
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.04.22





【Kesha】Kelly, what kind of shopper are you?

【Kelly】So this is a good question. I am a weird shopper. I’m definitely a bargain shopper. I definitely—like, my favorite place in Japan is the 100-yen store mostly because it’s so much better than in America. But also I love, like finding the, like hidden treasure, right? Like, you got to look to find a bargain.
I always do, like the big end-of-the-year sales and Black Friday. Although in America, Black Friday isn’t really that great anymore. I’m not really an impulse buyer but I do like to—my biggest thing that people don’t understand is I really like grocery stores.
So I love to just, like walk around a Trader Joe’s and look at every single thing they have, even if I’ve had it before. And they always have, like the “new” section or the “seasonal” section. I just enjoy—of course, not when it’s, like super packed, like in New York—that you have to go on, like a Tuesday.


【Kelly】I just enjoy, like walking around and spending my time relaxingly looking at random groceries. So that’s—that’s kind of my weird shopping—is that I don’t mind spending a lot of time as long as I feel like I’m relaxing while doing it. Does that make sense? (laughs)

【Kesha】Yeah, you’re more like a leisurely shopper?

【Kelly】It’s almost like a hobby. I’m like—I’ll go grocery shopping with my mom and she doesn’t understand that, like, “We haven’t looked at that aisle yet.” She’s like, “We don’t need anything down there.” And I was like, “But how do you know? Like, we don’t know if there’s new stuff there.” And nobody understands that style.
Everyone’s, like in and out really fast. But I like to just have a leisurely pace and roam around and just kind of, like see what’s new and relax a little. Have my coffee with me or have my Shamrock Shake because it’s March.


【Kelly】But, like no one understands that style of shopping. What about you?

【Kesha】I’m more of, like a retail therapy type of shopper.

【Kelly】Yeah, yeah.

【Kesha】So I loathe shopping altogether. Usually, I’m, like throwing this tantrum. “I don’t want to be here. Why are we here? What’s the purpose? Is there a list?”

【Kelly】(laughs) Yeah.

【Kesha】But when I’m super angry, I’m like, “You know what? Whatever. We’re just—we’re just going to buy everything for no reason. We’re just going to put it in the cart.”


【Kesha】And I love to look for things that are broken.

【Kelly】Mm hm.

【Kesha】Because, you know, you can haggle, and be like, “Hey, this has a scratch. 15% off.”

【Kelly】Yeah. Oh, you’re a haggler?

【Kesha】Yeah, I’m a haggler. I’m a complete haggler. My dad was a haggler. I’m a haggler. I’m looking for that dented can, that scratched up piece of thing.


【Kesha】The clothing with the rip, most people don’t want the rip. I want the rip.


【Kesha】I want that rip because I’m going to argue until the worker just goes, “Whatever, just take it. Just take it.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Kelly’s favorite kind of store in Japan?
  2. Even though Kesha doesn’t like shopping in general, when does she like to go shopping?
  3. What does Kesha do when she sees a defect on a product before buying it?



  1. She loved the 100-yen stores while living in Japan.
  2. Kesha likes going shopping as a form of stress relief, also known as “retail therapy.”
  3. She will go to a store employee and haggle, or use the defect to argue for a discounted price.



Kelly and Kesha discuss their shopping habits in this episode. Kelly describes herself as a leisurely shopper and someone who enjoys taking her time browsing all that a store has to offer.

While in Japan, Kelly enjoyed visiting the 100-yen stores. In general, however, she is most fond of grocery stores. She loves checking the “new” and “seasonal” aisles of Trader Joe’s for example, and she feels most people don’t share her hobby.

Kesha doesn’t like shopping as much as Kelly, preferring to go shopping when there’s a specific list of items that need to be bought. However, whenever Kesha is stressed or angry, she likes to go shopping as a form of stress relief called “retail therapy.”

One practice Kesha likes engaging in is haggling, or negotiating discounts on items with store employees. Kesha usually haggles on items that have visible defects, thereby justifying a lower than retail price for the item.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Bargain(お買い得品)

日本語では通常よりも安く売られている物を「バーゲン」と言い、英語でもbargainと表現しますが、使い方にはちょっと気をつけないといけません。英語のbargainは安売りセールの意味として使われるのではなく、価値の割に値段が安いものを指し、a good dealと似た意味合いを持ちます。そのため、「これはお買い得だ」は“This is a bargain.”、「私はお買い得品を探します」は“I look for bargains.”という具合に表現します。お店がバーゲンセールをしている場合は“They are having a bargain.”とは言わず、saleを使って“They are having a sale.”と言います。

  • I’m a bargain shopper. I always look for bargains.
  • Three for ten dollars? That’s a bargain. Let’s get it.
  • This TV is a bargain at this price.

2) In and out(出たり入ったりする)

直訳で「中と外」となるこの表現は、ある場所を出入りすることを意味します。特に、サッと入って、サッと出るニュアンスがあり、例えば、スーパーで買い物をサッと済ませた場合は、“I was in and out of the grocery store.”と言います。

ちなみに、カリフォルニアには有名なハンバーガーショップの“In-N-Out Burger”がありますが、このお店の名前は、入店からハンバーガーの準備ができるまでの時間が早いことを表し、サービスの早さを強調しています。

  • I’ll be in and out. I’ll be right back.
  • I don’t really like shopping. I’m usually in and out.
  • We wanted to avoid the crowd so we were in and out of the shopping mall.

3) Roam around(歩き回る)

roam aroundは特に計画も目的地も決めずにぶらぶら歩くことを意味します。意味と使い方はwalk aroundと同じで、例えば「今日はダウンタウンをぶらぶら歩いていました」は、“I roamed around downtown today.”と言います。

  • Since we have 30 minutes to kill, let’s roam around the park.
  • You shouldn’t roam around that area at night.
  • I spent the day roaming around the city.

4) Loathe(〜をひどく嫌う)

loatheは何かをすごく嫌ったり、すごく嫌に思う気持ちを表します。I don’t likeをより強調した言い方で、考えるだけでも嫌なことに対して使われます。例えば、洗濯をするのが本当に嫌いな場合、“I loathe doing the laundry”と言うことができます。

  • I loathe folding and hanging clothes.
  • I loathe writing essays. I’d rather take tests.
  • I loathe people who complain all the time.

5) Haggle(値切る)

値引き交渉をしたり、値切ることを英語でhaggleと言います。 例えば、「値引きの交渉をするのが好きです」は“I like to haggle.”、「お店の人と値段の交渉をした」は“I haggled with the worker.”と表現します。

  • ちなみに、「値切る人」はa hagglerと表現します。
  • I’m not good at haggling.
  • I like to haggle and I haggle every chance that I get.
  • He’s a smooth talker and a great haggler.



  • Packed・・・混んでいる
  • Aisle・・・通路
  • Dented・・・凹んだ
  • Rip・・・やぶれている


  • Hidden treasure・・・隠れたお宝
  • Impulse buyer・・・衝動買いする人
  • Every single・・・全て
  • As long as・・・〜さえすれば
  • Leisurely shopper・・・くつろぎながらショッピングする人
  • Shamrock Shake・・・シャムロックシェイク
  • I’m more of a ~・・・私はどちらかというと〜
  • Throw a tantrum・・・かんしゃくを起こす
  • Scratch up・・・傷がついている








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