
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.07.11




【Mari】How was your 4th of July weekend?

【Alisa】It was really good. How was yours? What did you do?

【Mari】Um I biked down to the beach. I live like about a mile away so I rode my bike down and went to Huntington Beach, saw the fireworks from the pier.


【Mari】It was really nice. They closed down one of the roads so we got to bike through it and they had fireworks everywhere.

【Alisa】Cool. I heard that uh it’s totally impossible to get anywhere by car. 4th of July in Huntington Beach.

【Mari】Yes yes. The streets were terrible. Traffic everywhere. I heard it took like a couple of hours just to try to get a spot so yeah…

【Alisa】Yeah. A friend of mine uh told me that he biked from Huntington Beach all the way up to…back up to Costa Mesa because he couldn’t find an Uber or a ride or didn’t have a car or anything. So he biked an entire hour.

【Mari】Oh man. That’s a really long time, from Costa Mesa. Wow.

【Alisa】I know. Yeah he called me the next morning and he wanted a ride somewhere that was like a block away and I thought it was really strange and then he told me that he’d been biking for an hour the night before so he didn’t wanna (want to) have to walk even for 10 minutes.

【Mari】Oh man. Yeah it was pretty pretty crazy out there.

【Alisa】Yeah. Were the…was the fireworks show nice?

【Mari】It was. It went on for about 30 minutes or so.


【Mari】So it was pretty long. I wasn’t expecting that much but there was a lot of people too so.

【Alisa】Yeah. We went to uh Centennial Park in Santa Ana. Which is a little bit smaller show. It’s more like family-friendly. So it was a little bit more quiet but it was still really fun.

【Mari】Oh cool.

【Alisa】We didn’t have to worry about parking or anything. That’s why we like to go there.

【Mari】That’s always a good part too.

【Alisa】Yeah. It’s kinda (kind of) crazy. Did you do a BBQ or anything?

【Mari】No we didn’t. Um I was busy during the morning so we just wanted to catch the fireworks but all throughout the day people were just doing fireworks on the streets, left and right.

【Alisa】Oh wow.


【Alisa】I heard that 4th of July is the busiest time for animal shelters.

【Mari】Oh I bet.

【Alisa】Because dogs get really scared and run away.


【Alisa】I was really worried about my cats all day. But they didn’t seem to care so…

【Mari】That’s good. That’s always a good thing.

【Alisa】Yeah it’s better that way.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How did Mari spend her 4th of July?
  2. Why does Alisa like to watch fireworks at Centennial Park?
  3. Why is 4th of July the busiest time for animal shelters?



  1. She biked down to Huntington Beach and watched the fireworks.
  2. Alisa likes to watch fireworks at Centennial Park because it’s not crowded and she can easily find a parking spot.
  3. 4th of July is the busiest time for animal shelters because many dogs get scared from the sound of fireworks and run away.



Mari biked to Huntington Beach and saw the fireworks from the pier on 4th of July. The fireworks lasted about 30 minutes. However, Mari didn’t do a BBQ because she was busy in the morning.

It was extremely crowded at Huntington Beach. Traffic was really bad and Mari heard that it took some people a couple of hours to find parking.

Alisa went to Centennial Park in Santa Ana to watch fireworks. She likes to watch fireworks there because it’s not as crowded and it’s easy to find parking.

Alisa heard that 4th of July is the busiest time for animal shelters because many dogs get scared from the sound of fireworks and run away. She was worried about her cat but her cat didn’t seem to mind the fireworks.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Spot(場所)

◎ “Spot”は使い方によって様々な意味となりますが、今日の会話では「場所」を表しています。“Place”の代わりに使われる口語的な表現で、駐車場のことを“Parking spot”と言います。

  • There are no parking spots.(駐車場がないですね。)
  • Let’s find a spot to relax.(休憩できる場所を探しましょう。)
  • I found a new hang out spot in L.A.(ロスで遊べる新しい場所を見つけました。)

2) Uber(タクシー配車サービス、ウーバー)

