
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.03.24





【Lizzie】So out of the places you’ve been in the US, was there one that was particularly unique or interesting?

【Elaina】So I—I’ve definitely not traveled enough in the US. But one place I went to a couple of years ago was the Winchester House in California. And—so this is—this house was built by a woman who—Sarah Winchester. She was the widow of firearms magnate William Winchester. His family created the Winchester rifle.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】And pretty much she had it in her head that she had to keep building rooms on this house and doors and windows. And she could never stop building until she died or the ghost of everyone who was killed by a Winchester gun would…

【Lizzie】Oh my gosh.

【Elaina】…come and get her, pretty much.

【Lizzie】Oh, poor woman!

【Elaina】I know. It’s just awful because she hated it all.


【Elaina】So there was actually doors on the third floor that opened to nothingness.

【Lizzie】Oh wow.

【Elaina】There were windows and doors within hallways that lead to brick walls or…


【Elaina】…there was like, a random giant beautiful window in the middle of the house…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…that you couldn’t—you could just see into another room. And there’s just constant things like that. Stairs going into nothing.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】It was definitely sad, but so interesting. I’d highly recommend if anyone is in that area—it’s in San Jose, California—go see that, especially if you like mysteries and ghost stuff.

【Lizzie】Yeah, I was going to say that’s kind of like—it sounds haunted and haunting…


【Lizzie】…on several levels. Like, the—the story behind that…that’s really haunting. That’s sad and kind of…I don’t know. I wonder what was going on in her brain.

【Elaina】Yes, I know it’s…

【Lizzie】She must have just been living in a lot of fear.

【Elaina】Yeah, there was…there was more to the story. I can’t remember right now, unfortunately. Something about, like someone told her that she had to to keep the spirits away because she felt like she was being haunted.

【Lizzie】Oh my.

【Elaina】So I can’t remember the full story. But it’s very interesting.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Based on Elaina’s discussion, what was the Winchester family famous for creating?
  2. According to Elaina’s understanding of the story, why did Sarah Winchester feel she needed to keep adding to her house?
  3. Where is the Winchester House located?



  1. The Winchester family was famous for creating the Winchester rifle.
  2. She feared that if she didn’t, the ghosts of everyone killed by Winchester rifles would attack her.
  3. It’s located in San Jose, California.



Elaina shares her experience visiting the famous Winchester House in San Jose California. The house was owned by the Winchester family, famous for creating the Winchester rifle.

According to Elaina’s retelling of the story, Sarah Winchester, the widow of William Winchester, lived in the house after her husband’s passing. At some point, she felt as though she had to keep adding rooms and areas to the house.

This was because she feared that if she didn’t, the ghosts of everyone killed by a Winchester rifle would haunt her. The result is that the Winchester House has many illogically designed areas, such as doors and stairways leading to nothingness and windows in strange places of the building.

Elaina was aware of other details of the story, but couldn’t remember them. Still, she recommends anyone who enjoys mysteries and ghost stories visit the house if possible for its strangeness and haunting atmosphere.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Out of(〜の中)

out ofは状況によって様々な意味になる表現ですが、今日の会話では「ある数の中から〜」や「ある数のうち〜」を意味します。例えば、クラスメイトの男女比率を表す場合、“6 out of 10 students are boys.(10人のうち6人が男子です)”のように表します。今日の会話でリジーは“Out of the places you’ve been in the U.S.”と言っていますが、ここでは、「アメリカ国内で訪れた場所のうち」を意味します。

  • Out of all the places you’ve traveled to, which country is your favorite?
  • It’s said that roughly one out of three adults in the U.S. are obese.
  • Out of all the ramen shops I’ve been to in Tokyo, this place is my favorite.

2) The story behind(〜の裏話)


  • What’s the story behind this scandal?
  • There’s actually an interesting story behind his upbringing.
  • Our tour guide explained the story behind the Ise Grand Shrine.

3) Live in fear(恐れて暮らす)

live in fearは「恐れて暮らす」ことを意味し、常にビクビクして日々を過ごすことを表します。自分に何か悪いことが起こるのではと不安になったり、怖い親や上司を恐れて過ごす意味合いを持ちます。「〜を恐れて暮らす」は “live in fear of ~”と表し、例えば、「彼は捕まることを恐れて生活している」は“He lives in fear of getting caught.”と言います。

  • She lives in fear and anxiety.
  • He grew up living in fear of his parents.
  • You can’t live in fear of failure. Failure is the stepping stone to success.

4) There is more to the story(その話にはまだ続きがある)


  • That’s not the end of it. Actually, there’s more to the story.
  • There’s more to the story, but I’ll tell you about it after work.
  • It doesn’t make sense. There must be more to the story.

5) Keep away(近づけない)

直訳で「離れた場所で保つ」となるこの表現は「〜を近づけない」を意味し、人や物から距離をおく状態を表します。例えば、友人が飼っているペットの蛇を持ってきた時に、 “I hate snakes. Keep that away from me.(私は蛇が大っ嫌いなの。蛇を私に近づけないで)”という具合に使います。その他、 “keep away from ~”は「〜に近づかない」を意味し、例えば、「あの場所には近づかない方がいいよ」は“You should keep away from that area.”と言います。

  • I’m on a diet right now. Keep those cookies away from me.
  • You should keep away from that area because a lot of homeless people live there.
  • You have to keep away all cleaning supplies from children.



  • Widow・・・未亡人
  • Awful・・・ひどい
  • Haunted・・・呪われた


  • Poor woman・・・かわいそうな女性








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