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On the edge of one’s seat

On the edge of one’s seat
  • Did you watch the Super Bowl yesterday? I was on the edge of my seat! 「昨日のスーパーボール見ました?ハラハラドキドキしながら見てたよ!
  • That movie was excellent. I was on the edge of my seat the whole movie.「あの映画は最高だったね。最初から最後までハラハラしたよ」

☆音声で聞こう☆ → 今日のフレーズ2月4日 On the edge of one’s seat

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  1. hiroshi より:

    Hi, Jun.

    I’m Hiroshi. I always learn many things from your enjoyable and informative lessons.

    By the way, I would like to ask you about the second sample sentence.
    In the sentence, does “the whole movie” play a role as an adverb? I will be glad if you explain the grammatical structure.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Hiroshi,

      Glad to hear that you are finding this site useful! “Whole” is used as a adjective here. You can replace it with “entire”
      I hope this helps!

  2. Miusa より:

    英語のテストで2つのレビュー(否定・肯定)から、それぞれの特徴をより表しているphrase やword を抜き出せ、と言う問題で、edge of your seat があったのですが、わからず、このページでわかり良かったです。
    In my English exam, there was a phrase “edge of your seat ” in the questions that asks to quote the each features of phrase or word by comparing two reviewers’ comments. I didn’t know what the phrase mean at that time, however, thanks for this site, I could understand.

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