
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.09.08





【Robert】Tell me. What’s your least favorite chore to do around the house?

【Kimi】My least favorite chore would be to clean the bathroom just because I feel like I have to do it so often because people use it a lot. And right after I clean it and it’s squeaky clean and it smells so nice, if you’re living with someone else, someone might use it and make it dirty again. (laughs)
But, you know, the nice part about that is that your bathroom is always clean, right? And another part I guess would be…the bathroom is just something that is not very enjoyable to me. But what do you—what do you think?

【Robert】Well, for me it would definitely be vacuuming. It sounds strange but—because vacuuming should be easy. But my—I have two dogs.


【Robert】Well, now I have a third dog. So now they run around the house and leave fur everywhere. So I’ll be vacuuming and they’ll run past and leave more fur. So it—I have to constantly keep vacuuming spots I already cleaned. And it gets really annoying. I don’t… (laughs)

【Kimi】Oh, I see.

【Robert】I don’t particularly like just, “Okay. Oh, I have to reclean and clean again.”

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】But luckily, I live still at my family’s. So we share the responsibility together. So it’s not too bad, but it’s really annoying. I think I can really relate with you on cleaning the bathroom. It is a hassle.

【Kimi】Yeah just because—I’m only saying this if—because I’ve lived with roommates before and with roommates it’s more of, like you’re sharing a space together. And that’s just something that you kind of have to…you know, deal with cleaning after one another. But someone’s got to do it, right? Because you don’t want to live in…


【Kimi】…a dirty household. But I feel like in your case, if it’s for pets, I will do anything for them.

【Robert】Oh yeah.

【Kimi】It’s okay. I will not get mad. If they make something dirty, I will clean it up.

【Robert】Mm hm.


【Robert】Oh I definitely agree. That’s why I do it. I mean, like it’s not like I avoid it. I even pick it up—I, like…me and my sister de-fur—I have a Siberian husky and we de-fur him all the time. And it’s—it’s a pleasure and a pain. We’ve got to put the fur away. But, you know, he’s looking relaxed. We’re—we’re making sure he’s nice and groomed.

【Kimi】They shed a lot.

【Robert】They do.

【Kimi】Oh my gosh.

【Robert】That’s why I’m saying—that’s why, like the vacuuming…


【Robert】…because we have to get out the vacuum. It’s a big ordeal.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Kimi’s least favorite chore, and why?
  2. Why is vacuuming difficult for Robert?
  3. What kind of dog does Robert have?



  1. Her least favorite chore is cleaning her bathroom because it’s used so often by people and can be unpleasant to clean.
  2. Robert and his family own three dogs, who shed a lot of hair and running around leaving hair behind as he’s vacuuming. This adds to his vacuuming workload.
  3. He has a Siberian husky.



Kimi and Robert discuss their least favorite chores and why they find them unpleasant to do. For Kimi, her least favorite chore is cleaning bathrooms.

Kimi dislikes cleaning bathrooms because so many people use bathrooms and they can get dirty very easily. She also finds going to the bathroom an unenjoyable experience in general.

Robert’s least favorite chore is vacuuming. He lives with his family, and he and his family have three dogs. These dogs shed a lot and run around when he’s vacuuming. This means that while vacuuming, the dogs leave behind hair that he has to vacuum up, adding to the amount of work he has to do.

One of Robert’s dogs is a Siberian husky, a dog that sheds a great deal of fur. Robert and his sister find grooming him fun because they know he feels better after being groomed, but also challenging because of the mess they have to clean up afterward.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Chore(家事)

choreは「雑用」を意味する単語で、本来は日常生活や仕事でやりたくない面倒な作業を意味します。今日の会話で使われているchoreは具体的にhousehold choreを指し、掃除や洗濯、ゴミ捨てや食事の準備など日常生活の中で繰り返し行われる作業、要するに「家事」を意味します。今日の会話のように、ネイティブの日常会話ではhouseholdを省いてシンプルにchoresということが多く、文脈から「家事」であることが理解できます。

  • I’m going to study English and do some chores today.
  • My wife and I split the chores.
  • Doing the dishes is my least favorite chore.

2) Squeaky clean(ピカピカの)

直訳で「キュッキュと音するほど綺麗」となるこの表現は何かがすごく綺麗だったり清潔であることを意味します。very cleanをより強調した言い方で、汚れ一つないピカピカの状態を表す意味として使われ、例えば、「あなたの家はピカピカだね」は “Your house is squeaky clean.”と言います。

  • Thanks for mopping the floor. It’s squeaky clean.
  • After scrubbing the bathtub for hours, it was finally squeaky clean.
  • Lisa is a clean freak and keeps her house squeaky clean.

3) A hassle(面倒なこと)

hassleは「面倒な」を意味する表現です。特に目的達成までのプロセスが長く、あるタスクや仕事を終わらせるのにすごく手間がかかって面倒な気持ちを表す時に使われます。例えば、「トイレの掃除は面倒だ」は“Cleaning the bathroom is a hassle.”、「就労ビザを取得するのは面倒だ」は“Getting a working visa is a hassle.”というように、日常会話では多くの場合、“~ is a hassle.”の形で使われます。

  • Sorting trash in Japan is a hassle.
  • Finding parking in downtown LA is a hassle.
  • Applying for a working holiday visa can be a hassle.

4) Shed(換毛する)

shedは状況に応じて様々な意味を持つ単語ですが、今日の会話では動物の毛が抜けること、「換毛する」ことを意味します。特に春や秋など季節の変わり目に犬や猫の毛が抜けることを表す時に使われ、「私の猫の毛は抜けています」は“My cat is shedding.”と言います。

  • My dog is shedding now, and his fur is everywhere.
  • In the summer, my cat sheds a lot.
  • I feel like my dog is shedding more than usual this year.

5) Ordeal(試練)

ordealは「試練」や「苦戦」を意味する単語で、大変な状況や困難な出来事に直面する時に使われます。本来は、自然災害など過酷な体験をする時に使われますが、日常会話では仕事や日常生活においてすごく大変だと感じたことに対して使われることもよくあります。例えば、今日の会話では何回も掃除機がけをして抜けた犬の毛を掃除しないといけないことに対して“It’s a big ordeal.”と言っていますが、ここでは単にすごく大変であることを表しています。

  • Going through security at the airport can sometimes feel like an ordeal.
  • My friend lost his passport while traveling, and it turned into a big ordeal.
  • Planning an event for a hundred people was a real ordeal.



  • Vacuuming・・・掃除機がけ
  • Family’s・・・実家
  • Fur・・・毛
  • De-fur・・・抜け毛を取る
  • Groom・・・きれいに整える


  • The nice part about・・・〜の良いことは
  • Run around・・・走り回る
  • Sharing a space・・・スペースを共有する
  • Someone’s got to do it・・・誰かがやらなきゃいけない
  • In one’s case・・・あなたの場合


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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