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Released: 2024.02.16

第472回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「アメリカ南部のおすすめ料理」です。もし外国人があなたの故郷を訪れたら、どの郷土料理を勧めますか? この会話では、フィリップとマリアが、もし旅行者が自分たちの故郷に来たら、どの郷土料理を勧めるかについて話しています。マリアはアメリカ南部出身で、その地方で人気のある料理をいくつか勧めています。南部の代表的な料理についてもっと聞いてみましょう。




【Phillip】What is the quirkiest local dish or street food that a foreigner should try during their visit?

【Maria】So I’m going to talk about the South because America has a lot of different kinds of food in different regions. But the region I’m currently living—we have fried foods that are really popular that people like to try.
One is a shrimp po’ boy. So this is a hoagie roll sandwich that has fried shrimp inside and it usually has lettuce and tomatoes, mayonnaise, and then it’s served with French fries. And it’s a really popular dish in most cafés or anywhere that has lunches and sandwiches, you’ll see it on the menu. It’s pretty popular.
We have Southern fried pickles. So they get to cut—they cut up those pickles into small pieces and then they fry them in a deep big fryer. And then you get Southern fried pickles with some form of ranch dressing. If you like it spicy, they’ll do jalapeno ranch dressing. If you like it plain, you’ll dip it in regular ranch. And it’s definitely a zesty kind of tangy food that I missed while I was abroad because no one has that. (laughs)
Another thing the South is really popular for is barbecues. So we have lots of holidays and lots of barbecue parties where people will come to your house. They’ll bring raw meat and raw foods. And then they’ll have, you know, grills set up outside. And kids are playing outside. You know, you’re having, you know, drinks, beer, wine—type of alcoholic adult beverages. And it’s just a party.
And then you smell the barbecue happening. So it creates this type of anticipation that goes with it. It’s really popular for the 4th of July in the South too.
And we have sweet tea. So everywhere in the United States has tea. But the South is known for having really, really sugary tea. They put a lot of sugar in there. So it tastes amazing. It’s super unhealthy for you. But everywhere has sweet tea. You have to say “unsweet tea” if you want normal tea, which is kind of funny.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Describe the “shrimp po’ boy” dish that Maria talked about.
  2. What food-related activity is really popular in the South according to Maria?
  3. What type of tea is the South famous for?



  1. According to Maria, the shrimp po’ boy is a hoagie sandwich with fried shrimp, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayonnaise inside. It’s also often served with French fries.
  2. Maria said that barbecues are popular in the South.
  3. The South is famous for sweet tea.



Maria shares some of the foods and dishes that the American South is famous for. While the United States has many different types of food it’s known for, there are many dishes that are closely tied to the South.

The first dish Maria talks about is the shrimp po’ boy. This is a hoagie sandwich that contains fried shrimp, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayonnaise. There are also Southern fried pickles, which can be served with regular or jalapeno ranch dressing.

Maria says that barbecues are very popular in the South. On holidays or days off, Southerners will get together and bring raw meats and food to be cooked on barbecue grills. And while the kids are playing and the adults are drinking, everyone can smell the food being cooked, building anticipation for the meal.

Finally, Maria shares one of the South’s most famous drinks, that being Southern sweet tea. While unhealthy, it has a great, rich taste due to the sugar that’s mixed in. If one wants to order regular tea, they need to say “unsweetened” tea.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Quirky(変わった)


例えば、「彼は変わったファッションセンスを持っている」は“He has a quirky sense of fashion.”、「あなたにはちょっと変わった癖はありますか?」は“Do you have any quirky habits?”のように表現し、他とは違うユニークで魅力的だと思うことに対して使われます。

  • She has a quirky sense of fashion.
  • There’s a quirky cafe in my neighborhood that I enjoy going to.
  • Tom has a quirky habit of wearing watches on both wrists.

2) Cut up(細かく切る)

“cut up”は何かを細かく切ったり、切り刻むことを意味します。特にナイフやハサミで何かを切る意味合いで使われます。例えば、誰かに「野菜を刻んでくれますか?」と頼む場合、“Can you cut up the vegetables?”と言います。

  • I’ll cut up the fruits and vegetables.
  • Can you cut up the cake into 8 pieces?
  • I cut up my old shirts and use them as rags.

3) Plain(シンプルな、味気のない)

“plain”は飾り気のないシンプルなものを表現するときに使われます。余計なデザインや装飾などがないものを指し、例えば、デザインなどがないシンプルな無地の白いシャツを “a plain white shirt”と言います。

“plain”は味に対して使われることも多く、「味気のない」や「あっさりした」を意味します。例えば、 何も加えられていない白いご飯は“plain rice”、味気のないパスタは“plain pasta”のように表現します。

  • Jason always wears a plain black shirt and jeans.
  • I like eating my hot dog plain without any ketchup or condiments.
  • The older I get, the more I enjoy eating plain food.

4) Dip something(浸す、ディップする)

“dip”は「浸す」を意味し、特に何かを液体に浸す状況で使われます。この表現は一般的に、ソースや調味料に食べ物を浸す意味で使われ、例えば、「ポテトフライをケチャップにディップする」は“Dip the French fries in ketchup.”と言います。“dip”は名詞として使うこともでき、ポテトチップスや野菜スティックなどにつけて食べるクリーム状のソースを意味します。

  • I like to dip my fries in ranch dressing.
  • When I was a kid, I used to dip my cookies in milk.
  • Did you try this dip? It’s really garlicky.

5) Tangy(酸っぱい)

“tangy”はオレンジやレモンなど、酸味があって爽やかな味わいを表します。この表現は食べ物やソースが酸っぱさを持っていることを強調し、例えば、「酸味のあるサラダドレッシング」は“a tangy salad dressing”と言います。一般的にはポジティブな意味として使われ、状況によってはスパイスが効いた酸味の意味としても使われます。

  • This Italian salad dressing is tangy.
  • This BBQ sauce has a tangy kick to it.
  • This tomato sauce is tangy and savory.



  • Region・・・地域
  • Zesty・・・ピリッとした風味のある
  • Anticipation・・・かき立てる
  • Sugary・・・甘い
  • Super・・・とても


  • Hoagie Roll・・・ホーギーサンドイッチ
  • Served with・・・〜がついてくる
  • Set up・・・設置する








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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