
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.04.29





【Kelly】Okay, so Kesha, what did you once hate but now you actually like?

【Kesha】I hated, with an intense passion of a thousand eruptions, barley tea.

【Kelly】Barley tea?

【Kesha】I hated it. Barley tea. The first time I tried it was in Japan and I thought it was apple juice.

【Kelly】Oh no.

【Kesha】So I was all prepared for the—like, the juice experience. I can’t read kanji. Like, this is apple juice.


【Kesha】It looks like apple juice. It’s going to be apple juice.


【Kesha】I drank it and I was like, “What is this? Where is the sugar?” But then after a while, like by year five or six in Japan, I’m like, “I need this every day.” I was buying, like two liters…


【Kesha】…every day just drinking it. I love barley tea and I’m actually sad I can’t find it. Like, in the liter here in Arizona, there isn’t any.

【Kelly】Yeah, yeah.

【Kesha】So it grew on me. It definitely, like crept up on me and pounced. And suddenly I loved it.

【Kelly】So you were expecting, like that Mott’s Apple Juice. Like, that really, really…



【Kesha】I—I’m so used to sweet drinks, especially growing up here. Like, everything is sweet. Everything…


【Kesha】So that first experience, your body’s like, “Whoa, something’s defective.”


【Kesha】“This is defective. It’s missing sugar.” But now I love the stuff.

【Kelly】Wow. It’s funny that you mention that because I—you actually just, like triggered a memory for me. I one time was at work and in my old job they used to give us food at work. So they would give us, like breakfast, lunch, dinner.
And we also had a snack table. And being in New York, like there was some normal stuff like bagels, cream cheese, chips. And then there was some, like fancy stuff that I’d never seen before. And I remember there was one time—this had to be, like eight years ago. I saw this white stuff on, like a cheese and cracker plate. And I saw, like the yellow cheddar, the orangey cheddar. And I saw, like the Swiss because it had the holes in it.
And I saw this white kind of, like a log, I guess. And I was like, “Oh, that’s mozzarella.” Like, “It’s like those little mozzarella pearls. Great.” So I take a whole giant spoonful because…Italian. I love mozzarella. I love my cheese. And I didn’t even put it on a cracker. It was just, like a spoon of cheese. And it was the weirdest texture. Weirdest sour flavor, almost like yogurt. And it was so thick that I, like couldn’t actually swallow it. It was actually goat cheese.


【Kelly】And I’d never had goat cheese before. Never. So I actually with a huge passion hated goat cheese.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When Kesha first tried barley tea, what did she mistake it for?
  2. Roughly, around what year in Kesha’s stay in Japan did she finally learn to love barley tea?
  3. What type of cheese did Kelly eat, thinking it was mozzarella?



  1. She mistook barley tea for apple juice.
  2. She learned to love barley tea around her fifth or sixth year living in Japan.
  3. She ate goat cheese, initially thinking it was mozzarella.



Kelly and Kesha discuss foods and drinks that they hated at one point in their lives but grew to love later on. For Kesha, it was barley tea that she once hated.

While living in Japan, Kesha saw barley tea and, unable to read kanji, mistook it for apple juice. Expecting the sweet taste of apple juice, she was shocked when she tasted the barley tea instead.

Kesha avoided barley tea for many years. But around year five or six of her stay in Japan, she grew to love it. Kelly had a similar experience involving types of cheese.

At Kelly’s old workplace in New York, there was a snack table that offered crackers with various types of cheese. Kelly saw a cheese that looked to her like mozzarella. Expecting mozzarella taste, she was surprised to find that she actually tasted goat cheese instead.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hate with a passion(大っ嫌い)

直訳で「情熱を込めて嫌い」となるこの表現は、何かが猛烈に嫌いであることを意味する表現です。hateをより強調した言い方で、例えば、きのこが大っ嫌いな場合、“I hate mushrooms with a passion.”という具合に言います。嫌いであることをもっと強調したい場合は、hate with an intense passionやhate with a huge passion、hate with a burning passionなどの単語を使って表現することができます。

  • I hate olives with a passion. I can’t stand the texture.
  • I hate pineapple on pizza with an intense passion. Pineapples don’t belong on pizza.
  • I hate that restaurant with a burning passion. The service there is awful!

2) Grow on someone(だんだん好きになる)

この表現は「だんだん好きになる」を意味し、当初はあまり好きでなかったことが、徐々に好きになることを表します。例えば、初めてパクチーを食べた時は嫌いだったけど、食べれば食べるほど好きになっていったという場合は、“Cilantro grew on me.”と表現します。

  • I didn’t like cilantro at first, but it’s grown on me.
  • The longer you live here, the more you’ll like it. It’s a place that grows on you.
  • I’ve been listening to a lot of jazz music lately. It’s starting to grow on me.

3) Creep up on someone(じわじわくる)

creep up on someoneは本来、誰かにこっそりと近づいたり、忍び寄ることを意味しますが、日常会話では、何かが徐々に起こる様子を表します。例えば、「じわじわとくる辛さ」は“It’s a spice that creeps up on you.”という具合に言います。最初は何とも思わないが、気づいたら変化が起きているというニュアンスがあります。

  • It’s not spicy initially, but it creeps up on you.
  • Don’t overwork yourself. Stress can really creep up on you.
  • Before I knew it, the deadline for the project crept up on me.

4) Defective(欠陥のある)

defectiveは「欠陥のある」や「正常に機能しない」を意味する単語で、不良品をdefective itemと言います。例えば、購入したばかりの新品のカメラがうまく機能しない場合は、“This is a defective camera.”と言います。今日の会話でキーシャは、“Whoa, something’s defective.”と言いましたが、ここでは、リンゴジュースだと思って飲んだ飲み物が甘くなかったので、「何かがおかしい」という意味で使っています。本来はこういう使い方はせず、キーシャのクリエイティブな表現の仕方になります。

  • I think we bought a defective item. It’s not turning on.
  • It’s a defective tablet. You should go back and exchange it for a new one.
  • These earbuds aren’t charging properly. I think they’re defective.

5) Trigger a memory(記憶が蘇る)

triggerは銃の引き金を意味する単語で、日常会話では「何かを引き起こす」の意味としても使われ、trigger a memoryで「記憶が蘇る」を意味します。例えば、今日の会話でキーシャがリンゴジュースだと思って飲んだ飲み物が麦茶だったという話を聞いて、ケリーは “You triggered a memory for me.”と言い、自分にも似たような経験があったことを思い出したと言っています。trigger a memoryには、何かがきっかけで昔の記憶が蘇るニュアンスが含まれます。

  • Your story triggered a memory.
  • This photo triggered a memory of my trip to Europe.
  • Have you ever had a time when a smell triggered a memory for you?



  • Pounced・・・急に(大好きになった)
  • Fancy・・・おしゃれな
  • Orangey・・・オレンジっぽい
  • Log・・・丸太型
  • Spoonful・・・スプーン山盛り
  • Thick・・・濃厚
  • Swallow・・・飲み込む


  • Barley tea・・・麦茶
  • After a while・・・しばらくしてから








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