Set on fire
→ 「火をつける / 放火する」
Set on fire は「〜に火を放つ」や「〜に放火する」など、勢いよく炎を燃え上がらせる意味として使われるフレーズです。因みにタバコやロウソクに火を付ける場合は「Light up」と表現するのが一般的です。
- Did someone set that table on fire? It’s burning out of control.
(誰があのテーブルに火をつけたの?すごい勢いで燃えているんだけど・・・。) - Apparently the chef accidentally set the restaurant on fire.
(シェフが誤ってレストランに火をつけてしまったらしい。) - Do you want me to light up these candles?
A: Have you ever heard of Abare Matsuri?
B: No, what’s that?
A: It’s a fire festival in Ishikawa. They set everything on fire. It’s really crazy.
例文にはなかったですが、「(気持ちに)火をつける」という意味でも”set on fire”が使えるということで合っているでしょうか?
His words set me on fire.(彼の言葉が私に火をつけた)
light my fire
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/10/21 23:17 UTC 版)
to light someone’s fire (三人称単数 現在形 lights someone’s fire, 現在分詞 lighting someone’s fire, 過去形および過去分詞形 lit someone’s fire)
To excite, to turn on.
1967, The Doors (Robby Krieger, Jim Morrison, et al.), “Light My Fire” (song), on The Doors (album), Elektra Records,
Come on, baby, light my fire
Come on, baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire.
1985, David Carkeet, I Been There Before[1] (novel), Harper & Row, ISBN 0060154268, page 61,
It really excited him — you know, really lit his fire. We aren’ t sure which of the bunch it is. I’d love to know.
2003, Robert Bryce, Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron,[2] PublicAffairs, ISBN 1-58648-201-7, page 213,
He’d prowled Houston’s titty bars for more than a decade, and he’d found the one woman who really lit his fir