
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.01.27





【Elaina】So what is the—worst advice that you’ve ever received?

【Lizzie】I was thinking back to middle school. And this wasn’t advice exactly. But there was, like a girl in my class who was not really my friend but we were kind of almost friends. And she was like, “Lizzie, you would look so cute if you wore makeup.”


【Lizzie】And I was very sensitive at that time, so…

【Elaina】As we all are.

【Lizzie】“How could you say such a thing to me?” I really took it personally. And yeah. I think…I—I still have not learned how to wear makeup. (laughs)

【Elaina】Me neither.

【Lizzie】And I—I got away with it. Nobody’s said anything. And it kind of took me a while to get over that comment. Like, it took me years to think, like, “You know, I don’t need to wear makeup and I can enjoy looking at my face and not think that I would look better if I knew how to do makeup.” So…


【Lizzie】Yeah, I think she meant it in a positive way. Like, “You would look even cuter,” or something.

【Elaina】Yes, but her wording was not good.

【Lizzie】Yes, it…

【Elaina】Well, I hope you don’t mind me saying. I think you have lovely skin.

【Lizzie】Thank you! (laughs) I remembered to put on lotion the other day.

【Elaina】Oh, well it’s working. Either way, you look absolutely lovely and you do not need to wear makeup. But I don’t think anyone does.

【Lizzie】You know, I agree. I—I really like the—the natural look. Yeah.

【Elaina】Yes. It’s better for your skin.

【Lizzie】Mm hm. And it’s cheaper.

【Elaina】And even when I break out sometimes I’m just like, “I don’t care.”


【Elaina】Like, “Eh, I’m nearly 30. I don’t care at this point.”

【Lizzie】Right. And—yeah, for me it’s like—I totally get people want to, like…you know, it’s like fashion. You put on cute clothes. You want to look nice.


【Lizzie】You can play around with different colors and stuff. You can hide things. That doesn’t bother me for other people but I don’t feel like anyone should have to. Nobody should be pressured into it.

【Elaina】That’s a good point. I agree a hundred percent. Yes, because, you know, sometimes I do like to doll up if I go on a date or just sometimes I want to put on a little eyeliner, mascara.


【Elaina】Or during the month of October, I like to wear bright orange eyeshadow the entire month. It’s like, “Fight me.”

【Lizzie】Do you?

【Elaina】I like doing it. I do. (laughs)

【Lizzie】That’s great! So festive.

【Elaina】I love that holiday.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What comment did Lizzie’s peer in school make that bothered Lizzie for many years?
  2. What compliment did Elaina give Lizzie in this episode?
  3. What color eyeshadow does Elaina apply during the month of October?



  1. Her peer in school told her she would look cute if she put on makeup.
  2. She complimented Lizzie on her skin.
  3. Elaina applies orange eyeshadow in October.



Elaina and Lizzie discuss bad advice they were given in the past. Lizzie recounts a story in which a peer of hers in school growing up gave her a piece of advice that had a negative impact on her for many years.

This peer of Lizzie’s told her that she would look cute if she put on makeup. At the time, Lizzie took the comment very personally and it took her many years to overcome the impact of it and realize she didn’t need makeup to feel good about how she looked.

After hearing that story, Elaina complimented Lizzie on her skin. Lizzie thanked her and said she always preferred seeing people as they naturally are without any makeup.

Still, Elaina enjoys putting on makeup from time to time for special occasions. She likes putting on makeup when going out on dates, and in particular she enjoys putting on festive makeup, such as orange eyeshadow for the month of October.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Think back to(〜を振り返る)

“think back to ~”は「〜を振り返る」を意味する表現で、過去の体験や出来事について思い返す時に使われます。昔の思い出を振り返ったり、記憶を呼び起こそうとしたりする状況で使われ、例えば、「高校時代を振り返ると〜」は“When I think back to my high school days ~”、「初めてLAに来た時のことを思い出してください」は“Think back to the day when you first arrived in LA.”という具合に言います。日常会話では、think back toの代わりに think back onとも言います。

  • When I think back to my childhood, I was a very shy kid.
  • Try to think back to the time when you gave your first presentation.
  • The other day, I was thinking back to the trip we took to Europe.

2) Get away with(〜が許される、何とかなる)

get away withは本来、「〜が許される」や「〜で済む」を意味する日常表現です。特に、何か悪いことをしたのに逃げ切ることができたり、何の罰も受けずに済んだりする意味合いが込められ、例えば、学校のクラスメイトがカンニングをしてばれずにすんだ場合、 “He got away with cheating.”と言います。

その他、状況に応じて「何とかなる」や「大丈夫」を意味することもあります。例えば、今日の会話でリジーは、“I still have not learned how to wear makeup, and I got away with it.”と言っていますが、ここでは「未だに化粧の仕方を覚えていないけど何とかなったよ」を意味します。

  • When I lived in the U.S., I got away with my broken English.
  • You don’t need a car in Tokyo. You can get away with a bicycle.
  • When I was a kid, my younger sister used to get away with everything.

3) Break out(ニキビが大量にできる)

break outは状況に応じてさまざまな意味になる表現ですが、今日の会話ではニキビが大量にできてしまうことを意味します。break out は本来、何かが急に起こったり、発生することを意味することから、急に大量のニキビができる様子を“I’m breaking out.”と言います。ここでは、ニキビを意味するpimplesやacneを使う必要はなく、文脈からニキビであることが理解できます。

  • A few hours after I used this lotion, I started breaking out.
  • I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, and I started breaking out.
  • I think you’re breaking out because of a lack of sleep.

4) Doll up(おめかしする)

doll upはお洒落したり、化粧したりすることを意味する日常表現です。doll は本来、「人形」を意味することから、人形のように着飾ることだと覚えると分かりやすいでしょう。一般的に女性が使う表現で、デートやディナー、パーティーやイベントのためにお洒落するような状況で使われます。「私はおめかししています」は“I’m getting dolled up.”と言い、get dolled upの組み合わせでよく使われます。

  • She is getting dolled up for the party.
  • My wife is getting dolled up for the event tonight.
  • Every now and then, it’s fun to doll up and go to a fancy restaurant.

5) Festive(華やかな)

festiveは 「華やかな」や「お祭り気分の」を意味する単語です。festival(お祭り)の形容詞で、例えば、クリスマスシーズンにクリスマスデコレーションをたくさんしている店を見つけた時に、“This shop is so festive!(このお店は華やかだね)”と言ったり、お祭りのような雰囲気を“festive atomosphere”のように表現したりします。

  • I love the Christmas decorations in your office. It’s so festive!
  • Everyone was dressed up in a yukata, and it was very festive.
  • The restaurant had a festive atmosphere, and it was a lot of fun.



  • Wording・・・言い方


  • Take it personally・・・個人攻撃と捉える
  • Get over・・・立ち直る
  • I hope you don’t mind me saying・・・差し支えなければ
  • Play around with・・・遊ぶ
  • Be pressured into it・・・プレッシャーを感じる








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