
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.10.20





【Robert】So what are your general thoughts on AI?

【Kimi】My initial thought was…you know, just like everyone else says. It’s scary.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】Or maybe, that’s what the media wants us to think. But that’s what I’m hearing and, you know, in pop culture, even in movies or…I don’t know if you’re familiar with the show Black Mirror on Netflix.

【Robert】Oh yeah. I am, I am.

【Kimi】So that really scared me about AI. And it’s just…but then also everything that we use now is almost—well, everything—yeah, is almost—everything is AI…

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】…including your—your phone, your coffee machine, right? Your espresso machine. And so, maybe it’s…maybe we should look at it as something positive because so far everything has been good.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】You know, helping people make coffee…

【Robert】Yeah, yeah.

【Kimi】…helping people connect through phones and…but it is scary. I do believe that—I mean…yeah, you don’t want to be negative about it, but you can’t help but overthink.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】It’s exciting and scary at the same time.

【Robert】Yeah, I—I can see that. But I for one—I’m excited.


【Robert】You know, I—I’m actually…I’m a big sci-fi enthusiast


【Robert】…and I do computer programming sometimes too.

【Kimi】Oh, cool.

【Robert】And I’m just really interested in, like the power of AI and seeing how—what it can achieve because…I think it…I think you’re right. There were people in the past that have thought about AI…

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】…and about its potential negative impacts on society.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】And it—and I think it’s okay to—to think about those so we can make better rules and restrictions for it.


【Robert】Yeah. Like, things like Black Mirror. We have Ray Bradbury. We have, like a bunch of people that have been talking about AI for a long time. Blade Runner, really famous movie.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】It talked about, you know, what—what makes a human versus a person. What’s machine and what’s not? But I think if we keep continuing with AI, we might birth, you know, something new.


【Robert】And I think it’s good to be excited and scared. So.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What Netflix show scared Kimi about the subject of AI?
  2. Is Robert scared or excited about the prospects of AI?
  3. Why does Robert think it’s okay to be scared of AI?



  1. The Netflix series Black Mirror scared Kimi about the future of AI.
  2. He’s excited about the future of AI.
  3. He believes that having a healthy concern about the future of AI will help us make better rules and restrictions for it as we develop the technology.



Kimi and Robert discuss the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and share their feelings about a future that more heavily involves AI. Kimi expressed her own concern about the future of AI.

Kimi admits that some of her fear of AI may come from her exposure to the media. She’s seen worrying stories about AI in pop culture, in particular on the Netflix show Black Mirror.

But Kimi also admits that AI can be viewed positively, and Robert agrees. Robert is personally excited about the future of AI and is a sci-fi fan who has enjoyed speculating about its possibilities.

Robert thinks that it’s okay to be scared about AI because that helps us imagine the negative effects it could have on society. We can then better design rules and restrictions around AI to prevent those negative outcomes from happening.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) (Be) Familiar with(〜に詳しい)

(be) familiar with は何かに関してそれなりの知識や理解があることを表し、「〜に詳しい」や「〜をよく知っている」を意味します。例えば、「私はこの辺りは詳しいです」は “I’m familiar with this area.”、「プログラミングに詳しいです」は “I’m familiar with programming.”のように表現し、それについて全てを知っているわけではないが、かなり詳しいことを意味します。

  • I’m pretty familiar with Osaka because I lived there for 5 years.
  • Are you familiar with video editing software?
  • I’m not familiar with that book, but I’d love to hear more about it.

2) Look at something as(〜と見なす)

look at something asは、ある事柄や状況を特定の視点で見たり、考えたりすることを意味し、「〜と見なす」を意味します。特に悪い出来事をポジティブな観点から見る状況で使われることが多いです。例えば、長年働いていた会社を解雇され、落ち込む代わりに新しいスタートを切るチャンスと見なす場合は、“I look at it as an opportunity for a new start.”と表現します。

  • I like to look at dancing as a form of self-expression.
  • Instead of a problem, try to look at it as an opportunity for growth.
  • I look at mistakes as proof that you are trying.

3) Overthink(深く考えすぎる)

overthinkは何かについて深く考え過ぎることを意味します。シンプルなことでも何度も何度も考えて必要以上に複雑にしてしまうニュアンスがあります。例えば、「私は何事も考えすぎる傾向があります」は “I tend to overthink everything.”のように表現します。

  • I’m the type of person that overthinks everything.
  • Overthinking can lead to procrastination.
  • Sometimes, it’s best not to overthink the details and just go with the flow.

4) I can see that(あなたが言いたいことは分かる)

“I can see that.”は相手の発言を理解したり、同意したりするときに使うフレーズで、「あなたが言いたいことは分かります」という意味の表現です。“I understand.”や“I see what you mean.”と似たような意味をもち、相手の視点を理解したり、認めたりするニュアンスがあります。

  • I can see that. That makes sense.
  • I’ve never thought about it like that, but I can see that.
  • I can see that. If I were in your shoes, I’d feel the same way too.

5) Enthusiast(〜が大好きな人)

enthusiastは、あるものや活動が非常に好きで熱中している人を表します。特定のものに強い興味や情熱を持っている人を表現するのに使われ、例えば、誰かが”movie enthusiast(映画愛好者)”であれば、その人は映画が大好きで、映画を観たり、映画について話したりすることに非常に興味を持っていることを示します。enthusiastの前に好きな対象を入れるだけでOKです。

  • He’s a fitness enthusiast who hits the gym five times a week.
  • I consider myself a history enthusiast.
  • She’s a technology enthusiast who’s always excited about the latest gadgets.



  • Restrictions・・・規制
  • Birth・・・ 生み出す


  • So far・・・今のところ
  • At the same time・・・〜と同時に
  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの


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BYB English Center

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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