
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.04.21





【Elaina】So what about you? Have you gotten a memorable souvenir or have you given one that you, like loved to give?

【Lizzie】I really wish I were better at giving gifts. That was another cultural difference that I felt self-conscious of when I was in Japan…


【Lizzie】…because everybody would give me things all the time.


【Lizzie】And I wouldn’t have anything to give back. When I was visiting my Japanese roommate’s parents’ house, her younger brother was hugging this adorable teddy bear the entire time I was visiting. And then, I was leaving and they were giving—they were like, “Have some tea! Have some sweets! Take this! Take some money for the train!” And the child, like handed me his teddy bear that he had been holding the entire time.


【Lizzie】I was like, “What are you doing? Stop that!”

【Elaina】Oh, that’s precious.

【Lizzie】Yeah so—this was actually really hard for me to narrow down because there have been so many times where people were really, really kind to me and I just didn’t know what to do.


【Lizzie】But the one that’s been sticking in my mind is when I was leaving the school where I was working. And we generally had mochi, or like wagashi once a month at that school.


【Lizzie】And I always wanted to have the suama type of…

【Elaina】I don’t know what that is.

【Lizzie】It’s like…it’s like pink mochi with nothing inside of it.

【Elaina】Ah, okay.

【Lizzie】Just mochi.


【Lizzie】And—and it’s really smooth and soft and I liked it a lot. So I always was angling for that one when we got to choose. So the receptionist at this school noticed that and when I left the school to go back to America she gave me this big box completely full of suama. So it was way too much for me to eat. But just, like the level of thoughtfulness and attention to detail


【Lizzie】…and, like trying to find the perfect gift, that really—I ate it and then I gave part of it to the people who worked at the hotel where I was staying.

【Elaina】Oh, that’s lovely.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What aspect of Japanese culture did Lizzie feel self-conscious of when living in Japan?
  2. When Lizzie visited her Japanese roommates’ parents’ house, what did her roommates’ younger brother give her?
  3. What gift did the receptionist at Lizzie’s school in Japan give her when she was leaving to return to the United States?



  1. She was surprised at how much gift-giving went on in Japan and she wished she was better at gift-giving herself.
  2. He gave her his teddy bear.
  3. The receptionist bought her a box of suama.



Elaina and Lizzie discuss souvenirs and gifts they received from their travels abroad. Lizzie remembered how surprised she was at the gift-giving culture in Japan, and wished she was better at gift-giving herself.

While in Japan, Lizzie visited her Japanese roommate’s parents’ house. While there, her roommate’s younger brother surprised her by gifting her his teddy bear.

Lizzie worked at a school while she lived in Japan. While there, she enjoyed lots of Japanese treats, such as mochi, wagashi, and suama.

Lizzie particularly enjoyed suama, which some of her Japanese coworkers noticed. When Lizzie was leaving to return to America, the receptionist at the school gave her a big box of suama as a gift.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Self-conscious(人目を気にする)

self-consciousは「自意識が強い」や「人目を気にする」を意味する単語です。周りから自分がどう見られているか、どう思われるかを気にし、不安に思ったり、自信がなくなるような意味合いが込められています。例えば、「彼は人目を気にする」は “He is self-conscious.”、「彼は自分の体重を気にしている」は“He is self-conscious about his weight.”のように表現します。「〜を気にしている」と言いたい場合、 “self-conscious about ~.”のパターンが使われます。

  • He’s very self-conscious and cares a lot about what others think of him.
  • When I was young, I was self-conscious about my height.
  • She is self-conscious about her pronunciation.

2) Adorable(かわいい)

adorableは「かわいい」を意味し、cuteと同じ意味ですが、特に小さくてかわいい赤ちゃんや子供、動物に対して使われることが多いです。例えば、可愛い赤ちゃんを見た時に、“She is adorable.”と言ったり、可愛い子犬を見た時に、“Your puppy is adorable.”のように表現します。

  • Your baby is so adorable. How old is she?
  • Look at those kittens. They’re so adorable!
  • My nephew is chubby and adorable.

3) Hand someone something(手渡す)

handは人に何かを手渡すことを意味します。意味と使い方はgiveと似ていますが、ポイントは手で渡すことです。例えば、「私はジョンに本を手渡した」は“I handed John the book.”のように表現します。

  • I handed the documents to John.
  • Can you hand me the salt and pepper?
  • I’ll hand this textbook to Mary the next time I see her.

4) Stick in one’s mind(忘れられない)

stickは「くっつく」、mindは「心」を意味することから、stick in one’s mind は心に強く残るものを意味し、忘れられないことや印象に残る思い出などを表します。例えば、初めてアメリカ旅行をした時、ハンバーガーがあまりにも大きく、深く印象に残っている場合、“The huge hamburger I ate in the U.S. has stuck in my mind.(アメリカで食べた巨大なハンバーガーが忘れられません)”と表現します。

  • Is there any particular memory from living abroad that sticks in your mind?
  • His advice on developing passion has always stuck in my mind.
  • For some reason, bad words always stick in my mind.

5) Attention to detail(細心の注意)

attention to detailは「細心の注意」や「細心の配慮」を意味します。この表現は、細心の注意を払いながら一つのことに集中し、ミスをしないように正確にタスクをこなすニュアンスがあります。「細心の注意を払う」は“pay attention to detail”と言い、例えば、細かな部分に注意を払って作業を進める人を表すときに、 “He pays attention to detail.”と表現します。

  • I was impressed by their hospitality and attention to detail.
  • In this profession, it is important to pay careful attention to detail.
  • Becoming a computer programmer requires strong attention to detail.



  • Precious・・・素敵
  • Receptionist・・・受付係


  • Narrow down・・・絞り込む








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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