
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Just around the corner
→ 「もうすぐ」

この表現には2つの意味があります。1つは、イベント、祝日、季節など時間的な距離が迫ってきている「もうすぐ」や「間近に迫っている」。そして2つ目は、道案内をする際「角を曲がってすぐそこだよ」のように、物理的な距離の近さを表す時の「もうすぐ」。一般的に「〜 is just around the corner(もうすぐ〜です)」のように、近づいてきている対象を主語にもってきて表現します。

  • Christmas is just around the corner.
  • Our Okinawa trip is just around the corner. I can’t wait!
  • The convenience store is just around the corner.

A: Fall is just around the corner. Fall is my favorite season.
B: Me too. The leaves should start turning red in about a month.

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  1. Machiko より:

    Hi Jun-san
    Thanks for your useful website:)
    I and Hapa friends are missing you in Osaka!!

    Actually I am pregnant and I wanna explain my situation in English.

    “My due date is coming soon”
    “My due date is just around the corner”
    Which sounds natural?
    If there are any differences, please let me know.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Machiko!

      Good to hear from you! I miss all you guys in Osaka too!

      Both sentences are perfectly natural. “Just around the corner” is a bit more conversational but they both work. Wishing you a safe delivery! Hope to see you soon with your baby 😊

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