
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.05.24





【Stephan】So Josh, what’s your favorite genre of movies?

【Joshua】Well, my favorite genre of movie recently…I’m typically a big sci-fi fan. Like Star Wars. I don’t like Star Trek, but anything where you’re, like shooting aliens or something like that, that’s really cool to me. Um, anything that we don’t really have right now, like lasers and flying cars and…Tron, even though that was a Disney movie, I love that movie too. It was kinda (kind of) sci-fi-ish. There’s just lights everywhere.
But recently, I’ve been watching a lot of superhero films. And I wasn’t a big superhero guy. I didn’t read comics as a kid, so it’s like I’m discovering new stuff. Uh, I had no idea who Ant-Man was. You think about that name, “Ant-Man,” that sounds really lame. Right? Like, Superman’s cool, right? Like, “super man.” But Ant-Man? That just…I don’t see how that would be cool.
But Disney did a really good job making that seem cool. And so, lately I’ve been into those. I’ve been introducing my girlfriend to Marvel films. We go see them together. Those are the types of films I’ll pay for.
But I also love comedies. And one thing that I just don’t want to tell people is that I like Tyler Perry films. So Madea…but I’d never go pay to see one. But the moment that it’s on Netflix or something, I’ll watch it just because I like that kind of stupid comedy. Um…and it’s vulgar. Um, but it’s—it’s entertaining, and so I wouldn’t pay to see it. And that’s probably part of the problem. But uh…yeah. I definitely watch it.
That’s—those—I would say those are my favorite genre of movies. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Stephan】Um, so I enjoy action films just because, uh they always keep you on, uh the edge of your seat. They’re exciting, fast-paced. There’s all sorts of different types of action. Like, uh, what you said, superhero films.


【Stephan】Those are some of my favorite films right now…


【Stephan】…just because, when I was a kid I did read comic books. I did watch cartoons, so anything from Marvel, DC, it’s great.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What genres of movies did Joshua say he enjoyed in this episode?
  2. What is Joshua’s opinion of Tyler Perry movies like those in the Madea franchise?
  3. Stephan also enjoys superhero films. Why?



  1. He enjoys sci-fi films, superhero films, and comedies.
  2. He enjoys them and finds them entertaining, but he would never pay to see them.
  3. As a kid, he grew up reading about those superheroes in comic books.



Stephan and Joshua spend this episode discussing their favorite genres of movies. Joshua began by discussing his enjoyment of science fiction (sci-fi) films.

Joshua enjoys such movies as Star Wars and Tron, though he doesn’t like Star Trek. Similar to sci-fi, Joshua enjoys superhero films, such as those from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and has been introducing his girlfriend to them.

Joshua also likes Tyler Perry movies, although he doesn’t broadcast this to other people. He finds the Madea films to be entertaining despite their vulgarity, though he would never pay to see one.

Stephan enjoys action films because of their ability to arrest viewers and keep them on the edge of their seats. Like Joshua, Stephan also enjoys superhero movies. As a kid, Stephan grew up reading comic books, and so enjoys seeing film adaptations of the characters from DC and Marvel comics.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Genre (ジャンル)

Genreは、映画や音楽、小説などの作品の分野を表す単語です。注意したいのが発音で、日本語では「ジャンル」と言いますが、英語ではgenre(jyan / rah ジャンラ)と発音します。

  • What genre of movies do you like?
    (どんなジャンルの 映画が好きですか?)
  • I listen to different genres of music.
  • Mystery and crime-related stories are my favorite type of book genres.

2) Typically(普段は)


  • What do you typically do on the weekends?
  • I typically study English on my commute to work.
  • I typically pack my own lunch and take it to work.

3) Big ~ guy(〜が大好きな人)

Bigは「大きい」という意味の単語ですが、日常会話では「〜が大好きである」や「〜の大ファンである」という意味でも使われます。「〜が大好きな人」はbig ~ guyと表現し、 bigとguyの間にその対象が入ります。Guyは男性のみを指すので、女性の場合は、guyの代わりにpersonを使いましょう。男性の場合にpersonを使ってもOKです。

  • その他、big on ~も「〜が大好き」という表現で、onの後にその対象が入ります。
  • I’m a big sushi guy. I eat sushi at least 3 times a week.
  • She’s a big anime person. She even writes her own manga.
  • I’m not big on super fancy restaurants. I like hole in the wall places.