◎ “Uber”は数年前からアメリカで驚異的に流行り始めた、アプリを使った配車タクシーサービスです。一般的なタクシーよりも低価格で、スマートフォンで手軽にタクシーを呼べ、支払いは事前にアプリに登録したクレジットカード情報をもとに処理されます。カリフォルニアでは、一般的なタクシーよりも利用者が多くなりました。

  • Let’s get an Uber.(ウーバーを呼びましょう。)
  • Can someone call an Uber?(誰かウーバーを呼んでくれますか?)
  • We should just Uber it tonight.(今夜はウーバーを乗って行きましょう。)

3) Catch something(〜を見にいく)

◎ “Catch”は元々「〜を捕まえる」を意味する単語ですが、状況により様々な使われ方をします。今日の会話では「〜を見にいく」を意味し、映画や花火など、エンターテインメントの場面における「〜を見る」の意味として使われます。
◎ “Watch”の代わりに使える口語的な表現の仕方です。

  • Let’s go catch the fireworks tonight.(今夜、花火を見に行きましょう。)
  • Do you want to go catch a movie tonight?(今夜、映画を観に行きませんか?)
  • My friend and I are going to catch a Broadway show tonight.(今夜、ブロードウェイショーを友達と見に行きます。)

4) Left and right(あちこち・そこらじゅう)

◎ 直訳すると「左右」ですが、日常会話では「あちこちで」や「至る所で」の意味としてよく使われます。“Everywhere”に置き換えて使え、基本的に文末に使われます。
◎ “Right and left”と表現する人もいます。

  • People were doing fireworks on the streets, left and right.(あちこちの路上で花火をやっていました。)
  • Businesses are closing down left and right.(次々にビジネスが崩壊しています。 )
  • Fast food restaurants are opening up left and right.(ファストフード店が至る所でオープンしています。)

5) Run away(逃げる)

◎ “Run away”は「逃げる」「逃走する」を意味する日常表現です。危険な状況から逃げるときや、何かしらの問題から逃げるときなど、どのような状況においても使える便利な表現です。“Escape”の代わりに使える話し言葉です。

  • My dog ran away yesterday.(昨日、私の犬は逃げてしまいました。)
  • You can’t run away from your problems.(問題から逃げることはできませんよ。)
  • My son ran away from home.(私の息子は家出をしました。)



  • Family-friendly・・・家族向け
  • Animal shelter・・・動物保護施設


  • Close down・・・通行止め
  • Go on・・・続く
  • Oh I bet・・・そうだねろうね
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. natsu より:

    はじめましてJUNさん。会話の中で一部、状況がわからないところがあったので教えていただけますか?Alisaさんが言った、he biked from Huntington Beach all the way up to…back up to Costa Mesa の部分なのですが、all the way up to…back up to というのは、行ってまた戻ってきた、ということでしょうか?
    he didn’t wanna have to walk という表現に今まで出会った(?)ことがなかったのですが、he didn’t want to walkだと意味はかなり違ってきますか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。”all the way up to…back up to”はNatsuさんが書いたように「(ハンティントンビーチまで)行って、また(コスタメサ)まで戻ってきた」になります。全体の意味として”Didn’t want to walk”と”Didn’t want to have to walk”は同じで「歩きたくなかった」を表しますが、”Didn’t want to have to walk”を「歩いてもいいけど、歩きたくない」というニュアンスが込められています。会話でたまに出てくる、言い方です。

  2. Ayumi より:

    Hi! I always enjoy your potcast.
    I try to take a dictation this episode for the first time.
    But I can’t find premier version this episode.
    When do you upload it?
    I’m looking forward it. : )

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ayumi,

      Thanks for always listening to my podcast! Sorry there is a delay in the premium version. It will be available very soon!

  3. Take より:

    Hi Jun!いつも楽しく聞かせていただいています。
    Alisaさんの「Were the…was the fireworks show nice?」の部分で質問です。

    話は変わりますが、会話で出てくる地名をGoogle Mapのストリートビューで時々見ているのですが、今回たまたまコンビニのセブンイレブンを見つけました。日本のコンビニも海外に進出しているのかと思ったらセブンイレブンはアメリカ発の店ということを知って驚きました。

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