
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.02.23





【Maria】And then…yeah. So what about you? What is the quirkiest local dish or street food that a foreigner should try during their visit to Australia?

【Phillip】Quirky’s hard because, you know, Australia being a multicultural country, we kind of take things from all over the place and put it all together. If I was to pick—I’ll pick two, one that you can find in almost any pub food in Australia—order a chicken parmi, or a chicken parmigiana.
It’s pretty much Italian-based style food. I think it came over here in the 1950s with the Italian migrants. But more or less, it’s just crumb chicken breast, parmigiana, tomato sauce, bacon—smoked bacon with mozzarella cheese on top. And it just comes in a massive slab of chicken and…yeah. You go to any pub you’ll find it there and it’s good with a beer. And a lot of people will have that.
The other one if I was to go “quirky”…we have a warehouse company here that sells, like tools and wood and all those kind of things. May see things for tradies, like blue-collar workers. And they’re all over the place. There’s like a chain retail store. And they have, like sausage sizzles out the front barbeque, pretty much—out the front of the store. And if you got there at, like 9 or 10 in the morning, every Australian would know, it’s like, I think, called a “Bunnings sausage sizzle.” And the name of the company is “Bunnings.”
And every Australian will know that on Sunday morning or Saturday morning you can head over to Bunnings. You’ll get a Bunnings sausage sizzle. It’s nothing fancy. It’s just flatbread with a sausage in the middle. But it’s more the experience of, you know, going to a car park sausage sizzle and just paying 2 dollars or whatever Australian for a sausage and a piece of bread. And it’s just an iconic experience, I think, for an Australian.
I don’t know if I’d recommend it to a foreigner, but definitely is a bizarre thing that we do in Australia. And every Australian knows about it. If you mention it, they’ll be like, “Oh yeah, yeah. I know what that is.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What iconic Australian dish emerged from dishes introduced to Australia by Italian migrants?
  2. What’s the name of the chain store that Phillip mentions, and what food-related events do they host?
  3. What is served in a Bunnings sausage sizzle?



  1. Phillip says the chicken parmigiana or “chicken parmi” is an Australian pub food that emerged from cuisine brought to Australia by Italian migrants.
    フィリップによると、チキン・パルミジャーナまたは 「チキンパルマ」と呼ばれる料理は、イタリア系の移民が持ち込んだ、オーストラリアの定番パブ料理だそうです。
  2. The store is Bunnings and Bunnings stores host Bunnings sausage sizzles in carparks.
  3. Bunnings sausage sizzles offer very simple dishes: a sausage and a flat piece of bread.



Phillip shares some iconic Australian dishes that foreigners may find odd or quirky. He begins by discussing the chicken parmigiana, or “chicken parmi.”

This dish, made with chicken breast, parmigiana, tomato sauce, and smoked bacon with mozzarella cheese on top, is a popular pub food that pairs well with beer. It emerged from some of the cuisines brought to Australia by Italian immigrants.

Another quirky Australian food Phillip mentions comes from the Bunnings retail store chain. At 9 or 10 in the morning on the weekend, Phillip says that you can go to the parking lot of a Bunnings store and they will host a “Bunnings sausage sizzle.”
フィリップはもうひとつ面白いオーストラリア料理を紹介します。バニングスというチェーン店で提供されている料理です。フィリップによると、週末の朝の9時、または10時頃にバニングスの駐車場に行くと、「バニングス・ソーセージ・シズル 」が開催されているそうです。

At these sausage sizzles, they serve a simple dish of sausage on a piece of bread. While not extravagant, Phillip says it’s an iconic experience for an Australian, and all Australians know about it.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Pub(パブ、酒場)

イギリスやオーストラリアでは「酒場」のことを一般的に“pub”、アメリカでは“bar”と呼びます。“pub”は“public House”の略で、一般的にリラックスした雰囲気があり、お酒に加えて“pub food”と呼ばれるお酒と一緒に食べられる料理が提供されます。一方、“bar”はビールやワインに限らず、幅広い種類のお酒が提供され、お酒を楽しむ社交的な雰囲気を持つ場所です。

アメリカでは“wine bar”や“sports bar”、“dive bar”といった様々な種類のバーがありますが、基本的にお酒がメインの場所になります。そのため、アメリカ人に“Let’s go to a pub tonight.”と言った場合、言われた相手はイギリスのパブをテーマにしたお店を想像し、お酒だけではなく食べ物も味わえる場所をイメージするでしょう。

  • Let’s go to a pub and grab a few drinks.
  • I went to a pub last night with my friends.
  • My friends and I are going to a wine bar tonight.

2) Slab of(厚切りの)

“slab of”は「厚切りの」を意味する表現です。大きい塊のようなものを表し、例えば、「厚切りの肉」は“a slab of meat”、「厚切りのチーズ」は“a slab of cheese”のように表現し、一般的には食べ物に対して使われます。その他、“slab of concrete(コンクリート板)”や“slab of wood(木の背板)”と表現することもできます。

  • I picked up a slab of meat to BBQ tonight.
  • Can you cut up a slab of cheese for my sandwich?
  • I bought a sturdy slab of wood for the shelf.

3) Blue-collar worker(肉体労働者)

“blue-collar worker”は建設業や製造業など、肉体労働を必要とする仕事に従事する人を指します。手や体力を使って仕事をするニュアンスがあり、「ブルーカラー」という言葉は、労働者の制服や作業着がしばしば青色(ブルー)であることから来ています。

逆に、スーツにネクタイ、ワイシャツを着て事務所で働く人のことを、“white collar worker”と言います。

  • My dad and grandpa were blue-collar workers.
  • Blue-collar workers are in high demand now.
  • It’s said blue-collar workers can greatly benefit from AI.

4) Head over(〜へ向かう)

“head over”は「〜へ向かう」や「〜へ行く」を意味し、”go to ~”と意味は似ていますが、より口語的な響きがあります。特にある目的があってどこかへ行ったり、何かをしにどこかへ行くニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、「銀行に行ってくる」は“I’m heading over to the bank.”と言います。ただし、旅行や出張をする時に“head over”を使うのは違和感があり、例えば「LAに行きます」を“I’m heading over to LA.”というと不自然な感じがします。

ちなみに、“head over”には相手がいる場所に向かう意味があるので、相手に「これから向かいます」と言いたい場合は“I’m heading over now.”と表現します。

  • I’m going to head over to the gym after work.
  • Let’s head over to Starbucks and study English.
  • I just finished work. I’m heading over now.

5) Bizarre(奇妙な)


  • Tim wore a bizarre suit to the event last night.
  • I had a bizarre dream last night.
  • The movie had a bizarre twist at the end.



  • Quirkiest・・・最も風変わりな
  • Migrant・・・移民
  • Warehouse・・・倉庫
  • Fancy・・・おしゃれな
  • Iconic・・・象徴的な


  • All over・・・あらゆる
  • More or less・・・大体








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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