
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.03.08





【Phillip】All right. So what age did you move out of your parents’ house and what do you think is the average for people moving out of their house?

【Maria】I moved out of my house as soon as I graduated. So I was 18 years old. Sometimes students will stay for the summer until university starts in August, and then they’ll move to whatever university town that their school is in.
I don’t know many people when I was graduating that stayed at home past 18. Most people wanted to get out and they had a liable reason to leave. Usually universities—you choose a university that’s not based in your city. People who are 18 after they graduated, they kind of want to go and experience something new.
I think it has shifted more recently. In the more recent years the younger generation, I feel like is staying at home longer. But that’s just my opinion. I have no factual knowledge of that. But just to save money because it’s not really financially stable.
So when you go move out you don’t have a huge savings account that you saved up for that moment. Usually you are either taking student loans out to pay for your on-site dorms that people stay in in university their freshman year or students are working while they’re in university to pay for their housing.
And that starts to create a lot of conflicts if you’re working and in school your freshman year. So I think the younger generation is—is staying home with the parents a little bit longer.

【Phillip】Yes, it’s very similar here too. I mean, I moved out at—after graduation—so 21—of university. I think in Australia it’s different because since our cities—our capital cities are the only ones that have the universities, most people live where they were born and don’t really go to another state to go to university because it’s too far away.
So most people stay at home until they graduate university, which will be in their local area. Get a job and then move out, like what you were saying before.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What age was Maria when she moved out of her parents’ home?
  2. According to Maria, how do most college students in America pay for their housing fees while in college?
  3. According to Phillip, why don’t most college students in Australia move out of their parents’ homes until they’re 21?



  1. She was 18 when she moved out.
  2. Most students either take out student loans to pay for their college housing, or work a job while they’re attending school.
  3. Most college students in Australia stay with family until they’re 21 because that’s the age when most graduate college. Universities in Australia are typically only in the capital cities, so most students attend universities in or close to their hometowns.



Maria and Phillip discuss the age at which most young people move out of their parents’ homes in America and Australia, respectively. In Maria’s case, she moved out of her parents’ home at age 18, after she graduated high school.

Maria doesn’t know many people who still lived with family after 18 because most people she knew wanted to go and experience a new life in another part of the country, usually around university. However, she acknowledges that this is starting to change with the younger generation, as it’s becoming less financially viable to move out at 18.

Maria says that most American college students, when they move into college housing in their freshman year, will either take out student loans or work a job on the side to pay their housing fees. But working while in college can be challenging, and so Maria thinks more and more students are choosing to live at home to save money.

Phillip says that the situation is similar in Australia, as he moved out of his parents’ home at age 21, after he graduated college. According to Phillip, universities in Australia are typically located in Australian states’ capital cities, and so it makes more sense for Australian college students to choose a university close to them and live with family through their educations, rather than travel far away to attend an out-of-state university.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Move out(引っ越す)

“move out”は、今住んでいる家やアパートから出て行くことを表し、「引っ越す」を意味します。例えば、「私は来月引っ越します」は“I’m moving out next month.”、「私はアパートを出ます」は“I’m moving out of the apartment.”と言います。ちなみに、新しい家やアパートに入居する場合は“move in”を使います。

  • I decided to move out of my parents’ house and live on my own.
  • I need to move out of my apartment by the end of the month.
  • My kids moved out after they graduated from college.

2) Parents’ house(実家)

英語では日本語の「実家」に相当する単語がないため、「両親の家」を意味する“parents’ house”や“parents’ home”のように表現することが一般的です。例えば、「先月、実家を出ました」は“I moved out of my parents’ home last month.”と言います。

「実家に帰る」は“go and see one’s parents”または“visit one’s parents”と言い、「今週末、実家に帰ります」は“I’m going to go and see my parents this weekend.”、または“I’m going to visit my parents this weekend.”と言います。

  • I moved out of my parents’ house after I graduated from high school.
  • I went and saw my parents last weekend.
  • How often do you visit your parents?

3) Based in(〜を本拠としている)

“based in”は、「~に拠点を置いている」という意味です。特定の場所や地域を基盤として事業や活動を行うことを示します。この表現は、会社や組織がどこに本拠地を置いているかを表すのによく使われます。例えば、「弊社はLAに拠点を置いています」は“Our company is based in LA.”と言います。

  • Where is your company based in?
  • Our company is based in New York, but we have offices all around the world.
  • I’m based in LA, but I go to Japan every other month for work.

4) Save up(貯金する)

“save up”は「貯金する」ことを意味する表現で、将来何かを購入するためなど、何かしらの目的のために貯金するニュアンスがあります。例えば、「新しい車のために貯金しています」は“I’m saving up for a new car.”、「海外留学をするために貯金しています」は“I’m saving up to study abroad.”と言います。“save up for”の後には名詞、“save up to”の後には動詞がフォローします。

  • I’m saving up for a trip to Europe this summer.
  • I need to start saving up for a house.
  • We have been saving up to renovate our kitchen.

5) Take out a loan(ローンを組む)

“take out a loan”は「ローンを組む」ことを意味し、銀行や金融機関からお金を借りることを表します。例えば、「銀行でローンを組んだ」は“I took out a loan from the bank.”、 「新車を購入するためにローンを組みました」は“I took out a loan to buy a new car.”と言います。

ちなみに、“take out”には銀行の口座からお金を引き出す意味もあり、例えば、「お金を引き出さないといけない」と言いたい場合は、“I need to take out some money.”と言います。

  • I took out a loan to start my business.
  • I had to take out a student loan to pay for my college tuition.
  • Can you swing by the ATM? I need to take out some cash.



  • Liable・・・相応の
  • Shift・・・変わる


  • As soon as・・・~するとすぐに
  • Get out・・・出る
  • Factual knowledge・・・事実的知識
  • Financially stable・・・経済的に安定している
  • Capital city・・・首都
  • Like what you were saying before・・・さっき君が言ったように








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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