as the phenomenon of someone pretending to be someone else while chatting online in order to get something out of the other person they’re talking to.
  3. He believes traffic laws exist because people can’t be trusted to drive safely on their own.



Alex and CJ continue their discussion of social media and the problems associated with it. CJ thinks that social media, like all good inventions, will eventually be abused by bad actors.

One way that bad actors can abuse social media for CJ is through “catfishing.” CJ explains catfishing as when someone poses as someone other than who they are to someone they’re talking to online, usually for something in return or to fool the other person.
シージェーは、犯罪者がSNSを通じて行う犯罪のひとつに「キャットフィッシング 」をあげています。シージェーは、「キャットフィッシング」とは他人になりすましてネット上でやりとりをして、相手から何かを騙し取ろうとしたり、騙したりすることだと説明します。

CJ thinks that catfishing usually happens to adults and is often associated with some type of scam. Alex and CJ joke that the term “catfishing” has given the actual catfish animal a bad, undeserved reputation.

But because scams like catfishing exist, CJ does think it’s important to have some restrictions on social media usage. He compares it to driving. Since not everyone can be trusted to drive safely, traffic laws have to be put in place.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) But then again(とは言え)

but then againは、自分が発言したことに対して反対のことを言ったり、異なる側面を紹介する時に使われ、「とは言え」や「一方で」を意味します。例えば、「彼は仕事が早いですが、一方でミスが多いです」は“He works fast, but then again, he makes a lot of mistakes.”のように表し、仕事が早いことを認めつつ、ミスも多い二つの側面を紹介するような表現の仕方です。

日常会話では、but then ~やthen again ~のように省略して表現することもできます。

  • I want to try out that new restaurant, but then again, I don’t want to wait in line.
  • Tom is an amazing video editor, but then again, it takes him a long time to finish.
  • She’s the best in the business, but then again, she’s my sister, so I’m biased.

2) Catfish(なりすまし)

catfishは「ナマズ」を指しますが、インターネット上では、ニセのプロフィールや写真を使って「なりすまし」行為をする人を指す口語表現です。ちょっとしたイタズラから深刻な悪質行為に至るまで、幅広い状況で使われます。例えば、「彼女はなりすましだと分かった」は“She turned out to be a catfish.”、「私はなりすましに騙された」は“I got catfished.”という具合に使われます。

  • The person I was talking to on IG turned out to be a catfish.
  • It sounds like you’re getting catfished. Why don’t you ask to do a video call?
  • Catfishing on dating apps is pretty common, so be careful.

3) Con artist(詐欺師)

conは「詐欺」、artistは「芸術家」を意味することから、con artistは「詐欺師」を意味します。オレオレ詐欺や投資詐欺など、巧妙な手口を使ってお金や財産を騙し取るような人を指します。例えば、「彼は詐欺師だ」は“He is a con artist.”と表現します。

  • I almost got tricked by a con artist today.
  • Jenny turned out to be a con artist who orchestrated a Ponzi scheme.
  • How do you spot a con artist?

4) Count on(〜を頼りにする)

count onは「〜を頼りにする」や「〜を当てにする」を意味し、rely onに置き換えて使える日常表現です。人が力を貸してくれることを期待しつつ、それに頼るニュアンスがあります。例えば、上司が部下に「頼りにしているよ」と言う場合は“I’m counting on you.”、部下が上司に「任せてください」と返事をする場合は“You can count on me.”と言うことができます。

  • You can count on Adam. He’s the most reliable person I know.
  • You can count on the trains in Japan to be on time.
  • I can always count on my family to be there for me.

5) On purpose(わざと)

on purposeは「わざと」や「故意に」を意味する日常表現です。ある行動や行為が意図的に行われたことを表し、例えば、「彼女はわざと遅れてきた」は“She showed up late on purpose.”、「わざとやったんじゃない」は“I didn’t do it on purpose.”という具合に使います。

  • My cat always knocks things off the table on purpose.
  • During the day, I turn my phone off on purpose so I can focus on my work.
  • I’m sorry I broke your window. It wasn’t on purpose.



  • Term・・・表現
  • Scam・・・詐欺


  • Come up with・・・考え出す
  • Intended purpose・・・本来の目的
  • Come in contact with・・・接触する
  • Abuse it・・・悪用する
  • Let’s say・・・例えば〜としましょう
  • Present oneself as ~・・・〜というイメージを打ち出す
  • A bad rep・・・評判が悪い
  • Take advantage of・・・搾取しようとする
  • Get exposed to・・・被害に遭う








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Mika より:

    I can always count on my family.
    I can always count on my family to be there for me.
    言いたいことはどちらも同じだと思うのですが、なぜJunさんは to be there for me を付け加えたのでしょうか? Junさんにとって、to be there for me があるのとないのとではニュアンス的にどう違うのか教えてください。

  2. saki より:

    “when someone poses as someone other than who they are”
    の中の”than” はどんな意味合い、目的で使われているのか教えていただけると嬉しいです。

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