
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.04.26





【Phillip】In America, that’s one of the number one issues talked about.

【Maria】Yeah. The southern border issue has been going on. And, you know, Trump wanted to build a wall and he said Mexico was going to pay for it. And then Mexico was like, “We’re not paying for that.” (laughs) And then Trump tried to get the funds to do it. So yeah. I don’t really know what’s going on with that currently. I just moved back and that’s not something I heard about abroad.

【Maria】But I do know the drug use is a huge issue in the United States. You know, our—our doctors and pharmaceutical sales really try to push those kinds of narcotics onto people because they make a huge profit off of it. And there are so many Netflix documentaries right now about that situation.

【Maria】I know one just was released maybe a month ago about the opioid crisis that we had with oxycontin and how that whole thing got started. It’s a big problem. So a lot of drugs that are legal here are illegal in other countries because they make a lot of money off of us being sick.

【Phillip】So these are prescription medicines…

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】…or things you can buy from a pharmacy.

【Maria】Well, they’re controlled substances.


【Maria】So it’s a Class II controlled substance. So you either get it from a hospital or you get it from a doctor and it shouldn’t be a normal problem. You usually only have those when you have surgery but they give them out quite frequently now.

【Phillip】Oh right. Okay.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】Right, they’re just for chronic illnesses but then obviously it gets into the—the public use through that avenue.

【Maria】So you’re supposed to only take opioids or morphine or, you know, oxycontin when you’re having a surgery or when you are, you know, doing chemotherapy and having cancer or something very strenuous


【Maria】…to where you’re in a huge amount of pain. However because of what’s been happening—I don’t know, the past thirty years, the FDA has not been so regulated on the technicalities of what’s to say they can be used for. As long as a doctor is paying attention, he can advise his patients to take these kind of prescriptions.


【Maria】And then those people are getting addicted and then it’s starting this whole thing, so…because they’re addictive substances. It’s not something that you’re supposed to take for a headache.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Maria, why do doctors and pharmaceuticals in the United States push narcotic drugs to their patients?
  2. What is the normal use of opioids or morphine?
  3. How do many people become addicted to opioids?



  1. She says they push those drugs because of the huge profit they stand to gain from doing so.
  2. Maria says opioids are normally only taken by someone prior to surgery, chemotherapy, or some other intense medical procedure.
  3. Doctors can prescribe opioids to their patients, but this can cause some patients to become addicted to them.



Maria shares with Phillip two major issues in America: the southern border and opioid crises. She recounts the story of how former President Donald Trump said that his administration would build a wall on the border between the US and Mexico, and that Mexico would pay for the wall.

But another crisis in America is the opioid epidemic. Maria says that some doctors and pharmaceutical companies push the use of opioids because it delivers them large profits.

Some drugs that are legal in the US are illegal in other countries, including certain opioids. Such opioids are classified as Class II “controlled substances” in the US, meaning you normally get them from a hospital or a prescription.

Typically these drugs are only used for intensive medical procedures such as chemotherapy or surgery. But when doctors prescribe these drugs for Americans not going through such procedures, some patients become addicted to them due to their addictive nature.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Make money off of(〜で金儲けをする)

“make money off of”は、「〜で金儲けをする」や「〜で金を稼ぐ」を意味します。これは、何かしらの活動や資産を利用して利益を得ることを指します。例えば、「彼はYouTubeで金を稼いでいる」は“He makes money off of YouTube.”といい、“make money off of”の後には具体的な収入源や稼ぐ方法が入ります。

  • John made tons of money off of cryptocurrency.
  • She makes money off of selling her artwork on Instagram.
  • My friend makes money off of renting out one of his rooms on Airbnb.

2) Give out(配る)

”give out”は「何かを配る」を意味し、“distribute”よりも口語的な言い方として使われる口語表現です。例えば、「このチラシを配ってくれますか?」は“Can you give out these flyers?”と言います。また、“give out”には「無料で配布する」意味が含まれており、例えば、 “They’re giving out free samples over there.”は「あっちで無料のサンプルを配布していますよ」を意味します。ここでは、“free”をつけなくても「無料」であることが通じますが、日常会話では、“free”と組み合わせて使われることが多く、無料であることがより強調されます。

  • Can you help me give out these snacks to the kids?
  • They’re giving out free pocket tissues in front of the train station.
  • We should give out free samples at the event this weekend.

3) Chronic(慢性の)

“chronic” は、長期間にわたって続く、または繰り返し起こるという意味を持ちます。通常、特定の問題や病気が継続的かつ頻繁に現れる場合にこの単語が使われます。例えば、慢性的な腰痛がある場合、“I have a chronic back pain.”と表現し、腰痛が長期間に渡って続いていることを意味します。

  • I’ve been dealing with a chronic cough for months.
  • You shouldn’t smoke. It can lead to chronic health problems.
  • Many workers at that company are experiencing chronic stress.

4) Strenuous(激しい、多大な)

“strenuous”は、「大変な努力や活動が必要な」や「非常に過酷な」を意味します。一般的には、物理的または精神的に大変な活動や努力を表す場合に使われます。例えば、「激しいトレーニング」は“strenuous workout”、建設労働者など体に負担がかかるような仕事を、”a physically strenuous job”と言います。

  • An ultra-marathon is a strenuous event that requires a lot of training.
  • Moving furniture all day was a strenuous task.
  • His job requires him to perform strenuous physical labor.

5) Take medicine(薬を飲む)

「薬を飲む」は英語で“take medicine”と言います。例えば、風邪を引いている友達に「薬を飲んだほうがいいよ」と言う場合は、“You should take medicine.”と言います。また、「処方薬を飲む」は“Take a prescription.”と言います。

  • Make sure you take your medicine before you go to sleep.
  • I just took some antibiotics. Hopefully, I’ll start feeling better soon.
  • Which medication do you take for hay fever?



  • Fund・・・資金
  • Narcotics・・・麻薬
  • Oxycontin・・・処方鎮痛剤「オキシコンチン」
  • Prescription・・・処方薬
  • Morphine・・・モルヒネ
  • Chemotherapy・・・化学療法


  • Pharmaceutical company・・・製薬会社
  • Controlled substance・・・規制薬物
  • Class II controlled substance・・・クラス2に分類される薬物








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