
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.10.13





【Robert】What about yourself?

【Kimi】I have Peruvian and Japanese.

【Robert】Oh, whoa.

【Kimi】But I was born in Japan. Now I live here in Los Angeles. And a lot of people ask me this because…I guess it’s rare to hear someone that’s half-Japanese and Peruvian. Although there’s a big community here in LA of Japanese-Peruvians. But I always tell them that I have—I feel like I have, like multiple personalities depending on who I hang out with.
I love connecting with people and whenever I meet someone who’s Peruvian I automatically connect with them. And I’ll start speaking Spanish with them.

【Robert】Oh wow.

【Kimi】And my Peruvian side will come out. Right? I’ll go salsa dancing and we’ll talk—we’ll talk about, like Peruvian food and that’s what we like to do. And that’s what I like to do with my family. I speak Spanish to them mostly.
And then with my Japanese friends, I turn very…you know, I—I’ll use my…you know, we’ll do—I turn very Japanese. Like, we’ll go karaoke or we’ll just—I’ll speak to them in Japanese and…and then when I—when I can only speak English to—to someone…if I know that I can just…if that’s the only language that they can speak…it kind of makes me nervous.
I feel more comfortable talking to someone knowing that they can also speak Spanish or Japanese. That way if a word in English doesn’t come out, then I can just say it in Spanish or in Japanese.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】So I would identify more as either Japanese or Peruvian.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】But that depends on who I am…


【Kimi】…which group I am hanging out with.

【Robert】Oh I see.

【Kimi】That’s a hard question. That’s…I’m, like half and half, literally.

【Robert】Yeah, I think it’s definitely okay to be half and half.


【Robert】I—I think both—both of those are your authentic self, so.

【Kimi】Yeah. And I definitely did not want to lose that—I always tell them—tell people that I live the best of both worlds. Learning about the Peruvian culture and the Japanese culture and now the American culture.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where does Kimi currently live?
  2. What two heritages does Kimi have?
  3. Why does Kimi feel more comfortable around people who can speak either Japanese or Spanish?



  1. She lives in Los Angeles, California.
  2. She is half-Japanese and half-Peruvian.
  3. She feels more comfortable around Japanese and Spanish speakers because if she can’t communicate something in English, she knows she can communicate it in either of those languages.



Kimi and Robert continue their discussion of their cultural heritages. This time, Kimi shares her own cultural background.

Kimi is half-Japanese and half-Peruvian in heritage. Although she grew up in Japan, she now lives in Los Angeles, California, where a large population of Japanese-Peruvians also lives.

Kimi says that she feels like she has multiple personalities. When she’s around other Peruvians, her Peruvian side emerges. Similarly, when she’s around her Japanese friends, Kimi feels her Japanese side comes out.

When Kimi is around people who can speak either Japanese or Spanish, she feels more comfortable. If she can’t communicate something in English to them, she knows that she has either one of her native languages she can fall back on.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hang out(時を過ごす)

hang outは、友達と時間を過ごしたり、カフェで時間を過ごしたり、ショッピングモールや公園などをブラブラすることを表し、「遊ぶ」や「時を過ごす」を意味します。例えば、「今週末、遊ぼう」と友人を誘う時は“Let’s hang out this weekend.”、「カフェで時間を潰しています」は “I’m hanging out at the cafe.”と言います。spend timeのよりカジュアルな言い方で、年齢問わず誰でも使えます。

  • Are you busy this weekend? Let’s hang out.
  • I hung out with my old high school friends last night.
  • Let me know when you’re done. I’m just going to hang out at the cafe.

2) Turn(〜になる)

turnは「変化する」を意味し、性格や性質、振る舞いが変わることを意味します。今日の会話でキミーは“I turn very Japanese.”と言っていますが、これは日本人と一緒にいる時は日本人らしくなることを意味します。その他にも、“I turn shy when I talk in English.(私は英語で話す時はシャイになる)” のように性格が変わるような状況でも使われます。

  • When I speak English, I turn very American.
  • He turns very Japanese in his mannerisms when he speaks Japanese.
  • My son is usually talkative but turns shy when he’s around strangers.

3) That way(そうすれば)

that wayは「そうすれば」を意味する口語的な言い方です。特に誰かに何かを提案する時や仮定の話をする時に使われ、文頭で使われることが多いです。直前に発言したことを条件に「そうすれば〜だ」のような感じで使われます。例えば、空港に行かないといけない友達にタクシーとバスどっちがいいかと聞かれた時に、“You should take the train. That way, you won’t have to worry about hitting traffic.(電車に乗った方がいいよ。そうすれば渋滞にぶつかる心配もないし)”と言うように返答できます。

  • Let’s go to Disneyland on a weekday. That way, it won’t be so crowded.
  • Why don’t you study English on your commute? That way, you can study every day.
  • Let’s get the small water bottles. That way, we won’t waste them.

4) Literally(文字通りに、本当に)

literallyは「文字通り」を意味し、日常会話では何かが文字通りに真実であることを強調する状況で使われます。ネイティブの日常会話では比喩的な意味や冗談混じりで発言することが多いため、言葉通りの意味であることを示す時に literally がよく使われます。その他、「本当に」や「マジで」の意味として使われることも多く、例えば今日の会話でキミーが言った“I’m like half and half, literally.”は、自分自身は本当に半分日本人、半分ペルー人だと認識していることを意味します。

  • When the cockroach flew, she literally jumped out of her seat.
  • I was so tired that I literally almost fell asleep while driving.
  • It was an intense workout. I was literally drenched from head to toe.

5) Best of both worlds(両方のいいとこ取り)

直訳で「二つの世界のベスト」となるこの表現は、二つの異なるものの良い部分を同時に経験することを表し、日常会話では「両方のいいとこ取り」という意味で使われます。例えば、ロスに住んでいると海も山も近く、夏は海でサーフィン、冬は山でスキーやスノボーを楽しむことができるため、“You get the best of both worlds.”と言うことができます。この表現は、動詞のgetまたはhaveと一緒に使われることが多く、「二つの世界のベストを同時に得られる」と考えると分かりやすいでしょう。

  • Working from home allows me to spend time with my family and pursue my career. It’s the best of both worlds.
  • In LA, you can go surfing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. You really get the best of both worlds.
  • The food in Osaka is cheap and delicious, so you get the best of both worlds.



  • Rare・・・珍しい
  • Automatically・・・ 無条件に、自動的に
  • Authentic・・・本物


  • Multiple personalities・・・複数の性格
  • Come out・・・出てくる


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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