
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.03.04





【Emma】Okay Vicky, when someone has something stuck in their teeth, do you tend to tell them and does it depend on, like who it is and how well you know them or…what—what’s the vibe for you?

【Vicky】That’s a really difficult question. First of all, I would say, yeah, it absolutely depends on who they are, how well I know them.


【Vicky】If it’s a close friend, then yeah, I would tell them.

【Emma】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Vicky】I would try to be polite about it. I would try not to be too direct. I would say something like, “Oh, by the way, you’ve…you’ve got something just…there.”


【Vicky】So I would—I would be a little bit quiet about it because maybe we’re in a public place.


【Vicky】Maybe there’s some other friends around. I don’t want to embarrass them. So I would try to tell them quietly. Maybe if it was just the two of us, I might just say, “You’ve got something…” You know? Like that.


【Vicky】If it was someone like my boss, someone that I didn’t know too well, that would be—that would be a really tough one. I think it would depend on how I felt like my relationship was with the boss, like what the atmosphere was like at the time.

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】I suppose what I could do is, if there were toothpicks on the table…

【Emma】(laughs) Uh huh.

【Vicky】…I might say, “Would you like a toothpick?”


【Vicky】And I think some people might take the hint, but then some people might not.

【Emma】Yeah, I think—I mean, it might open the discussion.


【Emma】But I think someone might just be like, “No.” (laughs)

【Vicky】Yeah, I think it would depend very much on the culture.

【Emma】But they might go, “Oh, do I need one?” Yeah, yeah. Totally.

【Vicky】Yeah. So—I mean, actually I’ve…talking about differences between, like British and American culture, I mentioned that my housemate is American.

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】And there has been a little bit of communication—like, he’s expecting me to be very direct and…


【Vicky】…I actually find that really difficult.


【Vicky】And, like I’ve said to him, “I can’t do it. I can’t.” (laughs)


【Vicky】I have to say everything in a really roundabout way. There’s no way you’re going to get me to be direct about something.

【Emma】I see, I see. Well then, you must—it must have been really easy for you in Japan. (laughs)

【Vicky】Yeah. (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When Vicky is with close friends, would she tell them that they have food stuck in their teeth?
  2. How would Vicky try to communicate to someone she had a less close relationship with that they had food stuck in their teeth?
  3. What does Vicky find difficult about Americans’ way of communicating?



  1. Yes, if the person with food stuck in their teeth was a close friend, she would feel comfortable enough to tell them.
  2. She would try to hint at the fact indirectly, such as by offering the other person toothpicks.
  3. Vicky struggles with the direct communication Americans are culturally known for.



Vicky shares her thoughts on a situation in which she’s with someone who has food stuck in their teeth. For her, how she approaches these situations depends on the relationship she has with the other person.

If Vicky is with a close friend and they have a piece of food stuck between their teeth, then she feels comfortable enough to tell them directly. However, she usually tells them quietly so as not to embarrass that friend.

However, if Vicky is with someone she knows less well, such as her boss, she will try to tell them indirectly. For example, she might offer that person a toothpick to hint at the fact that they have food stuck between their teeth.

Vicky’s housemate is American, and often her housemate will tell her to be direct with her speech. Vicky however has difficulty with this, suggesting it may be a cultural difference between Americans and British.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Stuck in(〜に挟まっている)

stuck inは「〜に挟まっている」を意味し、身動きが取れない状態を表す時に使われます。一般的にbe stuck inのようにbe動詞と組み合わせて使うことが多く、例えば「歯に食べ物が挟まっている」は“There is food stuck in your teeth.”、車の渋滞に巻き込まれた時は“I’m stuck in traffic.”と言います。

  • There is something stuck in your teeth.
  • I’m stuck in traffic and I’m going to be about 15 minutes late.
  • I’m stuck in a rut and I don’t know what to do.

2) Vibe(雰囲気)

“vibe”は「Vibration(振動)」から派生した表現で、場所、状況、人の雰囲気など、本能的に伝わってくる感覚を表すときに使われます。例えばお店の雰囲気がいいと思った場合は“This restaurant has a nice vibe”と言ったり、初めて会った人から変な雰囲気を感じた場合は “I got a weird vibe from her.”と表します。ちなみに今日の会話でエマは “What’s the vibe for you?”と言っていますが、ここでは「どんな感じなの?」を意味します。

  • This is my kind of cafe. I love the vibe here.
  • I thought he was a really friendly guy. I got a good vibe from him.
  • I love everything about Hawaii. It just has a great vibe there.

3) Totally(そうだね、完全に、本当に)

totallyは本来「完全に」や「全体的に」を意味する単語で、completelyやabsolutelyの言い換え表現として使えます。例えば「あなたに完全に同意します」は“I totally agree with you.”と言うことができます。また、“Totally.”の一言だけで使う場合は「うん!」や「もちろん!」を意味し、相手への賛同を示すフレーズとして使われますが、どちらかと言うと若者が使う言い回しです。

  • Sorry, I totally mixed up the time.
  • Totally. I know what you mean.
  • That’s totally awesome. I’m happy for you.

4) Take the hint(空気を読む)

直訳で「ヒントを取る」となるこの表現は、人の意図を悟ったり、人の気持ちを察したりすることを意味し、日本語の「空気を読む」に相当する言い方です。一般的な意味での「空気を読む」は“take a hint”、具体的な状況は“take the hint”と言い、例えば「彼は空気が読めない」は“He doesn’t know how to take a hint.”、「彼は空気を読まなかった」は“He didn’t take the hint.”と言います。

  • He’s oblivious and doesn’t know how to take a hint.
  • I tried to tell him he can’t go, but he didn’t take the hint.
  • Once we start cleaning up, everyone should take the hint and start heading home.

5) In a roundabout way(遠回しに)

roundaboutは「遠回しの」、in a ~ wayは「〜の方法で」を意味することから、in a roundabout wayは「遠回しに」や「婉曲的な言い方」を意味します。indirectlyのより口語的な表現で、言いたいことをはっきり言わず回りくどい言い方をすることを表します。「遠回しに言う」は“speak/say/tell in a roundabout way”のように表現します。

  • My coworker always talks in a roundabout way.
  • It’s hard to understand him because he talks in a roundabout way.
  • Instead of saying things in a roundabout way, tell me straight up.



  • Embarrass・・・恥ずかしい
  • Toothpicks・・・爪楊枝


  • Tend to・・・〜する傾向がある
  • First of all・・・まず








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. mariko より:


  2. gyoro より:

    Hey,Jun san!
    I’ve been studying English with your YouTube channels and podcast doing chores everyday.
    In today’s topic, I have a question about the following sentence in summary.
    “She feels comfortable enough to tell them directly.” is a common expression for native speakers? Because I would never come up with such an expression and maybe I would write like
    “She doesn’t hesitate to tell 〜”
    Learning English is taugh but so much fun!
    I’ll keep studying English with your channels!

  3. yukio より:


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