
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.01.20





【Lizzie】Okay, Elaina, what food do you associate with winter?

【Elaina】So for the last two years I’ve been in colder climates for winter. And in which case I would have associated like stews, soups…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…really hearty foods.


【Elaina】Like all of northern Europe, that’s all they eat. And something that they do in the UK is shepherd’s pie. Although I really shouldn’t call is “shepherd’s pie” because I don’t put lamb in mine. I do fake beef. So not even meat. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Oh, does that work well?

【Elaina】Yes, they have a brand here called “Quorn,” q-u-o-r-n. And it’s actually delicious. Like, we get our sausages and our beef—not chicken. I can’t give up chicken.


【Elaina】But yes. We make our shepherd’s pie with that. And it’s just, like gravy—and I put a lot of veg in it as well—and mashed potatoes and some cheese.


【Elaina】And that’s a really hearty meal. But before these last two years, I’ve always hated the cold so I would avoid cold countries in winter. I’d go to Thailand or Greece or somewhere warm…

【Lizzie】Oh my.

【Elaina】…because I just really hate the cold. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Yeah, sure. (laughs)

【Elaina】So during those times, I would associate smoothies with winter.

【Lizzie】Well, is it called “winter?” I don’t…I’ve never been to a place that didn’t have, like snowy winter, actually.

【Elaina】You know, I don’t actually know because in Thailand it seems like the weather really doesn’t change.


【Elaina】And in—in some countries like Greece or Italy, it—it does get colder.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】But not as cold as, like where I used to live in Maryland…

【Lizzie】Oh yeah.

【Elaina】…or I’m sure Colorado.

【Lizzie】Yeah, it’s snowy right now.

【Elaina】Ah, you’ve got snow? I don’t have snow. I have rain. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Ah, yeah. I’m sorry. I have a friend who lives in Northern California who gets really excited about the winter rain. But for me, it’s got to be snow in the winter.

【Elaina】I know. Rain in winter is pointless. It’s like, why? At least be snowing. If you’re going to be cold, at least snow.

【Lizzie】Right, yeah.

【Elaina】So what do you—what do you associate with winter for…food-wise?

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What UK dish does Elaina enjoy making?
  2. What’s the name of the UK brand that Elaina uses for her cooking?
  3. Lizzie has a friend who enjoys winter rain. Where does this friend of hers live?



  1. She likes making a dish called “shepherd’s pie.”
    彼女は 「シェパーズパイ 」と呼ばれる料理を作るのが好きです。
  2. She uses a brand called “Quorn.”
  3. Lizzie’s friend lives in Northern California.



Elaina and Lizzie discuss foods that they associate with the season of winter. Elaina especially associates warm, hearty foods with winter.

Living in the UK, Elaina often cooks a dish popular in the UK called “shepherd’s pie.” Her personal variation of shepherd’s pie involves using imitation beef rather than real beef or lamb. There’s a brand in the UK called “Quorn” that Elaina gets many of her ingredients from.
イギリスに住むエレーナは、英国で人気のある 「シェパーズパイ」と呼ばれる料理をよく作ります。彼女は「シェパーズパイ」に、本物の牛肉や羊肉を使わず、フェイクミートを使用します。イギリスには”Quorn”というブランドがあり、エレーナはそのブランドの食材をよく買います。

Elaina has generally hated the cold and so often tried to avoid countries with cold winters. She’d visit places like Thailand or Greece to escape the cold during the season. While in Thailand, she drank many smoothies and came to associate that drink with the season as well.

Elaina and Lizzie both prefer snow to rain during the winter. Lizzie has a friend who lives in Northern California. This friend of hers enjoys the rain, but Lizzie is still partial to snowy weather during winter.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hearty(ボリュームのある)

heartyは「ボリュームのある」を意味し、ボリュームたっぷりで満足するような食事に対して使われます。ボリュームのある朝食を食べることを“eat a hearty breakfast”のように言い、ボリューム満点の食事を表します。この表現は、基本的に食べ物に対して使われます。

  • I’m still full because I ate a hearty breakfast this morning.
  • We had a hearty meal for lunch today.
  • My mom always prepares a hearty meal for New Year’s.

2) Veg(野菜)

vegはvegetableを略した言い方で、「野菜」を意味します。日常会話では、vegのように略して言うことがよくあり、他の言い回しとしてveggiesもよく使われます。個人的に veggiesを使うことが多いですが、どちらを使ってもOKです。単数形、複数形関係なく、vegはvegと言いますが、veggiesの単数形はveggieになります。

  • What kind of veg do you put in your soup?
  • I feel like eating a salad. I haven’t had any veggies all week.
  • I usually drink a veggie smoothie for breakfast.

3) It’s got to be(〜でないといけない)

it’s got to beは「〜でないといけない」や「絶対に〜だ」を意味します。例えば、「マヨネーズは絶対に日本製じゃないといけない」は“It’s got to be Japanese mayo.”という具合に表現し、got to beの部分を gotta beのように発音するとより自然に聞こえます。ここでは、got to beの代わりにhas to beを使うことができます。ちなみに、it’sの代わりに具体的な言葉や人を入れてもOKです。

  • When it comes to chocolate, it’s got to be dark.
  • You got food poisoning too? It’s got to be the oysters we ate last night.
  • He’s been working around the clock. He’s got to be exhausted.

4) Pointless(無意味な)

pointは「点」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「意味」を表す表現としても使われます。よって、pointelssは「無意味な」を意味し、例えば、「無意味な喧嘩」は“ a pointless fight”、「無意味なミーティングだった」は“It was a pointless meeting.”のように表現します。

  • It’s pointless to argue about what already happened.
  • I feel like this exercise is pointless.
  • It’s pointless talking to him because he never listens.

5) Foodwise(食べ物に関しては)


  • What do you like foodwise?
  • I really like my job, but money-wise I wish it paid a little more.
  • What’s life in Tokyo like cost-wise?



  • Fake・・・フェイクの
  • Snowy・・・雪の


  • Associate with・・・連想する
  • Sheperd’s pie・・・シェパーズパイ
  • Give up・・・諦める








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