
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.04.14





【Elaina】I don’t know who this woman was. She was an older woman…


【Elaina】…in Greece. And there was a bunch of stairs. And she looked at me.

【Lizzie】Uh huh.

【Elaina】And she called me to her.


【Elaina】She took my arm. Like, “Oh, okay. You want help going down the stairs.”


【Elaina】And as I’m walking this woman down the stairs, she’s talking away. I had no idea what she was saying.


【Elaina】And I—I kept apologizing. “I’m sorry. I don’t speak Greek.” And she’s like, “Yes, yes, yes, yes.” And then kept talking.

【Lizzie】(laughs) Yeah.

【Elaina】And then, she wouldn’t let go of my arm after these stairs.


【Elaina】No. No she would not. She held onto me for a good half an hour.

【Lizzie】Oh my goodness. (laughs)

【Elaina】Walking to—I walked this woman I think to her house.


【Elaina】I had no idea where…where I was.


【Elaina】I didn’t understand anything she was saying. And she gave me a kiss on the cheek and went inside. And that was it. And I’m like, “Oh.”

【Lizzie】That’s so sweet!

【Elaina】“Okay.” And it was just…I—I’ve never forgotten that woman. No idea who she was. No idea what she was saying.


【Elaina】But to this day, I’ve never forgotten her. And that was…oh God, 2014, I think.

【Lizzie】You were her companion.

【Elaina】I—I loved her. I would walk her again if I could, even if I have no idea who she is. I love older Greek women. Another one sprayed me with a hose because I looked hot when I was walking past her house.

【Lizzie】Aw! That’s nice. I—I guess that could be a problem, but… (laughs)

【Elaina】I was covered in sand as well. And the sand was rubbing my sandals.

【Lizzie】Uh huh.

【Elaina】And she was outside watering plants. And I asked her if I could use her hose to wash my feet.


【Elaina】And I guess she didn’t speak English, but we kind of communicated.

【Lizzie】Uh huh.

【Elaina】And—and then she sprayed me and my husband and our friend. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Okay, so this wasn’t just out of the blue. She wasn’t just like, “Wow, she looks hot. She needs a dousing.” (laughs)

【Elaina】No, no! Not completely out of the blue. I still was a little startled but…


【Elaina】…no, not completely out of the blue.

【Lizzie】Okay. I was going to be really impressed with Greeks.

【Elaina】Yes. (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What language was the woman in Elaina’s first story speaking that Elaina couldn’t understand?
  2. Why did the woman in Elaina’s second story spray her with water?
  3. What was the woman in Elaina’s second story doing before she saw Elaina?



  1. The woman in her first story was speaking Greek.
  2. The woman in her second story sprayed her with water because she thought Elaina looked hot.
  3. The woman in Elaina’s second story was watering plants.



Elaina shares with Lizzie some experiences she’s had with people in other countries while traveling. Specifically, Elaina shared two stories of women she met while traveling through Greece.

In her first story, Elaina encountered a woman at the top of some stairs that Elaina initially assumed needed help walking down. Elaina helped the woman walk down the stairs, but after reaching the bottom, the woman continued to hold onto Elaina and speak to her in Greek.

Elaina told the woman she couldn’t speak Greek, but the woman continued speaking and guided her to what Elaina believed was her house. She parted with a kiss on Elaina’s cheek, and the experience is something Elaina has never forgotten.

On another experience in Greece, a woman who was watering plants saw Elaina with her husband and friend. Elaina asked if she could use her hose to wash her feet, and the woman responded by not only offering Elaina her hose, but spraying her and her husband and friend with water because she thought they looked hot.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Talk away(話し続ける)

talk awayは「話し続ける」ことを意味する口語表現です。特に相手が聞いている聞いていないかは関係なく、一方的に喋り続ける意味合いが含まれ、例えば、「彼女は一方的に喋り続けました」は“She was talking away”といいます。そのほか、誰かと一日中話しながら時間を過ごしたり、語り明かす意味も含まれ、「私たちは一晩中話しました」は“We talked the night away.”のように表現します。

  • John was talking away about his job.
  • We drank wine and talked the night away.
  • Even though nobody was listening, he kept talking away about politics.

2) A good(少なくとも)

a goodは「少なくとも〜」や「最低でも〜」などのように、何かしらの(合計の)数量を強調する役割としても使われます。特に時間を表す際に使われることが多く、例えば「東京から大阪まで車でどれくらいかかりますか?」と友達に聞かれた時に、“I’d say it takes a good six hours.(最低でも6時間はかかると思うよ)”と表現することができます。この表現のポイントは、a good 30 minutes、a good 2 hoursのようにgoodの前に必ずaを入れること、そしてgoodの後に数量を入れることです。

  • With traffic, it’ll take a good hour to get to the airport.
  • It’s a good 30-minute walk to the train station.
  • The restaurant was crowded, and we waited a good 45 minutes until we got in.

3) That’s so sweet(それは素敵だね)

that is sweetはthat is niceやthat is kindと似たような意味を持ち、心がキュンとするような素敵な話を聞いた後に使われる相槌フレーズです。一般的に、日常会話ではsoを加えて、“That’s so sweet.”と言います。そのほか、相手の親切な行為に対して「(あなたは)優しいね!」と言う場合は、“You’re so sweet.”や“That’s so sweet of you.”と表現します。

  • That’s so sweet. What a wonderful story.
  • You bought your wife flowers for her birthday? You’re so sweet.
  • That’s so sweet of you. I’m sure your boyfriend is going to be happy.

4) Out of the blue(突然)

out of the blueは「突然」や「思いがけなく」を意味する口語表現です。out of the blue skyを略した表現で、「晴れた空から突然雷が落ちてくる」ことを表し、「青天の霹靂」に相当する言い回しです。例えば、何十年も話していない友達から急に電話がかかってきた場合、“My old friend called me out of the blue.(旧友から突然電話がかかってきた)”と表現することができます。

  • Out of the blue, Mike said he was moving to New York.
  • A giant snake appeared in my backyard out of the blue.
  • My boss told me out of the blue that I was getting transferred to Singapore.

5) Startled(びっくりする)

startledは 「びっくりする」や「驚く」を意味する単語です。びっくりして飛び上がるようなイメージがあり、例えば、突然大きな音がなってびっくりした時に、“I was startled by that noise.(その音にびっくりしました)”と表現します。ここでは、“That noise startled me.”と言うこともできますが、日常会話ではbe動詞と組み合わせて使われることが多く、「主語+be動詞+startled」の形がよく使われます。

  • We were all startled when the fire alarm suddenly went off.
  • I was startled by the shocking news.
  • My old friend showed up out of the blue, and I was startled to see her.



  • Companion・・・付き添う仲間
  • Sprayed・・・水をかけられた
  • Rubbing・・・こする
  • Dousing・・・水浴び


  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの
  • Took my arm・・・腕を掴む
  • Let go・・・放す
  • That was it・・・それで終わり
  • To this day・・・今でも
  • Walk past・・・通り過ぎる








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