
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.12.15





【Kimi】Okay so what is one habit you formed that had a significant impact on your life?

【Robert】I really love exercising and playing. Like, those two things I love doing.

【Kimi】Sorry, what was that?

【Robert】Playing sports.

【Kimi】Oh, playing sports.

【Robert】Like, I said “playing” but like, playing sports is, like…


【Robert】…what I meant because I do a lot of things. I used to do…not used to—I still—I still play basketball.


【Robert】I do—I used to do football. In college, I did rugby. I did swimming. I did golf.

【Kimi】Wow, you’re very active.

【Robert】Yeah, I do—I used to do track. And even now, like—even working this job I still do laps and I do—I practice Ashtanga yoga. And I do a bunch of, like stuff for my body. And I think COVID kind of threw me off in 2020. It threw me off my game.
But now after a year of, like getting used to, like the new stuff, new protocols—and now it’s kind of fading away a little bit—but I can now work out with other people, play basketball games again and, like have a lot of fun.

【Kimi】That’s good. I agree with you on the exercising part.

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】I think one thing that I’m—I also started to be more active and that also changed and impacted my life. But I think one main thing would be to practice gratitude.


【Kimi】To be thankful for—for things. For everything, actually. I used to be someone that was very…well I grew up in the family that was very protective and kind of worried about me a lot. You know, “Be careful going out,” or, “not coming back too late because this can happen to you,” or so. And so they kind of made me, like an anxious person in a way…thinking worst-case scenarios.
But then one day I met someone who…who…I realize every time we would drive somewhere or park, they said “thank you” to their car. And I was like, “that’s weird. Why—why do you say ‘thank you’ to…” and then it happened multiple times. And then I realized—or I had this conversation, I finally asked him, “Why do you always say ‘thank you’ to your car after we reach our destination?” And he goes, “Because…” you know, “…you’re thanking the car for helping you get to where you are safely.”
And I was like, “Wow, I’ve never done this before. I’d never think, like a thing.” You’d think a person when they do something nice for you, right? But you never think, like, “Wow, a car.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are some of the different types of sports that Robert played over the course of his life?
  2. What major world event threw off Robert’s exercising routine?
  3. Kimi knew a man who would thank something other than a person. What was the thing that man would thank, and why?



  1. Basketball, football, rugby, swimming, golf, and track were all sports Robert either used to play or continues to play to this day.
  2. COVID and the restrictions it brought about threw off Robert’s exercising routines.
  3. The man Kimi knew would thank his car for safely getting them to their destinations.



Kimi and Robert discuss habits that have had significant impacts on their lives. For Robert, it was his love of sports and exercise. Robert has played many sports over the course of his life. He played a lot of basketball growing up and continues to play it to this day. He also used to do football, rugby, swimming, golf, and track.

When COVID and its restrictions happened, they caused Robert to lose some of his usual exercise routines. However, when the restrictions were lifted, he returned to his exercise.

Kimi identified “gratitude” as the habit that had a major impact on her life. Growing up, Kimi was raised in a family that was protective of her and warning her of the dangers of the world. This in turn made her a somewhat anxious person.

However, Kimi met a man who had the unusual practice of thanking his car every time he finished driving it. He said this was because he was grateful to his car for delivering him safely to his destination, and this gratitude had a positive effect on Kimi when she observed it.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) What was that?(何て言ったの?)

“What was that?”は相手が言ったことが聞き取れなかったり、理解できなかった時に使われる表現で、「今、何て言ったの?」を意味します。どちらかというとカジュアルな響きがあり、一般的には親しい相手に対して使われる表現です。

  • Sorry, what was that?
  • What was that? Could you say that again?
  • Sorry, what was that? I’m having trouble hearing you.

2) Throw someone off(狂わせる)

throw someone offは人を狂わせたり、困らせたりすることを意味する表現です。特に、予測していたことや予定していたことと現実が一致せず、人を混乱させるような状況で使われます。例えば、仕事の面接で予想もしていなかったことを急に聞かれて返答に戸惑ったり、悪天候でフライトがキャンセルになり予定が完全に狂ってしまうような状況で使われます。

その他、throw offは「気が散る」の意味で使うこともできます。例えば、プレゼン中に参加者の携帯が鳴ったことで気が散ってしまい、自分が何を言おうとしていたか分からなくなってしまうような状況で使われます。

  • The interviewer’s question threw me off.
  • The train delay this morning threw off my schedule for the day.
  • The time difference is throwing off my sleep cycle.

3) Fade away(消え去る)

fade awayは、徐々に消えていったりなくなったりすることを意味する日常表現です。音や光が徐々に消えていったり、色や記憶が薄れていったり、一時人気を集めた人物や物がすたれるなど、様々な状況で使うことができます。

  • The design on my shirt is starting to fade away.
  • Even as we grow older, some memories never fade away.
  • I think it’s just a matter of time before that fad fades away.

4) Go out(出かける)

go outは「出かける」を意味する口語表現です。特に、何か楽しいことをする意味を込めて「家から出かける」を表現する際によく使われる定番フレーズです。一般的にはレストランやバー、イベントなど人が集まる社交行事に参加するニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、「今夜出かけよう」は“Let’s go out tonight.”と言います。

  • Let’s go out and do something fun tonight.
  • It’s been a while since I went out with my friends.
  • I feel like going out and doing some karaoke tonight.

5) Worst-case scenario(最悪の場合)

worst-case scenarioは、特定の状況で起こりうる最も不運またはネガティブな結果を指し、「最悪の場合」を意味します。ある状況で最悪のことが起こるときの考え方を表現します。例えば、「最悪の場合、イベントをキャンセルしましょう」という場合、“In the worst-case scenario, we’ll cancel the event.”と言います。

逆に「最良のシナリオ」や「最高の筋書き」は、“best-case scenario”と言います。

  • In the worst-case scenario, we’ll spend the night at a manga cafe.
  • My friend always plays it safe and prepares for the worst-case scenarios.
  • In the best-case scenario, I’ll find a job as a translator in LA.



  • Form・・・作る
  • Laps・・・トラックを〜周走る
  • Protocols・・・生活様式・手順
  • Protective・・・保護する


  • Practice gratitude・・・感謝の実践


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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