
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.03.17





【Lizzie】So—do you feel like…do you feel like people are quiet in…in Wales?

【Elaina】Yes…Britain’s different from Europe. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Mm hm, yeah.

【Elaina】U.K. is—is like a combination of America and Europe.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】But the British are definitely more reserved than Americans because they don’t talk to strangers. I’ve scared many a British person by talking to them randomly. It’s great fun. (laughs)

【Lizzie】That’s interesting because I…I was talking—I had a French pen pal for a while and she said that she was amazed when Irish people—she went to live in Ireland for a while. And Irish people would talk to her on the bus, people she didn’t know.

【Elaina】Oh, Irish people are friendlier. (laughs)

【Lizzie】Okay, maybe. Yeah, I guess there are a lot of cultural differences probably within the U.K. and…


【Lizzie】Ireland’s not in the U.K. Sorry.

【Elaina】No, that’s okay because Northern Ireland is. So, Ireland’s confusing.

【Lizzie】It’s too confusing.

【Elaina】It is so confusing. It’s just like, “What are you guys doing? Just decide who you are.” (laughs)


【Elaina】But yes, it’s…yeah. I’ve found the Irish are definitely a lot friendlier—not friendlier, but just less reserved. While a lot of—the Welsh are very friendly. But again, they don’t go out of their way to talk with strangers. Once I open that door…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…I’ve found Welsh people are extremely friendly, while I’ve found the English are a lot more reserved and less—like, “I don’t have time to talk to you. Leave me alone,” kind of thing.


【Elaina】But yes, I’ve found that…where was I going with this? (laughs)

【Lizzie】I don’t know. (laughs)

【Elaina】I just forgot what I was talking about.

【Lizzie】Oh, I’m so sorry. We were talking about loud people and then we were talking about people being reserved or more open.

【Elaina】Oh no, that’s okay. I do this all the time. I have a terrible habit of going off on tangents.


【Elaina】You should see me and my mother and my grandmother talking.

【Lizzie】Uh huh.

【Elaina】We’ll be talking about 20 million different topics in the span of an hour. And it’s like, “Why do we call each other again?” No idea.

【Lizzie】It’s more fun that way, yeah.

【Elaina】It is. (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Elaina thinks the U.K. is a combination of what two things, culturally?
  2. Which group does Elaina think is generally more reserved: the Welsh or the British?
  3. What country did Lizzie’s pen pal hail from?



  1. She feels that the U.K. is a combination of various cultural traits found in America and Europe.
  2. She thinks the British are more reserved in general.
  3. Lizzie’s pen pal was from France.



Elaina and Lizzie discuss the openness of people from certain European cultures to conversation from strangers. Elaina feels that the U.K. is something of a combination of America and Europe culturally.

That said, Elaina also thinks that the British are more reserved than Americans in general. Lizzie had a pen pal from France who was surprised at how conversational the Irish were when she lived in Ireland.

Elaina thinks that both the Irish and Welsh tend to be more open to conversation with strangers, whereas the British tend to be more reserved and closed off.

At a certain point, Elaina lost her train of thought in her chat with Lizzie. She explains that this often happens to her and that when she’s talking with family, they often go on many tangents and forget the original subject they were discussing.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Reserved(控えめな)

reserved は「控えめな」を意味し、主に控えめな性格を表す時に使われます。例えば、「彼は控えめな人です」は “He is reserved.”のように表し、人前で自分の意見や気持ちを主張しないタイプを指します。

  • I used to be reserved and quiet when I was a kid.
  • He is reserved around people he doesn’t know very well.
  • She comes off as reserved, but she’s actually very talkative once you get to know her.

2) Go out of one’s way(わざわざ〜する)

直訳で「自分の道から逸れて回り道をする」となるこの表現は、ある目的を果たすために格別な努力をすることを表し、「わざわざ〜する」を意味します。特に相手を喜ばせたり、率先して手伝ったり、もてなすような状況で使われることが多く、例えば、海外旅行中に道に迷い、現地の人がわざわざ目的地まで連れて行ってくれた時に、“She went out of her way to take me to my destination.(彼女はわざわざ私を目的地まで連れて行ってくれた)”と言います。

  • My coworker went out of her way to take me to the airport.
  • When I visited Italy, a local went out of his way to help me find my hotel.
  • He is the type of person who always goes out of his way to help others.

3) Leave someone alone(放っておく)

leave someone aloneは誰かを独りにしておくことを意味し、状況に応じて「放っておく」や「そっとしておく」を意味します。例えば、相手から余計な干渉をされたくない時に、 “Leave me alone.(放っておいてよ)”と言ったり、妹にちょっかいを出している息子に “Leave your sister alone.(ちょっかい出さないの)”と叱ったり、または失恋して傷ついている友達をそってしてあげる時に、”Let’s leave her alone.(そってしておいてあげよう)”ということができます。

  • I’m trying to study for my test. Leave me alone.
  • Knock it off, Brian. Leave your sister alone.
  • Maybe it’s best just to leave her alone for a while.

4) Where was I going with this?(何を言おうとしていたんだっけ?)

直訳で「どこに行こうと思っていたんだろう?」となるこの表現は、話の要点や肝心な部分が分からなくなってきた時に使われます。特に、特定のことについて話し始めたのにもかかわらず、話が脱線し、気づいたら自分自身が何について話していたのか分からなくなってきた時に、 “Where was I going with this?”と言います。この表現は、現在形の “Where am I going with this?”と言うこともでき、どちらを使ってもOKです。

また、相手に「何が言いたいの?」と尋ねる場合は、 “Where are you going with this?”と言うことができます。相手に尋ねる場合は必ず現在形になり、 “Where were you going with this?”というと違和感があるので気をつけましょう。

  • Why am I talking about cats? Where was I going with this?
  • I lost my train of thought. Where am I going with this?
  • Where are you going with this? Get to the point.

5) Go off on a tangent(話が脱線する)

“go off”は「〜から外れる」、“tangent”は数学の授業で勉強した三角関数の「タンジェント(接線)」を指し、直訳で「タンジェントから外れる」となるこの表現は「話が脱線する」ことを意味します。本題から逸れて他のことについて話し出すような状況で使われ、「彼は話題から脱線しています」は “He is going off on a tangent.”、「彼女はいつも話が脱線する」は “She always goes off on a tangent.”と言います。今日の会話でエレーナは “go off on tangents”と言いましたが、一般的には、 “go off on a tangent”と言います。

  • Sorry, I have a bad habit of going off on a tangent.
  • She went off on a tangent about English education in Japan.
  • He went off on a tangent and started talking about his childhood.



  • Confusing・・・複雑


  • Talk to someone randomly・・・人に適当に声をかける
  • Kind of thing・・・〜という感じ
  • In the span of・・・〜の間に











  1. mimosa より:

    World Baseball Classicが開催されましたが、Nootbaar選手の活躍について思うことがありました。
    子供の頃に日本の野球選手と交流があり、母の故郷である日本の代表選手として出場したいと思っていたとのことです。子供の時の映像で、はっきりと「I am Japanese!」と言っているのですが、でも国籍はアメリカなんですよね。わたしが知っているアメリカの方々はそういうのを前面にだすのを好きではなくて、Patrioticな方が多いように思います。アメリカ人として産まれたならアメリカの大統領にもなれるとか USA as No.1 という考え方だと思っています。  

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