
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.03.02





【Elaina】Brian, what are the “dos and don’ts” on a first date, on…let’s say, West Coast?

【Brian】Hmm…um obviously turn your phone off. That’s a big “don’t” if you are on your phone during the date. Like, turn that off, and focus on the person that you’re with. Uh…and I think, maybe talking about your ex is another no-no…

【Elaina】(laughs) Yes.

【Brian】…on the first date. Uh…a lot of people do it, surprisingly, so yeah, that’s definitely a “don’t.” And uh, not being—yeah, like not being attentive, I guess on the first date is definitely a “don’t,” or maybe trying to be, maybe being too into that person, and maybe kinda (kind of) getting a little too physical on the first date is definitely a “don’t.”

【Elaina】Oh yeah. Don’t be creepy. (laughs)

【Brian】Yeah, yeah, definitely don’t be creepy on the first date. Yeah, but, uh “dos,” uh, dress nice, and uh, listen, I guess. Learn about the other person. And um…I think it’s the man’s job to make the girl comfortable and to basically be in control of the date, at least on the West Coast. I know it’s like, uh what the culture’s like. Like, the man’s in control, uh so he pays and he, like makes the evening comfortable for the woman, but yeah.

【Elaina】Well, with the East Coast having a bunch of, uh Bible states, and the South, a lot of very old-fashioned people. So the man is supposed to be in charge pretty much. He’s supposed to pick up the girl, so obviously don’t have a dirty car. (laugh)


【Elaina】And don’t, on the first date, say, “You got this?” for the bill, or something, or…


【Elaina】Pay for the first date, and, uh I think something to add is, uh don’t complain too much. For both the man or the woman.

【Brian】Yeah, definitely.

【Elaina】‘Cause (because) that just really kills the mood. (laughs)

【Brian】Definitely, definitely, yeah. That’s uh…I think that’s East and West Coast on that one.

【Elaina】Yes. (laughs)


【Elaina】Uh, some “dos” to add. You said “dress nice,” good hygiene, dress to impress, and, maybe not a “do” but an added bonus if the guy brings flowers. I think that—as a woman, I think that’s a great to-do, not like you have to but, we like it. (laughs)

【Brian】(laughs) Okay.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are three “don’ts” that Brian warns people against doing on a first date?
  2. What “don’t” does Elaina suggest both men and women not do on a first date?
  3. What is an “added bonus” Elaina describes a man can do on a first date?



  1. He says don’t talk on your phone, and don’t talk about your ex, while on a first date with someone. Also, don’t get too physical with someone on a first date either.
  2. She says don’t complain on a first date, because it kills the mood.
  3. She says it’s an added bonus when a man brings flowers on a first date.



In this episode, Brian and Elaina continue their discussion of dating culture in the United States. This episode focused on the “Dos and Don’ts” of dating.

For Brian, at least on the West Coast of the US, he said that talking on your phone during a first date, and talking about your ex, were both “don’ts.” He also said that getting too physical with another person was a “don’t.”

For Elaina, she described the East Coast of the United States as being more traditionally-minded when it comes to dating. There, the man is expected to be in charge on dates.

Elaina said that complaining on first dates was a “don’t” for both men and women, as it kills the mood for her. She did however mention a possible “do” that she said women liked. She said as a kind of “added bonus,” men could bring flowers to impress a woman on a date, something she appreciates.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Creepy (不気味な)

Creepyは「不気味な」や「気味の悪い」を意味する単語です。例えば、毛虫や心霊写真、外見や言動が怪しい人、誰もいないのに足音がするなど、ゾッとすることを creepyと表現します。

  • Ew! There’s a creepy bug in the kitchen!
  • On my way home, a creepy guy followed me all the way to the train station.
  • Why did the TV suddenly turn on? That’s creepy.

2) Make someone comfortable(人を心地よくさせる)

Comfortableが「心地よい」という意味であることから、誰かを心地よくさせることを 「Make someone comfortable.」と言います。この表現は主に、相手の緊張をほぐして心を落ち着かせることを意味します。

  • その他、「Make yourself comfortable.」は「くつろいでください」を意味します。
  • She is great at making people feel comfortable.
  • I was pretty nervous about taking the trial lesson. But my teacher made me feel comfortable.
  • Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.

3) Be in charge(担当する・仕切る)

担当者や責任者として物事に取り組むことを Be in chargeと言います。この表現はビジネスの場でよく耳にする言い方で、「私は〜を担当しています」は 「I’m in charge of_____.」、「担当者は誰ですか?」は 「Who is in charge?」という具合に使われます。

  • Can I talk to someone who is in charge of marketing?
  • I just started working here. I’m in charge of financing.
  • You’re in charge while I’m gone. Call me if something happens.

4) I’ll get it(私がおごるよ)

レストランやバーでの会計時に、友達や同僚に「おごるよ」「私が払うよ」とカジュアルに伝える表現が 「I’ll get it.」です。 Getは「払う」、 itは伝票を指すので、「I’ll get the bill/check/tab.」と言うこともできます。また、過去形にして 「I got it.」や 「I got this.」と表現することもできます。

今日の会話でエレーナの言った 「You got this?」は、「おごってくれるの?」という意味になります。

  • Don’t worry. I’ll get it. You can buy me a drink at the next place.
  • You don’t have to pay for this meal. I got this.
  • You got this? Thanks man. I’ll get you next time.

5) Kill the mood(ムードを壊す)

雰囲気を台無しにしたりムードを壊したりすることを kill the moodと言います。 Ruin the moodとも言いますが、 killの方がより口語的な響きがあります。

  • ムードを壊す人や物事のことを mood killerと言います。
  • You shouldn’t constantly check your cell phone on a date. It’ll kill the mood.
  • Way to kill the mood.
  • He is such a mood killer. Has he always been like that?



  • Ex (boyfriend/girlfriend)・・・元カレ・元カノ
  • Attentive・・・注意を傾ける
  • Good hygiene・・・清潔感


  • Dos and don’ts・・・すべきこと、してはいけないこと
  • Turn off・・・(電源を切る)
  • Be too into someone・・・相手に夢中になり過ぎる
  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの
  • Pick up someone・・・(誰かを)迎えに行く
  • Dress to impress・・・おしゃれな格好をする









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. めぐ より:








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