
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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【Jun】Do you recommend anything from the breakfast menu?

【店員】The Grand Prix is one of our most popular omelettes here. Another really popular one is the Tim’s Dug Out. It’s on the other side. Right here.
(Grand Prixが当店で一番人気のオムレツです。Tim’s Dug Outも人気で、こちらにあります)

【Jun】The Time’s Dug Out, what is that?

【店員】It’s got these Super Spuds, they’re the potatoes stuffed with cheese, avocado, sour cream, and mushrooms. And it has a small ABC omlette, which is Avocado, Bacon, and Cheese. And it comes with a piece of stuffed French toast, and you can choose peanut butter or cream cheese as your filling. So you can get a variety of things.
(Super Spudsという食べ物で、チーズやアボカド、サワークリームやマッシュルームがポテトに詰まっています。また、アボカド、ベーコン、チーズが入った小さなABCオムレツもついてきます。それから、ピーナッツバターかクリームチーズ入りのフレンチトーストもついてきます。色々なものがついてきますよ)

【Jun】Sounds pretty intense. Yeah, usually when I come here, I get the Grand Prix, but…I know, I’m always torn between the Grand Prix or the Popeye’s Scramble is also one of my favorites too.
(すごそうですね。このお店に来るときは普段Grand Prixを頼みますが、どうしようかな…いつもGrand Prixと大好きなPopeye’s Scrambleで迷うんですよね)

【店員】Another popular dish.

【Jun】I think today I’m gonna go with the Popeye’s Scramble.
(今日はPopeye’s Scrambleにします)

【店員】OK, perfect. And what kind of toast or tortilla?

【Jun】What are your choices on the toast?

【店員】White, wheat, sourdough, rye, oat, raisin, English muffin, biscuit, tortilla, bagel.

【Jun】I’ll do the English muffin.

【店員】OK, and potatoes OK on the side?

【Jun】Yeah, potatoes are perfect.

【店員】OK, awesome.

【Jun】Alright, that is it.



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