4) Lame(ダサい)

Lameは、日常会話で「ダサい」や「つまらない」という意味でよく使われますが、本来はケガや衰弱などが原因で「足の不自由な」人を表すため、使い方には注意が必要です。その他、発想にオリジナリティが欠けていたり、言い訳が不十分であったり説得力に欠ける場合に、「That’s lame.」と言いますが、これは基本的に親しい間柄で使われるインフォーマルな表現です。

  • My girlfriend always laughs at my lame jokes.
  • That’s a pretty lame title. I think you should change it.
  • He doesn’t want to hang out tonight because he’s tired? That’s a lame excuse.

5) On the edge of one’s seat(ハラハラドキドキ)


  • What a game! I was on the edge of my seat the whole game.
  • That movie kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish.
  • Have you been watching Game of Thrones? That show keeps you on the edge of your seat.



  • -ish・・・〜っぽい
  • Vulgar・・・下品


  • Even though・・・〜だけど
  • I don’t see・・・〜だと思わない・感じない



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Ryosuke より:

    Hi, I have a couple of questions today.

    Opening section で、”some guy” という表現があります。some というと、”some questions ”のように名詞の複数形とセットで使うイメージがあり、some guy のような言い回しは初めて目にしました。some guy とa guy ではニュアンスに違いがあるのでしょうか?教えてください。

    “On the edge of one’s seat”の”the“の発言に関してです。
    日本の学校の英語教育では、”the end” などthe のあとにa i u e o の母音が続く場合は、日本語でいう「ジ、ディ」に似た発言をする、とならいました。ところが今回のエピソードではStephanさんもJun先生も普通のthe 「ザ、ダ」に似た発言をしているように聞こえます。

    the の発言には、何かネイティブ流のルールや法則はあるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:

      Hey Ryosuke!

      some guyは「ある男性が〜」を表し、エレベーターに入ってきた男性を特定しているニュアンスがあります。a guyは「男性が〜」となり、多少意味が異なります。


  2. Yoshi より:


    It’s been exactly one month since coming back home.
    After being away from LA for a couple of years, there definitely have been moments in my everyday life where experience reverse culture shock.
    what used to feel completely normal to me all of a sudden felt foreign.
    And today I’d like to share those experiences with you.

    When my wife and I went out for dinner my first week back home, I was struck by how spacious the restaurant was.
    As a matter of fact, the very first thought that crossed my mind was “What a waste of space!”
    I’ve gone so used to restaurants in Japan making the most of the limited space provided, that ①(it in) initially felt somewhat uncomfortable to have so much space.
    I remember looking around thinking to myself they would be at least 2 to 3 tables in between our table and the table next to us in Japan.

    One day at my apartment, I was in an elevator on my way to my room, and some guy came in looking a bit frazzled.
    I asked him how he was doing, and he started telling me about how he lost his keys and that his wife was really upset with him.
    A few days later, I ran into the same guy in the elevator again.
    I asked him if he found his keys, and with a big grin on his face, he told me his wife found the keys in the crevice of their dryer.
    He told me to always check the dryer if I ever lost anything.
    And we share the good laugh as we got off the elevator.
    At that moment, I realized I haven’t had a conversation like that with a complete stranger in years.
    It was actually really refreshing to be able to talk to a stranger so openly without having to put up my guard.

    The other day, it was raining in LA, and my wife and I②(rout) grocery shopping.
    As we were driving back home We were③(lemin) missing about days in Japan talking about how we used a bike in the rain to get to the grocery store.
    With plastic bags full of groceries hanging from both sides of handlebars, we’d have to maintain the balance on a bike so that bags wouldn’t fall off.
    Now, we could just put the groceries in a trunk and drive back home. I was reminded the luxury of having a car and how much of a convenience it is.
    The only problem is I hardly walk now. And even a 10 minute-walk seems far.
    Ugh, I guess that’s the scary thing about having a car.

    • Jun より:


      すごい!冒頭の部分、全部書き出したんですね😮 That’s amazing! 聞き取れなかった箇所は以下の通りです。
      1) it
      2) were out
      3) reminiscing


  3. Kayo より:

    最近hapaさんのpodcast見つけて聴き始めました!!スクリプトや日本語訳、グラマーのポイントなどもあって、今まで見てきたyoutubeやpodcast の中で1番為になるコンテンツだと思っています!英語学習ですごく助かってます!ありがとうございます!

    • Jun より:



  4. Kao より:

    not able to walk properly

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