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Released: 2023.03.31

第428回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「記憶に残るアメリカ国内旅行」です。皆さんはアメリカの田舎を訪れたことがありますか?今日の会話では、リジーとエレーナがアメリカで訪れた面白い場所について引き続き話します。リジーは「Tiny Town」と呼ばれるユニークな場所を紹介します。今日の会話を聞きながら、「Tiny Town」がどこにあるのか、そしてどんな場所なのか考えてみましょう。




【Elaina】Have you visited anywhere really interesting in the US or somewhere else?

【Lizzie】Yeah—oh, I just remembered another one actually. Now, I live in Colorado and when I went on a trip with my grandparents to the western slope of the Rocky Mountains, there’s a place—I think it’s called “Tiny Town,” or something like that.


【Lizzie】And it’s just a town full of miniature houses. So I was I think 9 years old or 10 years old at the time. And I wasn’t very tall yet but I could, you know, touch the roofs of these houses and then you could look inside and see, like little people. And there would be, like little mailboxes and everything was miniature. So that was really fun as a kid.

【Elaina】Yes! I want to see it now. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Yeah, it was a kind of picturesque town and that is all that I remember from that trip.

【Elaina】That sounds absolutely lovely.

【Lizzie】I don’t know if there’s anything else there. Yeah.

【Elaina】That just sounds adorable. I really want to go now.

【Lizzie】Yeah, it was fun.

【Elaina】Have—have you heard of the movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil? Good book.

【Lizzie】No, I’d never heard of that.

【Elaina】It’s my grandfather’s favorite movie. So we watch it all the time together. And it’s set in Savannah, Georgia.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】So I’m not going to give away any spoilers because I think everyone needs to watch the movie because it’s incredible.

【Lizzie】Uh huh.

【Elaina】But we went to Savannah, Georgia and we got to see all the sights from it. So it was definitely exciting for me personally. And I sent all the pictures to my grandfather. And in New York, my little brother was obsessed with Ghostbusters. And so was I.

【Lizzie】Oh, uh huh.

【Elaina】Not going to lie. I love Ghostbusters. So we went to go see all the Ghostbuster sites around New York as well. So…

【Lizzie】Oh, that would be fun!

【Elaina】Oh, it’s so much fun! You have to do it if you like Ghostbusters.

【Lizzie】You know, I feel like—for me, I’m a pretty indoors-y sort of person. So I connect a lot with fiction and if I go some place that I know is the setting of a book or a movie then it’s, like five times more exciting for me.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the name of the location Lizzie enjoyed visiting in the Rocky Mountains?
  2. What is Elaina’s grandfather’s favorite movie?
  3. Elaina and her younger brother visited New York to see the locations used in what movie?



  1. She enjoyed visiting a place called “Tiny Town,” where there are miniature houses on display.
  2. His favorite movie was Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, an adaptation of the novel of the same name.
  3. They went to New York to see the locations of the film Ghostbusters.



Elaina and Lizzie continue their discussion of places of interest they’ve visited in the United States. When Lizzie was younger, she went on a trip to the Rocky Mountains with her grandparents.

On that trip, they visited a place called “Tiny Town,” where miniature houses were on display. Lizzie was able to peer inside the houses and see miniatures of people. On the outside, she saw things like miniature mailboxes.

Elaina’s grandfather’s favorite film is Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, an adaptation of a novel of the same name. It is set in Savannah, Georgia, so when Elaina visited Savannah, she made sure to visit locations seen in the film.

Similarly, Elaina and her little brother went to New York to visit the locations used in the classic film Ghostbusters. Her younger brother loved Ghostbusters and visiting the places seen in the film was exciting for the two.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Go on a trip(旅行する)

go on a tripは 週末の旅行や日帰り旅行、または数週間に渡る海外旅行など、「どこかへ旅行する」と言う時に使われる一般的な表現です。tripには短めの旅行という意味合いと、ある場所へ行って戻ってくるという意味合いが含まれます。go on a tripの代わりにtake a tripということもでき、ニュアンスの違いはありません。

  • Let’s go on a trip during Golden Week.
  • I’m taking a trip to Europe this summer.
  • I went on a business trip to Singapore for one week.

2) Picturesque(絵のように美しい)

pictureは「絵」、 esque は「〜のような」を意味することから、picturesqueはある風景や景色などがあまりにも美しく、「まるで絵のように美しい」という意味になります。beautifulをより強調した言い方で、「絵のように美しい海」は “picturesque beach”、「絵のように美しい街」は“picturesque city”のように表現します。

  • The view of the ocean was picturesque.
  • I went on a trip to Shirakawago, and the villages there were picturesque.
  • The sunrise from the top of Mt. Fuji was breathtaking and picturesque.

3) Set(〜を舞台とした)

setは本来「設定する」を意味することから、物語の「舞台」の意味として使われます。小説や映画の物語が起こっている場所や年代を表し、例えば、「この映画は1980年代を舞台にしています」は“This movie is set in the 1980s.”、「この物語はニューヨークを舞台にしています」は“This story is set in New York.”のように表現し、一般的にset inの後には場所や年代が入ります。

  • This Japanese movie is set in the Edo period.
  • This story is set in the 1960s when the hippie movement started.
  • Did you know that “Princess Mononoke” was set in Yakushima, Kagoshima prefecture?

4) Spoiler(ネタバレ)

spoilerは「ネタバレ」を意味する単語です。「台無しにする」という意味の動詞spoilが元となっており、ネット上で 映画やテレビ番組、小説などについて「ネタバレ注意」と伝える際に、spoiler alertやspoiler warningと表現されるようになりました。そのほか、今日の会話でエレーナは “I don’t want to give away any spoilers.”と言いましたが、これは「ネタバレしたくない」を意味します。

  • This article contains a few spoilers about the movie.
  • No spoiler, please! I’m going to watch it tonight.
  • I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but the ending is mind-blowing.

5) Indoors-y(インドア派)

名詞の語尾に y を加えると、「〜っぽい」や「〜のような」を意味します。例えば、「塩っぱい」は“salty”、「脂っこい」は“oily”のように表します。今日の会話でエレーナは “I’m an indoors-y sort of person.”と言っていますが、これはインドアが好きなタイプであることを表しています。このようにネイティブは、「〜のような」の意味を表すために、あらゆる名詞の語尾に -y を加えることがあり、インフォーマルな表現の仕方になります。

  • These french fries are so cheesy and garlicky. I love it!
  • I feel like eating something soupy today.
  • The bar we went to last night had a laid-back beachy vibe to it.



  • Obsessed with・・・大ファン


  • Something like that・・・そんな感じ
  • At the time・・・当時は








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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