
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.02.09





【Maria】All right Phillip, so how do people generally feel about Valentine’s Day in your country?

【Phillip】I guess it’s a real love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. I know, like a lot of—a lot of companies try to push it, especially like florists and jewelers. Especially around Valentine’s Day or the week leading up to it there’ll be just ads after ads on TV or even through social media or media trying to push it.
But it’s a bit weird. I think not many people take it seriously, at least, you know around—around my city. Sure there’s, you know, the occasional couple or married couple that will go and do, like a date on that day or at least the weekend of. But I don’t know. I think it’s kind of losing its touch.

【Maria】Mm hm.

【Phillip】A lot of people don’t really…I’ve never really heard about it for the last few years from, like people in my social circle. Maybe I just hang around with people who don’t care about Valentine’s Day. But…yeah. There’s not much—I can’t really say much about it because it’s kind of…kind of there and then it just disappears. Sort of see it in the shops and then it kind of just fades away, I think. Yeah.


【Phillip】How about in America?

【Maria】Yeah, I agree with you. I think that, you know, it is a huge advertising time for jewelers, florists, and candy salesmen.

【Phillip】Ah, yeah. Yeah.

【Maria】There’s a lot of candy—chocolate that happens everywhere you go. So it’s a big—a big corporation—you know, they’re getting lots of money during this season. They’re advertising all over for it on TV.
I think that women in America tend to get really excited about Valentine’s Day. We have these kind of high expectations I would feel that…you know, it’s a day that, “I need to get something because if I’m not getting something, I’m looking on Instagram. I’m seeing Facebook. All my friends are getting stuff.”


【Maria】I think that it’s a lot in our social media. That day, lots of women are posting about their significant others. “Oh, I love so-and-so. He’s the best,” you know, “Valentine’s date a girl could ask for.” Or you know, “I’m so thankful for,” you know, “David. We’ve been together for nine years and this Valentine’s Day he surprised me with X, Y, and Z.”
A lot of engagements happen on Valentine’s Day. You’ll see a lot of women posting, you know, with their rings. So I don’t really know how it is for men. My—my partner does not really seem to care at all. He knows that I care, so he’ll do stuff for me. But I don’t think it’s—it’s the same for both of us in America.
You know, men don’t really seem to post about it or, you know, want to make reservations and big plans that day. They do it because of their obligations to who they’re with.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Based on Phillip’s observations, what sort of companies start advertising around Valentine’s Day in Australia?
  2. What has Phillip observed about Valentine’s Day in Australia, specifically how much or how little people participate in it?
  3. Why does social media play a part in promoting Valentine’s Day in America, according to Maria?



  1. Phillip says that florists and jewelers often advertise around Valentine’s Day in Australia.
  2. Phillip has observed that there aren’t many couples that celebrate it openly, at least in the city he lives in.
  3. Maria says that women tend to post on social media about their Valentine’s Day gifts from their significant others.



Maria and Phillip discuss the presence and impact of Valentine’s Day in America and Australia, respectively. While the holiday is recognized in both countries, its effects are different in each.

Phillip has observed that lots of florists and jewelers will heavily advertise around Valentine’s Day. However, he has also noticed, at least in the area he lives in, that there are not many couples celebrating it openly. There may be a few, but not as many as one might think.

Maria agrees with Phillip, observing similar things in America around that holiday. She says that florists, jewelers, and chocolate makers advertise heavily during the days leading up to Valentine’s Day.

Maria has also noticed that women in America tend to place a heavy emphasis on it. Social media reinforces expectations of Valentine’s Day, with many women posting on their social media about the gifts they received from their significant others. Men by contrast, don’t seem to care as much about Valentine’s Day. Men will participate in it and buy gifts for their significant others out of a sense of obligation.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Leading up to(〜の直前)

“leading up to”は、特定の出来事や状況の前の時期を表す時に使われる表現で、何かが起こる直前の期間を表します。例えば、“Leading up to Valentine’s Day”というと、バレンタインデーの数日前から数週間前の期間を表し、「バレンタインデーに向けて、多くの店はハートで飾られます」は“Many shops are decorated with hearts leading up to Valentine’s Day.”と言います。

  • The shopping malls get busy leading up to Christmas.
  • I practiced every day leading up to my presentation.
  • I started getting cold feet leading up to my wedding.

2) The weekend of(〜の週末)

“the weekend of”は、あるイベントや出来事が行われる特定の週末を表します。例えば、友達が、“We are planning a BBQ party on the weekend of my birthday.”と言えば、友達の誕生日がある週末にBBQパーティーを計画していることを意味します。“the weekend of”の代わりに“the day of”と表現することも一般的で、何かが行われる特定の日を指します。例えば、「私はクリスマスの日にハワイに行きます」は“I’m leaving for Hawaii on the day of Christmas.”と言います。

  • I’m planning on throwing a BBQ party on the weekend of the 24th.
  • I have a big presentation on the day of my birthday.
  • We’re not doing anything on the day of Valentine’s Day because my wife is working.

3) Lose its touch(魅力を失う)

“lose its touch”は何かが以前ほど良くなかったり、効果が薄れたり、魅力的でなくなったりすることを意味します。例えば、今日の会話でフィリップはバレンタインデーについて、“I think it’s kind of losing its touch.”と言っていますが、これはバレンタインデーはかつての盛り上がりがないことを意味しています。

その他、“lose one’s touch”と表現することもでき、何かが下手になることを意味します。特に、前は得意だったのにレベルが落ちた状態を表す時に使われ、例えば、数年間ゴルフの練習をしていなくて下手になったと感じた時に、“I lost my touch.”と表現します。

  • Is it just me or does it feel like Apple is losing its touch?
  • In recent years, TV shows have been losing their touch.
  • I feel like that comedian is losing his touch.

4) Significant other(恋人・配偶者・パートナー)

“significant other”は「大切な人」を表す表現ですが、家族や親友のことではなく恋愛関係における大切な人を意味します。この表現は性別に関係なく使用され、恋人、パートナーまたは配偶者を表します。例えば、「私はパートナーと一緒にヨーロッパを旅行しました」は“I traveled to Europe with my significant other.”と言います。

  • Is your significant other coming to the party tonight?
  • I’m going to New York with my significant other this weekend.
  • I went on a snowboarding trip with my buddies and their significant others.

5) So-and-so(誰それ)

“so-and-so”は、特定の人や物事の名前を言いたくない時に使われる表現です。一般的には人やお店の名前に対して使われ、不特定な名前やあえて名前を出したくない場合、もしくは単に名前を忘れた時に使われます。例えば、“I met so-and-so at the event.”と誰かが言った場合、イベントで誰かに会ったけど、その人の名前を知らないか、言いたくないかというふうに解釈します。

  • I heard about the rumor from so-and-so.
  • So-and-so from HR said many employees are getting laid off next week.
  • I won’t mention names, but Ms. so-and-so is so annoying.



  • Florist・・・花屋
  • Obligation・・・義務感


  • Love/hate relationship・・・愛憎関係
  • Ads after ads・・・次から次へ宣伝が流れる
  • Take it seriously・・・真剣にとらえる
  • Social circle・・・社交サークル
  • Hang around・・・付き合う
  • Fades away・・・薄れる
  • X, Y, and Z・・・あれこれ








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