
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.08.08




【Mari】So how did you meet your fiancé?

【Alisa】Um well I studied in France for my junior year of college.

【Mari】Mm hm.

【Alisa】Um I grew up in a really small town in Utah and I was really disappointed that I wasn’t able to leave for college so I made a commitment to myself to study abroad for a whole year. Um because I wasn’t…I couldn’t afford going to college for four years but I decided to save my money and really work towards doing one year abroad. So I did that for a whole year and then one night um I was going to go to bed and my best friend in France told me that I had to go to this party with her. Her friend…her classmate was having a party for all their…all their classmates. And I said “No way. I have to work tomorrow. I’m teaching English tomorrow. It’s my first day. I’m not…I’ve gotta (got to) go to bed. And she said, “You have to come out with me. I’m leaving for my study abroad tomorrow. It’s the last time that I get to see you. You have to come to this party with me.” And so I said, “Ok, fine” and I went to the party and I guess um she had told her classmates that she was bringing American girls with her.

【Mari】(Laugh). Uh huh.

【Alisa】She was French and I was with some American friends of mine. And so the…her classmate who is my fiancé’s best friend, uh told him that there were American girls coming so they came out to the driveway at his house to meet us.

【Mari】Oh (laugh).

【Alisa】Because they heard that there were American girls coming to the party. Um and my fiancé had just gotten back from a trip in Australia. He lived there for like nine months.


【Alisa】And so he had a really really solid uh Australian accent.

【Mari】Oh (laugh).

【Alisa】And so he came up to me and put on this really strong Australian accent and his name is Irwin, um which is a French name but it sounds really kind of Australian (laugh).


【Alisa】So he talked to me and convinced me that he was Australian for a minute and then we started…we just hit it off and we talked all night and that’s how we met.

【Mari】Oh wow!

【Alisa】He was um, he was living in Portugal at the time.

【Mari】Mm hm.

【Alisa】But his mom lives in France so he um he was there visiting for New Years. It was around, it was early January. So we met at his best friend…in his best friend’s driveway (laugh).


【Alisa】Now every time we go to his best friend’s house we say “Oh look here’s where we met.” (Laugh).

【Mari】Ah that’s so cool.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where did Alisa meet her fiancé?
  2. Where did Alisa study abroad?
  3. What kind of accent does her fiancé have?



  1. Alisa met her fiancé in a driveway at his best friend’s house.
  2. She studied abroad in France.
  3. He has an Australian accent.



Alisa grew up in a small town in Utah and attended a community college near her hometown. She wanted to travel abroad so she worked hard and saved up enough money to study abroad in France for one year.

One night, her best friend in France asked her to go to a party with her. Alisa initially didn’t want to go to the party because she had work the next day but her friend convinced her to go.

Alisa’s friend told her classmates that she was going to the party with American girls. Her classmates were excited to meet Alisa and her friends and they came out to the driveway to greet them.

That was where Alisa met her fiancé for the first time. He just came back from Australia and he had a really strong Australian accent. They hit it off right away and ended up talking all night.

Alisa’s fiancé was living in Portugal at the time but he was back in France visiting his mom for New Years.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Make a commitment(〜をすると約束する)

◎ “Commitment”を辞書で引くと、「義務」「責任」「約束」など様々な和訳が紹介されていますが、基本的に日常会話では、決意したことに対して責任を持って実行することを意味します。どんなに辛かったり困難であったりしても、途中で諦めずに最後までやり抜くニュアンスがあります。
◎「Make a commitment to」の後に決意した出来事を入れます。

  • I made a commitment to quit smoking.(タバコをやめると決心しました。)
  • I made a commitment to myself.(そうすると自分自身に約束しました。)
  • I made a commitment to study English every day.(英語の勉強を毎日すると心に決めました。)

2) Work toward(〜に向けて頑張る)

◎ “Work toward”は、目標や成し遂げたいことに向けて努力することを意味します。「〜を目指す」という意味合いもあります。
◎ 会話では“Toward”に「s」を加えた“Work towards”も使われますが、“Work toward”と大きな違いはありません。

  • I am working towards my goal.(目標に向かって頑張っています。)
  • He is working toward getting his CPA license.(彼は公認会計士の資格を取得するために頑張っています。)
  • I am working towards the LA marathon.(ロサンゼルスマラソンに向けて頑張っています。)

3) Solid(しっかりした、とても良い)

◎ “Solid”は本来「固体」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では様々な意味を持つスラングとして使われるようになりました。「(何かが)しっかりしている」ことを意味することもあれば、「とても良い」の意味として“Awesome”や“Great”の代わりに使われることもあります。イメージとして「中身が詰まっているもの」と覚えておけば、会話で使われる大まかな意味が理解できるかと思います。

  • This is a solid coffee table.(これはしっかりしたコーヒーテーブルです。)
  • That’s a solid restaurant.(あのレストランはとても良かったですね。)
  • He is a solid English teacher.(彼は素晴らしい英語の先生です。)

4) For a minute(長い間)

◎ “For a minute”をそのまま訳すと「1分」になりますが、会話においては「長い間」を意味するスラングとして使われ、多少皮肉が込められた表現になります。「For a long time」に置き換えて使えるフレーズです。特に、久しぶりに会う友達に対して「しばらく会ってなかったね」と言いたい場合によく使われます。
◎ ただし、場合によっては「短い間」を意味することもあるので、状況に応じた判断が必要となります。例えば「Can I talk to you for a minute?」は「ちょっとお話できますか?」になります。

  • I haven’t seen you for a minute. How’ve you been?(しばらくだね。元気?)
  • I haven’t been to Hawaii for a minute.(長い間ハワイに行っていません。)
  • Would you mind waiting for a minute?(ちょっと待ってくれますか?)

5) Hit it off(意気投合する)

◎ 出会った瞬間にすぐに仲良くなることを「Hit it off」と言います。友達関係においても、男女関係においても「気が合う」の意味として使えますが、異性同士が出会って「We hit it off」と言うと、友達としてではなく男女関係としてのニュアンスになります。

  • We hit it off right away.(私たちはすぐに意気投合しました。)
  • Stacey and I really hit it off last night.(昨晩、スタイシーさんと私は意気投合しました。)
  • I think you’ll hit it off with him. He is business-minded just like you.(彼もあなたみたいにビジネス志向が強い人なので、意気投合すると思います。)



  • Disappointed・・・がっかりする
  • Afford・・・〜をするお金がある
  • Driveway・・・ドライブウェー


  • Small town・・・小さな町
  • Come out・・・〜へ行く
  • It was around・・・〜頃でした
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ちあき より:

    Hi! 初めまして!英会話スクールに通いつつ、こちらのサイトでもこっそり勉強しています。いつかお礼を書きたいと思い今回初の投稿です。私は文と文がうまくつなげられず短い文でしか話せません。今回のトピックは私の苦手とする関係代名詞(that,which,whereなど…)がふんだんに使われていてとても勉強になりました。たくさん復習し、感覚を身につけてより自然な文を話せるように頑張ろうと思いました(^-^)

    • Jun より:



  2. 大島 より:

    I made a commitment to quit smoking という例文がありますが、to quitting smokingでは間違いなのでしょうか??

  3. yamawa より:


    • Jun より:



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