
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.10.27





【Kimi】So what is the biggest challenge for you teaching English to Japanese people?

【Robert】Man, that’s tough. I think the—the thing that I’m going to say is phonetics. Phonics. It—especially “R” and “L” seem to be very tricky because, like when you say “left” or “right” or “leave” or “return…”

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】…it—I think maybe the native Japanese-speakers hear at the same “R,” “L” noise.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】And so it’s really hard to teach that. But I’ve been actually finding, like a cheat code into teaching it.


【Robert】Like, yeah. “R” you want to make sure—it’s like you open your mouth when you pronounce it because I noticed all my students—they don’t open their mouth. So like, “rue,” “row,” “raw”—they don’t really open their mouth. But “R” noises as in, like “Robert,” you open your mouth to, like vocalize the “R” noise. And “L” is supposed to be softer, like “luh.”

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】 “Lee,” “leave.” And I—you know, that’s my, like crack code to, like…

【Kimi】Oh wow. Okay.

【Robert】…teaching “R” or “L” noises really easily because everyone—all my students have struggled. All of them. And—but I—I’m teaching them and they’re getting used to it. “Oh, thank you so much.” Like, “I know how to say the ‘R’ noise.” I’m like, “Dope, that’s awesome.”

【Kimi】No, yeah, I agree with you. I think the phonics are—is really hard. Luckily, like I said, English is my third language. Luckily I already spoke Spanish when I had to learn Spanish—I mean, to learn English.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】So it was a little bit easier for me. But I would say to top it off, I think teaching them…to—not understand. I guess…I think a lot of my students when they want to learn conversational English, they want to learn, like casual English.
What’s challenging is…because you can learn the grammar, right? But applying it in real life…casual conversation English can be pretty hard, especially when it comes to idioms, right? Some people don’t know what it means… “Up in the air…”

【Robert】Oh, perfect.

【Kimi】…or “down to earth.”

【Robert】Oh yeah.

【Kimi】They’re like, “what? This person’s ‘down to earth?’” Like, “what’s ‘down to earth?’”


【Kimi】You know? Just stuff like that I think can be really challenging, especially when you’re in a new country and you’re trying to fit in and trying to make, you know, friends or trying to connect with your coworkers and you can’t…you have, like this…you’re not understanding.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What aspect of teaching English does Robert find to be the most difficult when teaching native Japanese speakers?
  2. What two English consonant sounds has Robert noticed are most difficult for Japanese speakers to master?
  3. What aspect of teaching English does Kimi think is challenging?



  1. He thinks teaching phonetics, or phonics, is the most difficult.
  2. He says in his experience, Japanese speakers struggle the most with the “R” and “L” consonant sounds.
    彼の経験上、日本人は “R “と “L “の子音の発音が一番苦労するように感じています。
  3. She thinks teaching idioms can be challenging for students.



Kimi and Robert discuss their experiences teaching English to native Japanese speakers and what challenges they both faced in doing so. Robert thinks the most difficult part of teaching English to Japanese speakers is phonetics—or phonics.

Robert has noticed that nearly all of his students struggle with pronouncing the “R” and “L” consonant sounds of English. That said, he’s found a trick that works. He instructs his students to open their mouths when pronouncing “R,” and then to pronounce “L” more softly after.
ロバートは、多くの生徒が「R」と「L」の発音で苦労していることに気づきます。そんな中、彼は生徒が効果的に発音できるコツを見つけます。「R 」を発音するときは口を大きく開け、「L 」を発音するときは柔らかく発音するように教えています。

Kimi agrees with Robert that phonetics can be very difficult for someone learning a new language. She admits that she had an advantage growing up speaking Spanish before learning English, so she struggled less with learning English phonetics.

Kimi does think, however, that understanding English idioms is challenging no matter what language background one has. She thinks it’s particularly difficult when someone is in a new country and is trying to make friends and fit in.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Cheat code(裏技)

本来、cheat codeはビデオゲームの隠しコマンドを意味し、ゲームにcheat codeを入力すると命が増えたり特別なパワーをもらえたり、ゲーム内に隠されたロックを解除することができます。日常会話では、何かをするための「裏技」を意味します。例えば、今日の会話でロバートは「R」を簡単に発音できるcheat codeを発見したと言っていますが、これは「R」が発音できるようになるちょっとしたコツやテクニックを見つけたことを意味します。

  • I figured out a cheat code for becoming a good English speaker.
  • You should try this study method. It’s like a cheat code, and it’s really effective.
  • My friend told me about a cheat code for getting cheap flights.

2) Dope(いいね)

dopeは本来「薬物」を表すスラングで、70年代のアメリカでは薬物をdopeと呼んでいましたが、現代では何かを褒める時に使うポジティブな言葉に変わりました。cool やawesome、greatと似た意味を持ちますが、より口語的でインフォーマルな響きがあります。例えば、「格好いい帽子だね」は“Dope hat.”、「そのアプリいいね」は“That’s a dope app.”と表現します。


  • That’s a dope shirt. Where did you get it?
  • This song is dope. It reminds me of 90s hip-hop.
  • He’s a dope drummer. I can’t believe he’s only 10 years old.

3) To top it off(その上、挙げ句の果てに)

to top it offは何か悪いことが起こった後に、さらにまた悪いことが起こることを表し、「その上」や「挙げ句の果てに」を意味します。例えば、終電を逃して、さらに大雨が降り始めた場合、“I missed the last train and to top it off, it started pouring.”と言います。基本的に、and to top it offもしくはand to top it all off のように表現します。

また、良いことが立て続けに起こる状況で使うこともできますが、一般的には悪いことに対して使われます。ちなみに、今日の会話でキミーはtop it offを「さらに」の意味として使い、追加で情報を伝える意味として使っています。

  • I was late to work this morning and to top it off, I left my phone on the train.
  • The restaurant was super crowded, and to top it off, they ran out of my favorite dish.
  • I got into a car accident on my way to the airport, and to top it off, I missed my flight.

4) Up in the air(未定)

直訳で「宙に浮いている」を意味するup in the airは、計画や予定が宙ぶらりんではっきりしていなかったり、何かが決まっていない状態を表す際にundecidedの代わりに使える口語的な表現です。例えば、友達に“What are your plans in Hawaii?”とハワイ旅行の予定を聞かれた時にまだ予定が決まっていない場合は、“It still up in the air.(まだ未定だよ)”と表現することができます。その他、「〜は(まだ)未定です」は“~ is (still) up in the air.”と表し、空欄には未定となる対象を入れます。

  • My plans for this weekend are still up in the air.
  • The date for the year-end party is still up in the air.
  • I’m not sure if I can make it to the party because my work schedule is up in the air.

5) Down to earth(堅実な人)


  • I like Tom because he’s laid back and down to earth.
  • It’s cool that he’s always down to earth, even though he’s super successful.
  • Her down-to-earth attitude makes it easy to talk to her about anything.



  • Phonetics・・・音声学
  • Phonics・・・ フォニックス
  • Struggle・・・苦労する


  • Get used to something・・・〜に慣れる
  • When it comes to・・・〜に関して
  • Fit in・・・溶け込む


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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