
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.04.12





【Maria】What are some current social issues or debates that are happening in your country right now?

【Phillip】I think the—the…very much the same as the rest of the world—is the cost of living

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】…and housing prices. A lot of young people especially let’s say under 35…between, yeah 18 and 35 are in a little bit of a situation where they’re looking at their pay they’re taking home and they’re looking at their expenditures and going, “Yeah, this is near…I’m breaking even.”

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】And if they’re paying…rental prices are going up or housing costs, especially with the interest rates going up as well, they’re worrying about that negative income where they’re spending more than they take in.
So—and in Australia, infrastructure’s not the best. So moving out to the suburbs, moving out to the outer parts of the city is just not an option for people, because otherwise you’ve got, like an hour drive into the city. And for young people that are looking for work in sort of IT or perhaps working in an office building in the central city area, they don’t want to be driving an hour every day. And I think maybe for other countries that’s normal.
But for Australians, that long commute to work is just something we’re not culturally used to. We’re not used to taking a bus or a train for an hour or driving a car for an hour. So there’s a high demand to kind of improve the cost of living for young people.
And mainly that’s driven by a huge amount of immigration and migration to Australia. Especially after COVID restrictions got dropped, the government brought in a lot of people for, like…students for universities and also for working in, like…working holiday visas.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】And that kind of rose the prices overnight, pretty much.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What social/economic issue is being prominently discussed in Australia right now, according to Phillip?
  2. Why is moving out to the suburbs impractical for many young people in Australia?
  3. What has driven up housing prices in Australia since the COVID pandemic?



  1. He says that rising housing costs is an increasingly important issue for Australians.
  2. According to Phillip, Australia doesn’t have the best infrastructure, and so when young people look for work in the cities, it’s impractical to live in the suburbs where they’ll have a long commute.
  3. Phillip says that immigration to Australia has contributed to the increase in housing costs.



Phillip shares with Maria his thoughts on a major issue that’s being discussed in Australia currently: the increase in housing costs. Phillip believes that, much like many parts of the world, housing costs are significantly increasing and that this is especially difficult for young people.

In Australia, many young people between the ages of 18 and 35 are struggling to make ends meet. They look at their income compared to their expenses and many are barely breaking even.

Phillip says part of the problem is that Australian infrastructure isn’t as good as it is in other countries. So it’s often impractical for young people to seek housing in the cheaper suburbs when looking for work in the big cities due to the long commute times.

One contributing factor to the rising housing costs in Australia has been immigration. After COVID restrictions were lifted, the Australian government brought in many immigrants as students at universities and as workers on work visas, which increased the demand for housing and drove up prices.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Much the same(ほぼ同じ)

“much the same”は、「ほぼ同じ」という意味で使われます。微妙な違いがあるかもしれないけれども、基本的には同じであることを示します。例えば、日本を訪れた外国人の友達に、“What’s the difference between Suica and Pasmo?(SuicaとPasmoの違いは何?)”と聞かれた場合、“It’s much the same. It’s just a different issuing company.(ほぼ同じだよ。発行会社が違うだけ)”のように表現します。

ここで使われている“much”は強調の役割を果たし、「ほぼ」という意味を強調しています。今日の会話ではフィリップは“Very much the same.”と言っていますが、これには「ほぼ」をより強調するニュアンスがあります。

  • These two wines taste much the same to me. I can’t tell the difference.
  • Quality-wise, these are much the same. They’re just different brands.
  • Tom and I have much the same taste in music.

2) Let’s say(例えば〜としましょう)

この表現はあり得ないような妄想話から実際に起こり得る出来事などを話す時に使われ、「例えば〜としましょう」や「仮に〜したとして」を意味します。例えば、「宝くじが当たったとしましょう」は “Let’s say you won the lottery.”、「仮に今週末雨が降ったとしましょう」は “Let’s say it rains this weekend.”という具合に使われます。

ちなみに、 今日の会話でフィリップが使ったように、「そうですね〜」の意味でも使われます。

  • Let’s say you could live anywhere in the world for one year. Where would you choose?
  • Let’s say money was no object. What career would you choose?
  • Let’s say we meet around 8 PM in front of Hachiko?

3) Take home(手取りの給料)

“take home”は、給料の手取り額を指します。これは、従業員が税金やその他の控除を差し引いた後に実際に受け取る金額を指します。例えば、「税金を差し引いた後、手取りは約2000ドルです」は“After taxes, you take home about $2,000.”と言います。ちなみに、「手取り給料」は“take-home pay”と言い、「手取りは $2,000です」は“My take-home pay is $2,000.”と言います。

  • How much do you take home after taxes?
  • After taxes and deductions, you typically take home about three grand.
  • If you don’t mind, could you tell me the take-home pay?

4) Break even(とんとんになる)

“break even”は投資や売り上げなど収支がプラスでもマイナスでもない状態を表し、「とんとんになる」ことを意味します。この表現は個人の収入と出費がとんとんになる状況で使うこともでき、例えば、先月は15万円の収入があり、固定費として家賃や光熱費、生活費などで月に15万円の支出があった場合、“I broke even last month.”と言い、収支がプラスでもマイナスでもない状態を指します。。

  • Business has been slow recently. I just hope we break even this month.
  • We need to sell 20 more shirts to break even.
  • After paying the bills, we have to make $1,000 a day just to break even.

5) Otherwise(そうしないと)

“otherwise”は「そうしないと」や「そうでなければ」を意味する表現です。例えば、「そろそろ帰らないと。そうでないと終電を逃してしまいます」は“I’ve got to get going. Otherwise, I’m going to miss the last train.”と言います。

  • You have to finish your homework. Otherwise, you can’t play games.
  • Make sure you wear sunscreen. Otherwise, you’ll get sunburned.
  • Buy the tickets now. Otherwise, they’re going to sell out.



  • Expenditure・・・支出
  • Infrastructure・・・インフラ
  • Suburb・・・郊外
  • Migration・・・移住


  • Social issue・・・社会問題
  • Cost of living・・・生活費
  • Interest rate・・・金利
  • Take in・・・収入
  • Driven by・・・動かされる
  • COVID restriction・・・コロナ禍の入国規制








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