
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.03.09





【Brian】When two people go on a date, who should pay? I guess you already touched up on this but, is it really clear? Like, the man should pay for a first date? What do you think?

【Elaina】Uh…for the first date, that is how a lot of people feel. Obviously uh today’s days, that’s kind of changing more, and some people think that whoever asks for the date should pay…


【Elaina】…and some people feel like splitting the bill. And some people feel very strongly that the man is supposed to pay. Uh it doesn’t seem very common for people to say that the woman needs to pay for the whole bill. Either she pays for herself, or they split it. It doesn’t seem like that’s very common.

【Brian】Yeah, I’d have to agree with that. It’s either the man or split. (laughs)

【Elaina】Yeah. (laughs)

【Brian】Yeah. But I think on first dates, it’s very important for the man to show that he’s…uh especially if he asks, which is usually the case…uh it’s very important that he shows that he’s able to take care of the woman and, uh pay for the meal or pay for the…whatever you do for the first date.

【Elaina】Yeah, act like a gentleman

【Brian】Yeah, act like a gentleman, exactly.

【Elaina】But being in a relationship for three years, I honestly—I probably pay for things about half the time, and so does he. We pay all the bills together so, it’s like, why does it matter who pays the dinner bill at this point? (laughs)

【Brian】Right, right.

【Elaina】Although, I will say on nice restaurant dates like holidays or birthdays, he’ll pay. Unless it’s his birthday, obviously. Then I pay.

【Brian】Right. Yeah, yeah I’ve also been in a long…a long-term relationship, but my…actually my fiancé is Thai…


【Brian】…so she comes from a different culture, yeah.


【Brian】So it’s a little bit different, but I’d say that I—I pay, uh probably ninety percent of the time. Uh, you know she will offer to pay. She pays for my birthday, like you know, things like that. Special occasions, but…


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What recent social alternatives to the tradition of “man pays for the date” does Elaina present?
  2. What does Brian think is important for the man to demonstrate on first dates?
  3. How often does Brian pay for dates with his fiancé?



  1. These alternatives include whoever asks for the date pays, or splitting the bill between the man and woman.
  2. He thinks it’s important for the man to show that he can take care of the woman, and therefore, should pay for the date.
  3. He estimates that he pays ninety percent of the time.



In this episode, Brian and Elaina discuss the subject of who should pay for dates: the man, the woman, or both? Elaina begins by acknowledging the alternatives.

Elaina says that recently in society there have been changes to the tradition, where whoever asks for the date is supposed to pay, or the two people on the date might split the bill. She admits however it’s rare for someone to say that the woman should pay for the date.

Brian thinks it’s important for the man to show on a date that he can take care of a woman. This, for Brian, means that the man should pay for the meal. For Elaina, she and her partner usually alternate between paying.

For Brian and his fiancé, he still pays ninety percent of the time. His fiancé is Thai, and comes from a different culture. Still, he pays for most of the dates.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Split the bill / check (割り勘にする)

英語で「割り勘」を表すにはこの表現が最も自然でしょう。Go Dutchと紹介している教材や辞書もありますが、L.A.ではほとんど使われていません。また基本的に、Split the bill/checkは均等割りすることを意味しますが、自分の分だけを支払うと解釈する人もいるので、誤解を避けるにはSplit the bill/checkの後にdown the middleをつけ足します。Split the bill down the middleもしくはsplit the check down the middleのように言います。

  • Are you guys OK with splitting the bill?
  • Let’s just split the bill down the middle. It’s easier that way.
  • Do you guys want to split the bill or pay separately?

2) Supposed to(〜するはず)


  • Learning English is supposed to be fun!
  • It’s supposed to snow in Tokyo tomorrow.
  • You’re not supposed to smoke here. This is a non-smoking area.

3) Be in a relationship(付き合っている)

誰かと付き合っていることを be in a relationshipと言います。やや堅い響きのある表現で、長年に渡る真面目なお付き合いを指して使われる傾向があり、日本語の「交際している」に近い表現です。真面目に付き合っていることを強調したい場合は be in a serious relationshipと言います。逆にカジュアルな付き合いの場合は、 I’m going out with _____や I’m dating _____と言います。

  • Are you in a relationship right now?
  • He’s in a serious relationship with Stacey. I think he’s going to propose to her soon.
  • How long have you guys been going out?

4) Pay the bill(お会計や費用を払う)

Billは本来「請求書」を意味することから、Pay the billには大きく分けて2つの使い方があります。
後者の意味で使う際は、 Cell phone bill(携帯電話の料金)や Credit card bill(クレジットカードの料金)など、 billの前に具体的な用途を入れます。

  • We have to pay the bill. Should we just split it down the middle?
  • I’m working my tail off every day so I can pay the bills and support my family.
  • Did you pay the cell phone bill? It’s due tomorrow.

5) Be in a long-term relationship(長期間の付き合い)

誰かと長年付き合っていることを be in a long-term relationshipと言います。

  • 遠距離恋愛は be in a long distance relationshipと言います。
  • Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?
  • I’ve been in a long-term relationship a couple times. I was with my last girlfriend for over 5 years.
  • I’m in a long distance relationship right now.



  • Act like gentleman・・・紳士らしく振る舞う
  • Offer to pay・・・払うと申し出る
  • Special occasion・・・特別な日


  • Touch up on・・・〜に触れる
  • Today’s days・・・現代では
  • I’d have to agree with that・・・それには同感
  • Why does it matter・・・〜は関係ない









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Tako より:

    初めてコメントさせていただきます。さて本日はホワイトデーでしたが、あげるお菓子の種類によって意味が異なるのは初めて聞きました笑 最近は男性からもチョコレートを贈るのが人気に思います。私も彼女にチョコレートを贈りました。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。コメントありがとうございます!どんなお菓子をあげるのかって、やっぱりあんまり関係ないんですね。何をあげるかよりは、何かをあげる気持ちが大事!ってことですね(笑)彼女にチョコレートを送ったんですね。Very nice! 私は妻にチョコレート、クッキー&キャンディー、全部贈っちゃいました(笑)

  2. こみ より:






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