Don’t dwell on it.
「Dwell on」は物事をあれこれ深く考えたり心配したりすることを意味し、onの後に考え事および心配事の対象がフォローします。一般的に否定文で使われ、身の回りに起こる災難を気にし過ぎたり、失恋した過去をズルズルと引きずっている人に対してよく用いられます。
- You shouldn’t dwell on the past.
(過去を引きずらないほうがいいですよ。) - He always dwells on his mistakes.
A: I can’t stop thinking about my ex.
B: Don’t dwell on her.You’ll find another girlfriend.
Hi Jun!
It’s been a while. How have you been?
I hope you are doing well :).
As for me, I’ve been good so far!
But about 3 weeks ago, I caught the flu.
At first, I felt under the weather, so I thought I would catch the flu.
That’s why, I went see a doctor and I was like ‘ I guess I might catch the flu but…..
I have a slight fever as well as a terrible sore throat…’
But the doctor was like ‘ I think you don’t have the flu. I’m sure you just have a cold.’
Without checking the flu test, after that he gave me untibiotics and another medicine.
However the medicine didn’t work at all 🙁
My fever was getting higher and higher.
It drained me during the 2 days.
I still wondered why he didn’t check the flu test at that time.
So I had my husband take me to another hospital.
Finally, I tool the flu test and it was A type!!
I was like’ No wonder I’ve been burned out like this….’
However it was too late to take the unti flu medicine. So I had to get over it all by myself!
It took me for a long time to recover from it.
As you know the flu is going around in Japan still now.
So please take care of yourself and don’t be like me :).
By the way,,,,
一時期、流行ったLet it go ですが
You should let it go and move on with your life.’
Hey Masami!
Good to hear from you! It’s been a while 😊 I can’t believe you caught the flu and you didn’t know!! I hope you are feeling better. I heard the flu has been going around in Japan. I need to make to sure take care of myself too.
Let it goはイメージとしては「掴んでいるもの手放す」こと。比喩的な表現として使われますが、掴んでいるものが過去のある出来事であったり、問題であったりなど、基本、マイナスなものをこれまでずっと引きずっていることを表します。なので、くよくよ落ち込んでいる人には、”You should let it go and move on.”と言えば、「過去のことは忘れて前に進もう」のような励ましの一言になります!
Take care!
Jun 先生!
Let it go の、コアのイメージ良くわかりました。そう言えば、podcast 175 で、昨年の自分に手紙を書いてそれを ‘ Letting it go ‘ みたいな…
と、Becca が言ってましたね。
Thanks again 😊
Have a good one!
Thank you for your thoughtfulness 😊