
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.06.10





【Kelly】It’s such a weird question because I feel like when you’re a kid you have a totally different image of your parents than when you’re an adult. Especially since I lived away from them for so long and now I’m temporarily back with to help them. They retired last year and now they’re, like getting their house ready to move. And they’re selling their house and moving to Florida.
So it’s a totally different lens than I’m used to. And some of it’s good. Some of it’s bad. Sometimes I look around and I’m like, “These guys are insane.” Like, “How did I not notice this before? My parents are crazy!” But also I’m an adult now, right?
When I was a kid, I feel like there were some things that you always looked at and you were like, “My parents are crazy.” Right? So that doesn’t change. But definitely, I would say supportive is the number one thing. I remember, you know, when I moved out here, I had two cats and one of them does not travel well and I was just, like getting such bad anxiety. It was, like a six-hour flight in an airplane and I had the other one to take care of.
My mom came out for a week, spent some time with me. We, like went shopping, had dinner, spent time with the cats. And then literally kind of did that entire airplane move by herself because I was a wreck. And she’s, like sitting there trying to keep my cat calm. She’s, like fighting with the flight attendant. Like, “We bought this extra seat!”


【Kelly】She was a little bit of a tiger mom. And I was like—I told her beforehand—I was like, “You’re going to need to do this all by yourself because I am not going to be able to function.” And there was no question. She was still working at the time so she took a week off of work. There was no question. There was no, “Are you sure? This seems like a lot.”
It was just, like drop of a hat, “Yes. Okay.” And it was one of those things where, like she very easily could have said, “You’re an adult. Take care of this yourself.” Right?

【Kesha】Mm hm.

【Kelly】But just, kind of didn’t even ask for anything—didn’t even ask for an explanation. So it’s one of those things where I know for the big stuff. For the little everyday stuff, I might look at her like, “You are so weird and crazy and old. And…oh my God.”


【Kelly】Our generations are so different. But I definitely know for the big things that it’s not even going to be a question of logistics or money or time—or anything. Just…she’ll come right out and I don’t even have to ask. I don’t even have to explain.
So yes, everyday life, I might look at them like, “You guys are so incredibly weird and embarrassing. Oh my God!” But for the things that I know that I’m going to need in my life. Like, if there’s ever a crisis, I definitely know that I don’t even have to worry about that part.


【Kelly】So it’s comforting but also stressful at the same time. (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What American state are Kelly’s parents planning on moving to?
  2. Why did Kelly’s mother help her with her move?
  3. How does Kelly describe her parents during times of crisis?



  1. They are planning on moving to Florida for their retirement.
  2. The stress of the move gave Kelly severe anxiety and so her mother stepped in to help make the move successful.
  3. Kelly describes her parents as deeply supportive of her during difficult times or crisis.



In this episode, Kelly and Kesha continue their discussion of their relationships with their parents, particularly their mothers. For Kelly, ever since she moved back in with family to help them with their move, she has begun to see their relationship differently than when she was a child.

Kelly’s parents recently retired and have plans to move to Florida. In helping them with selling their current house, Kelly has seen many of her parents’ quirks and often thinks of them as crazy.

However, Kelly also says that her parents and especially her mother are extremely supportive of her during times of crisis or difficulty. When Kelly was moving, she felt severe stress over having to move her two cats.

Without any hesitation or qualification, Kelly’s mother stepped in to help her with her move, going out of her way to make sure everything went smoothly. It was a reminder to Kelly that although their generations were very different, she could always depend on her parents when in need.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Live away from(〜から離れて暮らす)

自分の親や実家から離れて暮らすことをlive away from ~のように表現します。「実家から離れて暮らす」は“live away from home”、「親から離れて暮らす」は“live away from my parents”、「家族から離れて暮らす」は“live away from my family.”のように表現します。

  • I’ve been living away from home since I graduated high school.
  • This is my first time living away from my parents.
  • He has to live away from his family for work.

2) Wreck(参っている)


  • ちなみに、“I’m wrecked.”は泥酔状態を表す口語表現としても使われます。
  • I slammed into a tree and wrecked my car.
  • I was a wreck. I was so stressed out that I broke down in front of everyone.
  • Tom was wrecked last night. He was slurring and stumbling all over the place.

3) Tiger mom(教育ママ)

tiger momは自分の子どもの教育に過度に熱心な母を指す表現で、日本語の「教育ママ」に相当するフレーズです。特にテストや成績を重視し、子どもに対してとても厳しく、学歴にこだわるような母親を指します。この表現は元々、2011年に出版されたエイミー・チュアさんの中国式のスパルタ教育に関する書籍、「Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother」から生まれた単語です。

  • She is a tiger mom. She has high expectations of her kids.
  • I had tiger parents growing up.
  • Is tiger parenting common in your country?

4) At the drop of a hat(すぐに)


この表現は一般的に、at the drop of a hatの組み合わせで使われ、例えば、「彼女はすぐに助けに来てくれる」は“She’d come and help me at the drop of a hat.”という具合に言います。

  • He’s a generous person and would help you at the drop of a hat.
  • If I had the opportunity to live abroad, I’d quit my job at the drop of a hat and go.
  • If something happens, call me. I’ll be there at the drop of a hat.

5) Comforting(気分が安らぐ)


  • Thank you for your comforting words.
  • This place is very relaxing and comforting.
  • It’s comforting to know that I have the support of my family.



  • Insane・・・どうにかしてる
  • Supportive・・・支え
  • Logistics・・・合理性


  • Different lens・・・見方
  • Move out・・・引っ越す








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  1. Hide より:

    This is not a big deal, but regarding the meaning of “insane”, I think “どうかしてる” is more appropriate than “どうにかしてる”. It’s a too small thing though.

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