
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.07.15





【Kelly】Okay, Kesha, what is the best career advice that you’ve ever received?

【Kesha】I would say the best career advice I ever got was from my dad. And it was, “Never take less than—” or like, “accept your first offer.” So I have a tendency to always be like, “Oh well, I guess this is good enough and I guess that’s okay,” even if I see other people getting more.

【Kelly】Mm hm.

【Kesha】So good examples with Japan, like when my job offered me a raise—and normally I’d be like “I guess. I guess that’s okay.” And then I thought, “No!”

【Kelly】Mm hm.

【Kesha】Because I knew that the other person next to me had gotten a higher raise and my dad always taught me, “You’re a woman. You have to fight harder. You know what the statistics are. You’re going to make less money. And the reason why is men will generally ask for what they deserve more than women will.”
So it always was in my mindset that no matter what I’m offered, always ask for more. I’ll always demand better because you work hard. So I’ve taken that with me and every time I have, I’ve gotten it.


【Kesha】So it really encourages me that if someone comes back and says, “No, that’s the only raise we can give you,” or, “Oh, you can’t have this project,” to always kind of stand up and say, “Yes I will, for these reasons. This is the research.”
And it’s always served me better in the end then to just be too afraid to be like—and just to, you know, accept “good enough.” Because you’re not “good enough.” You’re exceptional. And that I’ve always carried with me through life. “Good enough” isn’t good enough for me…

【Kelly】I love that.

【Kesha】…because I work hard and deserve the best. Especially, as a—you know, as a woman—girl power, girl boss, all that stuff, whatever hashtag’s trending now—that always guides me whenever I’m doing career advice is, “am I taking less than what I deserve?”
And to know your worth, to know your value and to not accept it. Don’t just be happy to have a seat at the—to be in the room. Have a seat at the table.


【Kesha】Don’t just accept being in the room. And that’s something that has carried me through my career. And I’ve never regretted that.

【Kelly】I love that.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What career advice did Kesha receive from her father?
  2. When Kesha argues for higher raises or better offers, what has the end result been for her?
  3. Why did Kesha’s father tell her she needs to fight harder than men for her positions?



  1. Her father’s career advice was to “never accept the first offer.”
  2. She says that any time she argued for better offers, she got the offers she asked for.
  3. Her father said that the statistics show that men earn more and that the reason for this is because men usually argue more for the compensation they deserve.



Kelly and Kesha discuss career advice they’ve received in this episode. Specifically, Kesha describes a piece of career advice she received from her father.

Kesha’s father told her to “never accept the first offer” and always argue for higher pay or a better offer. He emphasized the fact that as a woman, she would have to fight harder for her compensation than her male peers.

Her father said that men often argue for higher pay more often than women do and encouraged Kesha to do the same whenever she received an offer. Kesha has found that whenever she argues for better compensation, she has gotten what she wanted.

After internalizing her father’s advice, Kesha’s mindset has been that she is not just “good enough,” but exceptional, and therefore deserves the best offer she can get. She encourages all listeners to have the same outlook in their professional lives.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Have a tendency to(〜する傾向がある)

have a tendency toは「〜する傾向がある」や「〜しがち」を意味する表現です。この表現は普段からの習慣について話す時に使われ、意味と使い方はtend toと同じで、ニュアンスの違いも特にありません。例えば、「彼は物事を大げさに言う傾向がある」は“He has a tendency to exaggerrate.”と言い、tendency toの後には傾向のある対象が入ります。

  • I have a tendency to put things off until the last minute.
  • He has a tendency to overlook small details.
  • She has a tendency to bottle up her emotions.

2) Good enough(十分に良い)

goodは「良い」、enoughは「十分」を意味することから、good enoughは「十分に良い」を意味する表現です。この表現は一般的に、“That’s good enough.”のように使われ、完璧ではないけど「それでいいよ」、「それで十分だよ」のような意味合いがあります。例えば、パーティーのあと、家の片付けを手伝っている友達に「もうそれくらいでいいよ」と言う時には、“That’s good enough.”と言うことができ、家は完全にきれいになったわけではないが十分片付いていることを示します。

ちなみに、“not good enough”は「いまいちだ」や「まだまだだ」といった意味になり、「それはいまいちだ」は “That’s not good enough.”と言います。

  • Thanks for helping me clean up. That’s good enough.
  • I feel like your English is good enough to work for a foreign company.
  • He’s a good baseball player, but not good enough to play pro.

3) Raise(昇給する)

raiseは本来、何かを上げたり、持ち上げたりすることを意味しますが、日常会話では「昇給する」の意味としても使われます。「昇給する」は“get a raise”、「昇給を求める」は“ask for a raise”、「昇給の申し出をする」は“offer a raise”のように表現します。

  • I got a raise today. I’m shocked because it was totally unexpected.
  • Why don’t you ask your boss for a raise?
  • Most employees at our company get a 3 to 5% raise every year.

4) I love that(それはいいね)

直訳で「それは大好きだ」となるこの表現は、相手の考えや意見、発想がすごく良いと感じる時に使われ、日本語の「それはいいね」に相当します。特に、相手がユニークな発想をした時に使われることが多く、例えば、今日の会話でキーシャは“Good enough isn’t good enough for me.(十分に良いは私には十分でない)”と言い、彼女の考え方に対してケリーは“I love it.(その考え方素敵)”のように返事をしました。

ただし、提案に対しては“I love that.”を使うことができないので、その場合は一般的に“That sounds good.”を使います。

  • I love that. I couldn’t agree more with what you said.
  • I love that. That’s such a fresh perspective.
  • I love that. That’s a great metaphor and it totally makes sense.

5) Have a seat at the table(何かを決定するポジションを得る)

直訳で「テーブルで席を得る」となるこの表現は、何か重要なことを決めるにあたって自分自身も議論に参加する権利を得ることを意味します。このテーブルは「会議室の机」を指し、権力のある人が会議室で決め事をしている様子を表します。もし、何か重要なことについて自分自身の意見を聞いてもらい、最終決断に貢献したい場合は、“I want to have a seat at the table.”という具合に言います。

  • All I’m asking for is to have a seat at the table.
  • You’ve been working there for over ten years. You deserve a seat at the table.
  • For the past few years, we’ve been fighting for the opportunity to get a seat at the table.



  • Statistics・・・統計
  • Serve someone・・・〜を生む


  • Take that with me・・・持ち続ける
  • Stand up・・・立ち上がる、堂々と〜








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