
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.01.12





【Phillip】Okay, so Maria, what changes do you want to make this year and why?

【Maria】Well, since we just came back to the United States, the biggest thing for me is trying to find out right now what is in our food because of these environmental issues that have been going on. When we’re in different countries, I’ve been able to, you know, find that information online, get some ideas, go to local markets, talk to farmers. But now that I’m back in the States, it’s rather corporate. Lots of big markets. Lots of chains.
So being able to kind of understand what my diet needs to be here, how food is grown here, what’s going into what we eat, and then also my lifestyle choices, I think. Being in the United States gives me more opportunities to be a lot more active and to reach a different type of resource, not only as a teacher but also as someone who is advocating for the planet.
So in order to do that I also have to do those things. (laughs) So that’s my biggest thing—is just trying to understand what’s going on in my new daily routine living in the state of Georgia.
And what about you? What changes would you like to make this year and why?

【Phillip】Yeah, I mean very similar to what you were saying as well—is as I said, I grew up on a farm, but now I’m living in the city. And I want to up my gardening game, especially because I’ve got two little kids. I want to teach them about, you know—I think it’s a great opportunity—you know, starting up your own farm to teach them about the value of, you know, hard work and patience and the reward that you can get from that.
So a lot of kids nowadays—they’re not sure about how it goes from farm to table. Sort of like what you were saying, how this—that lack of understanding of how much work needs to go into farming and where the food comes from and this understanding that, you know, you don’t just go to the shops and pick it up. You know, you’ve got to actually put in that hard work, get it growing, nurture it…look at all those kinds of things.
And yeah, I want to teach my kids that. So that’s what I want to look at this year—is work on…on the gardening.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Maria want to learn about what goes into her food in the United States?
  2. What American state does Maria live in?
  3. Why does Phillip want to improve his gardening skills?



  1. She’s concerned about environmental issues and wants to base her diet around those concerns.
  2. She lives in the state of Georgia.
  3. He wants to teach his kids about the process of growing food so they understand the hard work that goes into it.



Maria and Phillip discuss changes they’d like to make in their lifestyles this coming year. Maria just returned to the United States and now lives in the state of Georgia.

Maria wants to research what goes into her food in the US. She’s concerned about environmental issues and wants to design her diet and routine around those concerns.

In other countries she’s lived in, she was able to get that information easily. But in the US, farming is much more corporate and it’s more challenging to learn what goes into one’s food.

Phillip wants to improve his gardening skills to teach his children about the process of growing food and the hard work that goes into it. He grew up on a farm and wants his children to learn that food doesn’t just come off of store shelves but requires hard work and patience to grow.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Find out(調べる)

findは本来、「〜を探し出して見つける」を意味することから、find outはある情報や事実を見出したり、調べたりすることを意味します。自ら調べてある情報を入手したり、たまたま人から聞いて何かを知ったりなど、それがどんな形であれ新しい情報を得ることを表します。「〜を調べてくれますか?」は“Can you find out ~?”、「電話して確かめます」は“I’ll call and find out.”、「〜を知った・だと分かった」は“I found out ~.”のように、状況に応じて日本語の表現の仕方が異なります。

  • Let’s find out what happened.
  • I found out why John hasn’t been to work lately.
  • Can you find out if that restaurant takes reservations?

2) Advocate(支持する)

advocateは、「提唱する」「支持する」を意味する単語です。具体的には、あるアイデアや主張、または行動を公然と支持し、その重要性や良さを他の人に広めようとすることを指します。例えば、環境保護のためにみんながリサイクルすべきだという考えを積極的に広めたい場合、“It’s important to advocate for recycling.(リサイクルを推進することは重要です)”と表現します。

ちなみに、advocateは名詞として使うこともできます。その場合は、「提唱者」や「支持者」を意味し、「私はリサイクルの支持者です」は“I’m an advocate for recycling.”と表現します。

  • My sister advocates for adopting shelter pets.
  • Tom has been advocating for mental health awareness.
  • They are advocates for gun control and safety.

3) Up one’s game(腕を上げる)

直訳で「ゲームをアップする」となるこの表現は、ある特定の分野でのパフォーマンスやスキルを向上させることを意味する表現です。ここで使われるゲームは特定のスキルを指し、仕事や学業、スポーツやダンス、プログラミングなど、幅広い分野でスキルを向上させる意味を表現できます。例えば、今日の会話でフィリップは“I need to up my gardening game.”と言っており、これは「園芸の腕をあげないといけない」を意味します。

  • This year, I want to up my golf game.
  • As a chef, he’s always trying out new recipes to up his game.
  • The designer used AI technology to up her game.

4) Start up(始める)

start upは「始める」や「始動する」を意味する日常表現です。始めるという意味では、startと同じですが、start upは一般的に、新しいビジネスやアイデアを開始する意味として使われます。例えば、「私はカフェを始めます」は“I’m going to start up a cafe.”と言います。ちなみに、startupのように一言で表現すると、「スタートアップ企業」を意味します。

  • My friend and I are thinking about starting up a ramen shop.
  • I want to start up an online community for Japanese learners.
  • I started up my YouTube channel last year.

5) Sort of like(〜のようなものだ)

sort of likeは、二つのものに似ている点があることを示す時に使われる口語表現で、「〜のような」や「〜みたいな感じ」を意味します。例えば、東京に行ったことのないアメリカ人の友達に東京がどんな場所か説明する時に、“Tokyo is sort of like New York.(東京はニューヨークみたいな感じだよ)”と表現します。日常会話ではsort of likeの代わりに、kind of likeを使うこともよくあります。

  • Have you been to Kanazawa? It’s sort of like Kyoto.
  • I’ve never used TikTok. Is it sort of like Instagram?
  • Learning English is sort of like learning how to play an instrument.



  • Corporate・・・企業
  • Chain・・・チェーン店
  • Reach・・・アクセスする
  • Nowadays・・・最近は


  • Go into・・・〜に入る








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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