
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.05.31





【Joshua】So Stephan, what cartoons did you watch as a kid?

【Stephan】So I watched a large variety of cartoons when I was a kid. So, uh I used to watch a lot of Warner Bros. cartoons. So uh, Looney Tunes, Tiny Toons. And then I also watched a lot of Nickelodeon cartoons like Ren & Stimpy, Doug, Rugrats. And then as I grew older, I started watching more Warner Bros. cartoons.

【Joshua】Mm hm.

【Stephan】So like Batman: The Animated Series.

【Joshua】Oh, okay.

【Stephan】That was a great series. And a lot of DC superhero cartoons. But I also watched G.I. Joe, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So pretty much anything that I can see on the TV, I just turn on the TV—whatever cartoon is on, I watch it.

【Joshua】Yeah, that was pretty much the same for me. Whatever was on TV…and if you were lucky enough to have cable, you had options. These days you know, there’s the internet and YouTube. So without paying for cable, kids have access to a lot of cool stuff, especially with Disney right now. They’ve got a lot of cool animated stuff.
But back then, when I was younger, we didn’t have cable. So whatever appeared on the first ten channels on the TV was pretty much what I watched. So, surprisingly that included a lot of stuff from Japan. And I loved Dragon Ball. I had no idea it was from Japan. I thought, you know, it was just…I—I had no idea. And so I grew up watching that.
Actually I used to wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning to watch a Japanese cartoon. A lot of people say “Don’t call it ‘cartoons.’” But, I mean, it’s a “cartoon” in English. And it was Zoids. It’s about robots modelled after animals. And I would wake up at 5 a.m.—you could not get me to wake up at 5 a.m. these days—wake up at 5 a.m. to watch a bunch of animal-modelled robots fight each other.
So, yeah. That was…I loved those cartoons. Of course I loved the superhero cartoons: Spiderman, uh Batman, Superman. I think my favorite was X-Men. I watched a lot of X-Men when I was younger.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What Nickelodeon cartoons did Stephan enjoy watching as a kid?
  2. What cartoons from Japan did Joshua watch as a kid?
  3. What time did Joshua wake up to watch Zoids?



  1. He enjoyed Ren & Stimpy, Doug, and Rugrats.
  2. He watched Dragon Ball and Zoids.
  3. He woke up at 5 a.m. to watch Zoids.



Joshua and Stephan discuss various cartoons they grew up watching. Stephan watched a large variety of cartoons from various channels and sources.

Among the Nickelodeon cartoons Stephan watched were Ren & Stimpy, Doug, and Rugrats. But he also watched a lot of Warner Bros. cartoons, like Looney Toons, Tiny Toons, Batman: The Animated Series, as well as G.I. Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
ニコロデオンのアニメの中では、ステファンは「レンとスティンピー」、「ダグ」、「ラグラッツ」を見ていました。しかし彼は、「バックス・バニー ショー」や「タイニー・トゥーン」、アニメ版の「バットマン」シリーズの他に、「G.I.ジョー」や「ミュータント・タートルズ」といったワーナー・ブラザーズのアニメもたくさん見ていました。

Both Joshua and Stephan based what they watched on TV largely on what was immediately available and on air whenever they turned on their TV sets. Joshua didn’t grow up with cable, and so usually watched whatever was on the first ten channels. This exposed him to a lot of animation and cartoons from Japan, such as Dragon Ball and Zoids.

Joshua used to get up at 5 a.m. just to watch Zoids. But he also enjoyed superhero cartoons like Stephan. These included Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and in particular X-Men. X-Men was Joshua’s favorite of the superhero cartoons and he watched a lot of it when he was younger.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) As a kid(子供の頃)

Asは状況に応じて様々な役割を果たす単語ですが、今日の会話では、「〜の時」や「〜の頃」を表します。例えば「私が子供の頃」は、when I was a kidの代わりにシンプルにas a kidと言うこともできます。

  • I was really shy as a kid.
  • I never took English seriously as a student.
  • What sport did you play as a high school student?

2) Turn on(電源をオンにする)

Turn onは、テレビやパソコンなどの電子機器の電源をオンにしたり、水道栓を開けたり、電気をつけたりすることを意味する表現です。逆に電源をオフにすることをturn offと言います。昔はダイヤル式のスイッチが一般的で、それをturn(回す)ことによって電源をオン・オフにしていたことから、turnが用いられています。

  • Can you turn on the light? It’s dark in here.
  • Why did you turn off the TV? I was watching it.
  • I can’t figure out how to turn this on.

3) Whatever(何でも )

今回の会話で、ステファンもジョシュアも、「I watched whatever was on TV.」という趣旨の発言をしますが、これは「テレビで放送されているものは何でも見た」ことを表しています。このセリフの中で使用されているwhateverはanythingと同じですが、whateverの方がより口語的でインフォーマルな響きがあります。

  • You can order whatever you want. It’s on me tonight.
  • I’m going to get rid of everything so you can take whatever you need.
  • I listen to whatever is on Spotify.

4) Pretty much(大体)

Pretty muchは「大体」や「ほとんど」を意味し、日常会話ではalmostの代わりによく使われます。例えば、「プレゼンは終わった?」と聞かれたら、「Yeah, I’m pretty much done.(うん、大体終わった)」と返すことができますが、日常会話ではもっとシンプルに、「Yeah, pretty much.」でもOKです。

  • I’m not a picky eater. I can pretty much eat anything.
  • I pretty much listened to all the episodes on this podcast.
  • That’s pretty much it for today. Let’s call it a day and go home.

5) Model after(〜をモデルにする)

Model afterは、何か、もしくは誰かを真似たりお手本にすることを意味する表現です。例えば、今日の会話でジョシュアは「It’s robots modelled after animals.」と言いますが、これは「動物をモデルにしたロボット」という意味です。

  • 似たような表現で、name afterがあり、これは「〜にちなんで名づける」という意味です。
  • My business is modeled after my parents’ English school.
  • When I was studying Japanese, I modeled myself after Japanese comedians.
  • I was named after my father.



  • Lucky enough・・・運よく
  • Back then・・・昔は

