
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.06.17





【Kesha】So Kelly, how would you say that you manage your time?

【Kelly】I kind of hate this question because it’s going to sound really bad when I answer. I am amazing at time management and also terrible…time management, at the same time.
I’m the type of person where I’ve always done extra freelancing and had, like side jobs and things like that. Like editing or teaching or proofreading, translating, voice-over stuff. So I’ve always kind of had a lot of jobs at once. And that means that I’m very good at pulling all-nighters. I’m very good at working while I’m at work. I’m very good at not taking days off.
But then within that I feel like sometimes your brain just gets so tired that you’re not being productive and you’re not being efficient. So you’re working but you’re not really working well. So I’m just used to just doing the job until it’s done.
I can’t do those—I think it’s the Pomodoro Technique or something like that, where you, like set a timer and you work for 50 minutes and then you take a 10-minute break. And then 50, and then 10, and then, like a 30-minute break. And it’s supposed to help your efficiency and your productivity and there’s even apps and stuff for it. And I just can’t do it. I’m the type of person where I work until my brain is like, “I need a break!”

【Kesha】Mm hm.

【Kelly】And then I have to, like get up. And I might get up for 5 minutes. Get a cup of coffee. I might get up for two hours, take a nap, and watch TV. I might work for 4 hours straight with no break. I might work for 5 minutes and be like, “I’m done.”
It’s…it’s a good system because I’m flexible but it’s also a really bad system. And I’m also one of those people that works really well under pressure. So in college, I was definitely a procrastinator because I would write, like 3-page papers in about 30 minutes and they’d be awesome.


【Kelly】If I tried to start it the week before, like I could just never concentrate even if I was like—I would go to the library, into a private room, and just sit there and be like, “I just…I don’t…I’m not feeling it.” So I really…it’s good and it’s bad. I’m really good at time management and I also suck at time management. It’s not…it’s not an amazing answer.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What types of freelance jobs does Kelly mention she has had over the course of her career?
  2. What time management technique does Kelly mention in this episode that she is bad at practicing?
  3. What kind of student/worker was Kelly during her college years?



  1. She has had freelance jobs as an editor, proofreader, translator, teacher, and even jobs doing voice-overs.
  2. She says she has trouble practicing the Pomodoro Technique.
  3. Kelly says that when it came to schoolwork, she was a procrastinator.



Kelly talks about how she manages her time in this episode. She believes in some cases she is great at time management and in others she manages her time poorly.

Throughout her professional life, Kelly has had numerous freelance jobs alongside her main job. These jobs have included voice-over work, teaching, proofreading, editing, and translating. She believes having these jobs taught her how to manage her time.

Kelly’s approach to work is to simply work until a job is done, rather than stop and start with breaks. She describes the Pomodoro Technique, a time management system involving timed work and break sessions, that she feels she can’t put to good use.

When Kelly was in college, she was often a procrastinator. She could perform very well under last-minute pressure, often producing her best work with looming deadlines.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Side job(副業)

side jobは「副業」を意味する表現で、本業以外の仕事を表します。例えば、「私は副業をしています」は“I have a side job.”と言います。「副業で〜しています」と言いたい場合、“~ on the side”という言い方がよく使われ、例えば「私は副業で英語を教えています」は“I teach English on the side.”のように表します。

  • I had many side jobs in my twenties.
  • How many side jobs do you have?
  • I edit YouTube videos on the side.

2) Pull an all-nighter(徹夜する)

pull an all-nighterは徹夜することを意味します。徹夜して仕事をしたり、勉強したり、または一晩中遊ぶような状況で使われます。徹夜してプロジェクトに取り組んだ場合、“I pulled an all-nighter to work on the project.” のように表します。

  • I pulled an all-nighter last night.
  • I pulled an all-nighter to study for the test.
  • We missed the last train and ended up pulling an all-nighter.

3) Get up(起き上がる)

get upは座っている状態から立ち上がったり、横になっている状態から起き上がることを意味します。例えば、ソファでゴロゴロしている友達に、「起きて。もう行かなくちゃ」と言う場合は、“Get up. We have to get going.”と言います。その他、get upは目が覚めてベッドから起き上がることも意味し、例えば、午前5時に起床した場合、“I got up at 5 a.m.”と言います。

  • You’ve been sitting in front of the computer all day. You should get up and stretch.
  • Get up. We have guests coming over soon.
  • What time do you usually get up?

4) Straight(連続で)

straightは立て続けに物事が起こることを表す口語表現です。意味はconsecutivelyと同じで、連続して何かが起こる様子を表します。例えば「8時間ぶっ通しで仕事をしました」は“I worked eight hours straight.”と言います。日常会話ではstraightを数字の後に持ってきて、“I worked eight straight hours.”のように表現することもできます。

  • I have a long week ahead of me. I have to work for seven days straight.
  • It’s been raining for five straight days. When is it going to stop?
  • He won the MVP for the second straight year.

5) Suck at(〜が下手・苦手)

suck atは何かが下手だったり苦手である時に使われる表現です。例えば「私はゴルフが下手です」は“I suck at golf.”、「私は絵を描くのが苦手です」は“I suck at drawing.”という具合に、suck atの後には苦手な対象を入れます。決して悪い言葉ではなく日常会話では一般的に使われる表現です。

  • I suck at cooking. I always get food delivered or get takeout.
  • I really suck at math. It was my worst subject in school.
  • Is he really a professional dancer? I think he sucks.



  • Procrastinator・・・ぐすぐすと先延ばしにする人


  • It’s supposed to・・・〜するはず
  • Under pressure・・・プレッシャーをかけられると








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Fuku より:


  2. 前田紀弥子 より:

    He won the MVP for the second straight year.

    についての質問なのですが、どうして”for two straight year”ではなく、“for the second straight year”なのでしょうか?

    twoではなく、the secondとなる訳を教えて下さい。


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