
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.06.16





【CJ】All right, Alex. So what is your favorite omiyage—omiyage that you’ve received in Japan?

【Alex】Yes. Oh, I’m going to have to say matcha from Kyoto.


【Alex】So I’ve received that a couple of times from friends—a friend and a boyfriend and…and, yeah. That’s definitely one of my favorite consumable omiyage.


【Alex】I also—but my most special omiyage is probably the fude that I received from Kyoto. And that was from my boyfriend.


【Alex】So a Japanese calligraphy brush.

【CJ】Ah, okay. Okay.

【Alex】Yeah, I actually…

【CJ】That—that’s unique. Oh, you got it with you!

【Alex】Yeah, but I spilled water everywhere. (laughs) That’s this one here.

【CJ】Okay, nice.

【Alex】But I guess no one can see on the podcast. But, yeah.

【CJ】No, but it’s nice and brown. And it’s got some black—black end.



【Alex】It’s—it’s got soft bristles…


【Alex】…but not so soft that it’s difficult to—for me to use as a beginner. So, how about you? What is your favorite omiyage that you’ve received?

【CJ】Hm, favorite…well, you know, I would often get…I don’t want to say “typical”—maybe that’s not the right—the right word I want to use. But, you know, people would give us—if I would travel with my friend and whatnot, they would give us fans. And that’s…

【Alex】Oh, that’s really cool. Yeah.

【CJ】…open fan. We would get chopsticks. Things like that.

【Alex】Ah, yeah. That’s nice.

【CJ】It was typical. I mean…and I’m not—you know, I’m not minimizing it at all. I would take my chopsticks home and even though I didn’t have much to eat with them…

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】…I still—I would use them to kind of decorate the—you know, the—put them up. Display them somewhere.

【Alex】Yeah, I totally understand.

【CJ】Yeah, I mean this is—this is the typical—the typical thing.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】But if I had to tell you one that I got that wasn’t quite as…quite as typical, it was…

【Alex】Yeah, what’s a special one? (laughs)

【CJ】Well, it was—yeah, exactly. In the same—in the same…in Fukuoka, same area.


【CJ】Same circle of friends, there was a lady who, you know, friend of Hashimoto, the man that took us to the waterless garden. She gave me and the guy that I was traveling with kimonos.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Alex’s favorite omiyage that she received?
  2. What did CJ do with the chopsticks he received as gifts?
  3. What did CJ and his friend receive from the woman who was friends with Hashimoto, the man that took them to the waterless garden?



  1. Her favorite omiyage was matcha from Kyoto. She also says that her most special omiyage was fude she received from Kyoto.
  2. He would often use them as decorations.
  3. Hashimoto’s friend gave them both kimonos.



Alex and CJ share their favorite omiyage that they received from, or while traveling in, Japan. Alex’s favorite omiyage was matcha tea that she received from Kyoto.

Alex got most of her matcha omiyage from friends and her boyfriend. She described her matcha from Kyoto as her favorite “consumable” omiyage that she received.

But the omiyage she considers her most special is the fude she received from Kyoto that her boyfriend gave her. Alex liked her fude because the brushes had soft bristles that made it easy for her as a beginner to use.

In CJ’s travels through Japan, he and his friends were often given fans and chopsticks as gifts, the latter being something CJ used to decorate his living spaces. On the trip where he and his friend went to the waterless garden, they were given kimonos by a friend of Hashimoto, the man who showed them the garden.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Nice and(いい感じに〜)

nice and ~は、andの後に続く形容詞の意味を強調する役割を果たすことから、「nice and + 形容詞」で「いい感じに〜だ」や「いい具合に〜だ」のように何かがちょうど良い具合であることを表します。例えば、ラーメンがいい感じに辛い場合、“This ramen is nice and spicy.”と言います。

  • I like this restaurant because it’s nice and quiet.
  • It’s nice and cool here. It’s really hot outside.
    (ここはいい感じに涼しくて気持ちが良い。 外は本当に暑いよ)
  • My coworker always keeps his desk nice and clean.

2) And whatnot(などなど)

and whatnotは「〜など」を意味し、and things like thatと似たような意味を持ちますが、より口語的な響きがあります。特に、会話中に既に述べたことに関連する別の例を曖昧な感じで説明する時に使われ、例えば、「私はポテトチップスやお菓子などを買いました」は “I bought chips, candy and whatnot.”と表現します。

  • I went to the grocery store to pick up eggs, milk, and whatnot.
  • I’m going to bring paper towels, paper plates, and whatnot.
  • He enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and whatnot.

3) Minimize(最小限に評価する)

minimizeは「最小限に抑える」と「最小限に評価する」の二つの意味を持ち、今日の会話では「最小限に評価する」の意味で使われており、特に何かの重要性を軽視する意味合いが含まれます。例えば、今日の会話でシージェーは「お土産としてお箸をよくもらう」と言った後に、“I’m not minimizing it at all.”と言い、「決してそれが悪いお土産だというわけではない」とフォローしています。ここでは、お箸を過小評価していないことが強調されています。

  • He’s a humble person that always minimizes himself and gives credit to others.
  • I’m not trying to minimize the importance of grammar.
  • He’s the type of person who tries to minimize his faults.

4) Put up something(掲示する)

put up somethingは「掲示する」や「掲げる」を意味します。人目につきやすいところに何かを掲げるニュアンスが含まれ、ポスターを貼ったり、看板を出したり、クリスマスの飾り付けをするような状況で使われます。例えば、「このポスターを貼りましょう」は“Let’s put up this poster.”と言います。

  • Can you help me put up these decorations?
  • You should put up your travel pictures on the wall.
  • I put up this week’s schedule on the board.

5) Circle of friends(友達の輪)


  • Come to the party, and I’ll introduce you to my circle of friends.
  • Celebrities typically have a tight-knit circle of friends.
  • You don’t need many friends, but you need a trusted circle of friends.



  • Consumable・・・消耗品
  • Calligraphy・・・書道
  • Fan・・・扇子


  • I’m going to have to say・・・〜と言わざるを得ない








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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