
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.06.03





【Kelly】Kesha, what is your mom like? Tell us about your mom.

【Kesha】My mom—she’s very traditional.


【Kesha】So she was never really the—she’s not the fun-loving “go play with your friends. Come back home by 5” type mom.


【Kesha】She was more of the “you will be here. I will know where you are at all times” type of mother.


【Kesha】So it wasn’t a lot of “go be free.” It was always very structured. Still very loving, but my mom’s personality is very military because my grandfather was military.

【Kelly】Ah, okay.

【Kesha】She’s very regimented in her daily life, regimented in what we do.

【Kelly】Mm hm.

【Kesha】So very sweet, very loving. She likes to do sewing, cooking—all that traditional stuff that, you know, millennial girls are like, “I’m not cooking.”


【Kesha】“I’m not sewing.”

【Kelly】We just don’t know how. (laughs)

【Kesha】Yeah, she sewed all of my dresses from—when I was a little girl.


【Kesha】Like Little House on the Prairie. She thought the dresses for little girls were, like too flashy and too, like sexy. So she’s like, “Uh-uh. You’re not wearing sexy clothes. You’re 8.” So she sewed every single dress I had.


【Kesha】And there are literally, like Little House on the Prairie—like, you know, Scarlett—or, Scarlett, Gone With the Wind style.

【Kelly】Yeah, yeah.

【Kesha】That’s what we wore. She even sewed our socks.

【Kelly】She sewed your socks?

【Kesha】There’s—there’s stores you can go to have your socks handmade where they—they put ribbons through it. So she would have ribbons professionally sewn into our socks.

【Kelly】That is…

【Kesha】So you can imagine being a little girl, how fun that was up until the age of almost 13…


【Kesha】…wearing Little House dresses to school.


【Kesha】And ribbon socks and ribbons in your hair.

【Kelly】That sounds kind of amazing. I’m not going to lie. That sounds amazing.

【Kesha】It is until it isn’t, when all your friends are, like in shorts and you’re not allowed to wear shorts because they’re too sassy.

【Kelly】They’re sassy. (laughs)

【Kesha】You can’t wear nail polish. Red nail polish—that’s too sassy! “Why do you want to be sassy?”

【Kelly】Sassy, today? (laughs)

【Kesha】“Sassy! Too sassy!” So she’s cool. I love her. But definitely strict. Definitely always wanting to be in your life. You know a meddling mother. Like, you know “smother” and “mother.” We call her “smotherer.

【Kelly】Yeah. She’s a “smotherer?”

【Kesha】She’s a “smotherer.” Yes, she’s a smothering mother—smotherer.


【Kesha】They love you but they smother you. (laughs)


【Kesha】What about you? What’s your mom like?

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Kesha think her mom was so strict in her parenting?
  2. What did Kesha’s mother do with all of Kesha’s clothes?
  3. What nickname did Kesha’s family give to her mother?



  1. She believes this is because her grandfather was in the military and so her mother inherited the regimented lifestyle of the military and applied some of it to parenting.
  2. Kesha’s mother sewed all of her clothes together.
  3. Kesha’s family called her mother “smotherer” due to her strict parenting style.



In this episode, Kesha shares what her mother was like as a parent growing up. Overall, Kesha describes her mother as a very strict parent.

Kesha believes her mother adopted a strict parenting style because her grandfather was a member of the military, and so imparted to her a regimented lifestyle. Kesha’s mother always wanted to know where Kesha was at all times.

Kesha’s mother also was strict about clothing, making sure Kesha dressed conservatively to school. She would even sew Kesha’s clothes, giving her outfits reminiscent of Little House on the Prairie and Gone With the Wind.

Kesha thought the dresses her mother gave her to wear were cool until she got a little older. Her peers in school were wearing very different clothes, but Kesha’s mother insisted that she wear the dresses she made for her.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Fun-loving(遊び心がある)

直訳で「楽しくて愛情がある」となるこの表現は、物事を真面目に受け止めるのではなく、ゆとりがあり、楽しいことが大好きな人を指し、日本語の「遊び心がある」に近い表現です。人生を楽しんでいるような人を表し、愉快な人を指します。「彼女は遊び心がある」は “She is a fun-loving person.”と言います。

  • He is a lighthearted, fun-loving person.
  • She’s charming, fun-loving, and has a great sense of humor.
  • Most of my friends are laid-back, fun-loving people.

2) At all times(いつも)

at all timesは「いつも」や「常に」を意味する表現です。alwaysやall the timeと意味はほぼ一緒ですが、at all timesは若干フォーマルな響きがあるように思います。at all timesは一般的に文末に使われ、例えば、「私はいつもマスクを持ち歩いています」は“I carry a mask at all times.”という具合に言います。

  • You must wear your seatbelt at all times.
  • Make sure you keep an eye on your luggage at all times.
  • When I travel to Japan, I keep cash on hand at all times.

3) Flashy(派手な)

flashは本来「ピカっと光る」を意味することから、flashyは「派手な」を意味する単語として使われます。特に服装や格好について使われることが多く、「派手なドレス」は “a flashy dress”、「派手な腕時計」は“a flashy watch”という具合に表します。

  • She loves wearing bright and flashy clothes.
  • When I was young, I used to love flashy things.
  • When you travel, you should avoid wearing flashy things.

4) Up until(〜まで)

up untilは「〜まで」を表す表現です。untilだけでも同じ意味ですが、up untilの方がより口語的なニュアンスがあります。例えば、「私は先週までニューヨークにいました」は“I was in New York up until last week.”という具合に言います。

  • I lived in Australia up until I was 10 years old.
  • We worked up until midnight last night.
  • I wonder what happened. Everything was working perfectly fine up until now.

5) Sassy(生意気な、活発的な)



  • She is smart, sassy, and outgoing.
  • My sister was a bit sassy as a kid. She talked back to mom all the time.
  • She is an outspoken person with a sassy attitude.



  • Traditional・・・古風な
  • Structured・・・きちんとしている
  • Regimented・・・厳しく管理
  • Sewing・・・裁縫
  • Meddling・・・おせっかい


  • Millennial・・・ミレニアル世代
  • Smotherer・・・息苦しくさせる母親








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  1. Masazumi Kaino より:

    You may miss podcasts headline below scripts. It’s number 312. I can’t jump to here.
    Could you confirm that? Regards,

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