
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.12.08

第463回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「言語能力か瞬間移動か」です。みなさんは世界中のあらゆる言語を話し、理解する能力と、いつでもどこへでも 瞬間移動できる能力のどちらかを選べるとしたら、どちらを選びますか?キミーは前者を選び、ロバートは瞬間移動を選びました。なぜその選択をしたのか、2人の会話を聞いてみましょう。




【Robert】Would you rather be able to understand every language in the world and be fluent in it, or the ability to teleport anywhere you want at any given moment?

【Kimi】I’ve thought hard about this question…

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】And my answer is I would love to learn all of the languages and be able to understand and speak it fluently…


【Kimi】…because I love connecting with people and learning with—learning through in-person communication and just—you learn so much just by speaking to someone, right?

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】And so that’s…as simple as it is, that’s my answer because I love connecting with people. And I feel like you can still travel, right?

【Robert】Mm hm.

【Kimi】Knowing all the languages—imagine you can speak to everyone!

【Robert】That would be really cool.

【Kimi】That would be so cool! And sometimes I’m curious too—like, if I’m—if I’m in—in a store and then I hear a different language that I don’t understand. I’m so curious to know what they’re talking about. And that would be so cool if I’m just, like getting my nails done somewhere and then I understand what they’re talking about. Or if I’m, like in a store…I think that would be so cool.

【Robert】Always staying in the know, right? Yeah, that’s cool.

【Kimi】(laughs) Yeah. What about you?

【Robert】I actually chose teleporting.

【Kimi】Okay. Why is that?

【Robert】But the only reason I chose teleporting is—you made a good argument for the language one. I think that was—this one—I was on the fence as well…

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】…because as…as I studied languages, I fell in love with them. So I—I definitely agree. But then I thought to myself, if I get to teleport anywhere, I could just learn the language wherever I go.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】And so because I think anyone can learn any language that they want if they put the hard work and dedication into it.


【Robert】Over time, you can learn, and you can learn anything you want to learn. Maybe not learn every single language on the planet. Maybe that’s too hard. But if you learn every language that you want to learn in your lifetime and that you could teleport to those places and maybe get the authentic experience and learn even more. Yeah.

【Kimi】Yeah, that’s true.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why did Kimi choose “learn all languages” over “teleporting?”
    なぜキミーは 「瞬間移動」 ではなく「すべての言語を習得する」ことを選んだのでしょうか?
  2. Why did Robert choose “teleporting” over “learning all languages?”
    ロバートはなぜ 「すべての言語を習得する」よりも 「瞬間移動」を選んだのでしょうか?
  3. What does Robert believe is necessary to learn a language?



  1. She thinks that one can travel on their own and learning languages would allow her to communicate more effectively with others around the world.
  2. He thinks that he could learn languages as he goes whenever he teleports to somewhere he wants to visit.
  3. He thinks as long as someone puts hard work and dedication into it, anyone can learn a new language.



Kimi and Robert are asked to choose between two options: 1) learn every language on the planet, or 2) gain the ability to teleport to wherever they want to go. Both gave the choice a lot of thought and shared their thoughts on their decisions.

Kimi chose to learn every language on Earth because she loves communicating with others in-person. Often when she’s in a store, she’ll hear a language she doesn’t understand and wishes she did. She also feels that teleporting isn’t necessary because one could travel to the places they want to visit on their own.

Robert on the other hand chose teleportation. He thinks that if he had the ability to teleport anywhere in the world, he could pick up languages he encounters along the way.

For Robert, anyone can learn any language they want on their own. While he admits it’s not feasible to learn every single language on Earth, if someone puts hard work and dedication into it, a person can master any language they set out to learn.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get one’s nails done(ネイルをやってもらう)

get one’s nails doneはネイルサロンや美容院にいって、ネイルをやってもらうことを意味します。手や足の爪を綺麗にしてもらったり、形を整えたり、色を塗ったりすることを意味する口語的な言い方です。例えば、「彼女はネイルをやってもらっています」は“She’s getting her nails done.”と言います。ネイルの他にも、“get one’s hair done”ということもでき、ヘアサロンに行って髪を切ったり、カラーリングしたり、トリートメントをしてもらうことを表します。

  • She is going to get her nails done today.
  • Lisa treated herself to a spa day and also got her nails done.
  • I need to get my hair done before the party this weekend.

2) In the know(〜を知っている)

in the knowは、何かについての情報や知識を持っていることを意味するインフォーマルな表現です。もし誰かがin the knowであれば、特定の状況やトピックに関する最新のニュースや展開、詳細をよく知っていることを表します。今日の会話でロバートは “stay in the know”と言いましたが、一般的には“be in the know”の組み合わせで使われることが多いです。例えば、友人がいつも最新のファッショントレンドに詳しい場合、 “She is always in the know about the latest fashion trends.”と言います。

  • Tom is always in the know about the latest technology trends.
  • Tracy is a big-time foodie and is in the know about all the local restaurants.
  • Subscribe to my newsletter if you want to stay in the know about upcoming events.

3) On the fence(迷う)

on the fenceは直訳で「フェンスの上にいる」を意味しますが、日常会話では「迷う」を意味する口語表現として使われます。フェンスの上に座っている人が、左右どちらに飛ぶか迷っている様子をイメージすると分かりやすいです。例えば、「迷っています」は“I’m on the fence.”、「イベントに行くか迷っています」は“I’m on the fence about going to the event.”と表現します。


  • I haven’t decided yet. I’m still on the fence.
  • I’m on the fence about which movie to watch tonight.
  • I’m still on the fence about accepting the job offer.

4) Fall in love with(〜がすごく好きになる)

fall in love with someoneは「誰かと恋に落ちる」を意味しますが、fall in love with something はあることに心を奪われることを表し、「〜がすごく好きになる」という意味になります。例えば、旅行中に訪れたパリがすごく好きになった時は、“I fell in love with Paris.(パリが大好きになった)”、「フランスの文化が好きになった」は“I fell in love with the French culture.”、「フランスの食べ物が好きになった」は“I fell in love with the food in France.”のように表現します。

  • I fell in love with photography when I was a teenager.
  • Hawaii was so much fun. I fell in love with everything about it.
  • After studying abroad in Australia, I fell in love with the people and culture there.

5) Put in(努力する)

put inは仕事や勉強において、目標を達成するために努力をしたり時間を費やしたりすることを意味します。例えば、「努力する」はput in effort、「力を注ぐ」はput in work、「時間を費やす」はput in timeと表します。

  • If you want to pass the test, you need to put in the time to study regularly.
  • Our team put in a lot of time and effort to complete this project.
  • Hiro put in tremendous work to improve his English pronunciation.



  • Fluent・・・流暢
  • Authentic・・・本物の


  • Would you rather A or B?・・・AとB、どちらがいい?
  • In-person communication・・・ 対面コミュニケーション
  • Good argument・・・説得力ある議論
  • Every single・・・全ての


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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  1. 澤田圭吾 より:

    スクリプトではput the hard workですが、今日のフレーズではput inなのはなぜでしょうか?

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