In this day and age
→ 「現代では / 今日では」
この表現は「現代では」や「今日(こんにちは)では」の意味としてネイティブがよく使う口語フレーズです。These daysと意味は似ていますが、過去と比較して今の時代のありさまを語るような状況では「in this day and age」を使うといいでしょう。
- 「In modern society(現代では)」も同様の意味として使えますが、よりフォーマルな響きがあります。
- In this day and age, you can’t live without a smartphone.
(現代では、スマートフォンがないとやっていけません。) - Kids are becoming really tech savvy these days.
(今の時代、テクノロジーに精通している子供が多いです。) - I can’t believe some companies still use fax machines in this day and age.
(未だにFAXを使っている会社があるなんて信じられない。) - Communicating through email has become the norm in modern society.
A: Do you think it’s necessary for our company to get on Instagram or Twitter?
B: Absolutely. In this day and age, I believe every company needs to be on some form of social networking services.
A: In modern society, more people are pursuing passion over money.
B: I think the internet opened up a lot of opportunity for people to pursue their passions.
Hi Jun-san
I’m really enjoying listening to Hapa Eikaiwa Podcast everyday.I usually listen to it during a commute.
Actually I started to using Hapa Eikaiwa since July, so that’s mean I can be keeping practice English for 3 month. That’s amazing!!!
I’m really appreciate you to make such a wonderful contents!
Thank you.
Hi Tsukasa!
Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying it. Also good to hear you’ve been keeping it up for 3 months now. Consistency is the most important thing when learning English. Keep it going!