
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.01.19





【Phillip】If I can ask about the—the access to food information—is that an easy thing to come by in Georgia or in America?

【Maria】Well, they try and hide it from us, right?


【Maria】They put all kinds of scientific words on our ingredients and we have no idea what they mean. So what I’ve come to realize is the fastest way for me to get information is through social media. So I join a lot of Facebook groups out there…zero waste movement projects, following a lot of hashtags…#healthyingredients, #toxicingredients hashtag on Instagram and Facebook.
And through the groups I’ve joined and following those hashtags, I’ve been able to get some basic information from what people are posting and making reels of. And then I do, you know, my own research. I Google it and then I find out, you know, what kind of ingredients there are in those things. And like you said, gardening is the best thing because we know exactly what goes into our food.
But unfortunately, it takes a lot of time and you have to have the right resources to make it happen and knowledge. So during that process I am gathering the materials and resources. But just like anything, after a while, you just keep accumulating information. And then you retain that. So it gets easier.
And what about for you in Australia? Is it hard to get information like that about what goes into your food sources?

【Phillip】Right. I think for us, it’s a different story because a lot of our packaging, for example, in Australia, has sort of compulsory labeling. And I think it was a couple of years ago they put through some legislation that prevented companies from putting those scientific…kind of…terminology and force companies to label very clearly what the ingredients are.
And I think there’s a lot of government websites or apps where you can get translations from sort of scientific speak into layperson speak so that people that are in the shopping, you know, can scan the product and see exactly what it is that’s going into the food so they can know whether or not it’s artificial, whether or not it’s chemically made, or whether or not it’s a natural product. So I think…

【Maria】Wow, that’s cool.

【Phillip】…it’s a little bit okay. Yeah, it’s not as, as you said, hidden I think here.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】We have a lot of compulsory labeling.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where does Maria get most of her information about ingredients in American food?
  2. What sort of compulsory labeling is present on food products in Australia?
  3. What other tool is available to Australian consumers when researching their food?



  1. She finds that information on social media like Facebook and Instagram.
  2. Australia requires that food packaging clearly state the ingredients that go into the food, using language that average people can understand.
  3. There are government websites and apps that help “translate” some of the food industry jargon on food packaging into layperson speak. This is to help consumers better understand what ingredients are in their products.



Maria and Phillip talk about food labeling in both the United States and Australia. Maria starts by sharing that food labeling in the United States can be hard to understand, making it difficult for American consumers to know what’s in their food.

Maria typically consults social media to get information on the ingredients that go into the food in American food products. She follows various hashtags on Facebook and Instagram, which gives her information that helps her in her own research.

For Phillip living in Australia, the situation is much different. Unlike in the United States where information can be difficult for American consumers to understand, Australia requires labeling on food products that is easy for consumers to understand.

Additionally, the Australian government provides websites and apps that contain information on some of the ingredients present in food products. This includes “translations” of some of the more scientific terminology on food products into layperson speak, so Australian consumers can understand the ingredients better.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Come by(手に入れる)

come byは何かを「手に入れる」ことを表し、特に滅多に手に入らないものや見つけるのが困難なものに対して使われます。一般的には、 easy to come by(簡単に入手できる)、またはhard to come by(〜を手に入れる/見つけるのは困難だ)の組み合わせで使われ、例えば、「この地域では美味しい寿司屋を見つけるのは困難だ」は“It’s hard to come by a good sushi restaurant in this area.”と言います。

  • In my hometown, good job opportunities are hard to come by.
  • In this day and age, information is easy to come by.
  • Authentic Mexican food is hard to come by in Japan.

2) Come to realize(気付くようになる)

come to realizeは何かを徐々に理解したり、気付くようになることを意味する表現です。以前は気づかなかったことや理解できなかったことが、だんだんと見えてきたり、わかってきたりするニュアンスがあります。一般的にはhave come to realizeの組み合わせで使われ、例えば「英語を話す重要性に気づきました」は、“I’ve come to realize the importance of speaking English.”と表現します。

  • I’ve come to realize the importance of applying what you learned.
  • He has come to realize making mistakes is part of learning.
  • As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize health is the greatest wealth.

3) Google it(ググる)

ググるは英語で“Google it”と言います。Googleの検索エンジンを使ってネットで情報を探すことを意味し、日本語の「ググる」と意味と使い方は同じです。例えば、レストランが何時にオープンするか友達に聞かれた時に“Let me Google it.”と言ったり、友達に「ググってくれる?」と聞く場合は、“Can you Google it?”と言います。

  • The best way to find hotels nearby is to Google it.
  • I don’t know the address off the top of my head. Let me Google it.
  • I Googled “hamburger shops,” and a bunch popped up.
    (「ハンバーガーショップ 」でググると、たくさん出てきました)

4) After a while(しばらくしてから)

after a whileは「しばらくしてから」や「ある程度の時間が経った後」を意味します。例えば、「しばらくしてから雨が止んだ」は“After a while, the rain stopped.”、「しばらくしたら慣れるよ」は“You’ll get used to it after a while.”のように表現します。

  • After a while, I started picking up on a little English.
  • The baby cried for a bit, but after a while, he fell asleep.
  • I was homesick at first, but after a while, I got used to living in LA.

5) Layman(素人)

laymanは日本語の「素人」に相当する表現で、ある特定の分野においてプロではない人、または専門知識を持っていない人を指します。一般的には、 “in layman’s terms”のように表現し、専門用語や難しい表現を使わずに、一般の人が理解しやすい日常的な言葉を使って、何かを簡単で分かりやすく説明することを指します。例えば、「素人でも分かるように簡単に説明してくれる?」は“Can you explain that to me in layman’s terms?”と言います。

  • You’ve completely lost me. Can you put that in layman’s terms?
  • Let me try to explain that to you in layman’s terms.
  • The speaker explained everything in layman’s terms, so it was easy to understand.



  • Legislation・・・法律
  • Terminology・・・専門用語
  • Artificial・・・人工的な


  • Scientific words・・・科学的な用語
  • Go into one’s food・・・食品に含まれる
  • Accumulate information・・・情報を蓄積する
  • Compulsory labeling・・・義務付けられたラベリング
  • Chemically made・・・化学物質が含まれている








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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