
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.08.25





【Alex】So CJ, would you rather have Japanese speakers—native Japanese speakers—speak to you in Japanese or English when you encounter them in everyday situations?

【CJ】That’s—that’s a good question. Actually, I would—I am so grateful if they would use English. I am because…

【Alex】Oh really?

【CJ】Yeah, yeah, yeah because, you know, if I’m—if I’m talking to them about something that means I have somewhere to be.

【Alex】Mm hm. (laughs)

【CJ】And I’ve got to be there at this time.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】You know—but honestly…yeah. My—my Japanese is just not there yet. So sometimes, like—for example, if I go up to the ticket counter at the train station and I say—you know, sometimes I like to start off with Japanese because I want to contribute. I am in Japan after all. But, you know…

【Alex】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【CJ】Right? I’ll start with Japanese, but then that gives them the green light sometimes to just start rattling off all this Japanese that I definitely don’t know or can’t understand or both, you know?

【Alex】Mm hm. Yeah.

【CJ】So I appreciate it when, you know, I’m in Kyoto, I can find somebody who speaks English or—or Tokyo. Where—wherever it is.

【Alex】Yeah, yeah.

【CJ】If—if I’m in a hurry, then it’s probably the best way if… (laughs) …if they can help me out, you know…

【Alex】Yeah. (laughs) I understand that.

【CJ】And I realize—I realize they’re helping me out.

【Alex】Yeah, right.

【CJ】Yeah, they’re helping me. But I get it. I get it. I’ve got to brush up on my Japanese. But yes, I prefer…

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】…I prefer English if possible. What about you?

【Alex】Yeah, so when I first got on the plane and got to Japan—so I flew on a Japanese airline. So when they talked to me in Japanese I was very excited. And when I got to Japan if people talked to me in Japanese I was very excited because I wanted to practice and I was—I didn’t know very much at all when I came here but I wanted to practice…

【CJ】Yeah, right.

【Alex】…and listening and trying to, you know, say the basic things. But…so sometimes when I would be out and about and…and they would start and they would see me and they would start using English I’d feel this sinking feeling of disappointment.


【Alex】Like, “Oh, okay.” (laughs) “I want to use Japanese.”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When CJ is in Japan, does he prefer people speak to him in English or Japanese? Why?
  2. Why does CJ worry about starting a conversation with someone in Japan in Japanese?
  3. How did Alex feel when people in Japan spoke to her in English?



  1. CJ generally prefers people speak to him in English if possible due to its convenience for him, especially if he’s in a hurry somewhere.
  2. He worries if he begins a conversation in Japanese, a Japanese-speaker will take that as permission to continue speaking Japanese, even if it’s advanced and difficult for CJ to understand.
  3. She felt a sinking feeling of disappointment because she wanted to practice her Japanese.



Alex and CJ discuss whether they prefer to be spoken to in English or Japanese while in Japan. For CJ, he usually prefers to be spoken to in English.

CJ feels his Japanese needs improvement and so English is much easier for him to talk in. That said, he knows that when he’s living in Japan, he should contribute by speaking the language.

However, CJ often worries that starting a conversation in Japanese will give the other person the “green light” to continue speaking in Japanese. This often means speaking advanced Japanese that CJ might not understand.

Alex on the other hand loves it when people in Japan speak to her in Japanese, as she wants to take advantage of any opportunity to practice her Japanese. However, sometimes Japanese people would see Alex and want to practice their English on her. Whenever this happened, Alex felt disappointed, feeling she couldn’t practice her Japanese with that person anymore.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Not there yet(〜に達していない)

直訳で「まだ辿り着いていない」となるこの表現は、スキルや能力、レベルなどがまだ目標レベルに達していないことを表します。例えば、今日の会話でシージェーは、 “My Japanese is just not there yet.”と言いますが、ここでは自分の日本語力が日本人と会話ができるレベルではまだないことを表しています。使い方は簡単で、not there yetの前に目標レベルに達していない対象を入れるだけです。

  • I want to work for a foreign company, but my English is not there yet.
  • I’m learning how to surf, but I’m not there yet.
  • I’ve been running every day, but my endurance is not there yet to run a full marathon.

2) Give someone the green light(〜に許可を与える)

直訳で「〜に青信号を与える」となるこの表現は、車が青信号で発車する様子を比喩的に表現し、誰かに何かをする許可を与えたり、ゴーサインを出すことを意味します。この表現はビジネスの場で使われることが多く、プロジェクトや計画などに対して実行する許可を与えるときに使われます。例えば、「上司がプロジェクト開始の許可をくれました」は“My boss gave me the green light to start the project.”と言います。また、giveの代わりにgetを使って、“I got the green light to start the project.(私はプロジェクト開始の許可を得た)”と言うこともできます。

  • My manager gave me the green light to plan the event.
  • We got the green light to develop the app.
  • His parents gave him the green light to start his YouTube channel.

3) Rattle off(スラスラと言う)

rattleは本来、「ガタガタ音を立てる」ことを意味し、連続したノックやタッピングの音を速く出す意味合いがあります。そこから、rattle offは何かをスラスラと言う意味合いを持ち、特に暗記している物や考えなくても言えるものに対して使われます。例えば、山手線の駅名と順番を暗記している人がスラスラと言い始めた場合、“She rattled off the train stops on the Yamanote Line.”と言います。

  • He rattled off all 47 prefectures in Japan.
  • Our tour guide rattled off historical facts about Kyoto.
  • When I asked him about his favorite food in Japan, he rattled off 10 different dishes.

4) Brush up on(〜の能力を磨き直す)

brush up onはある知識やスキル、能力を磨き直すことを意味します。特に忘れていたことや忘れかけていることを学び直すニュアンスがあります。例えば、最後に英語を本格的に学習したのが5年前で勉強し直さないといけない場合、“I need to brush up on my English”と言います。一般的にbrush up on one’s ~ の形で使われ、空欄に磨き直さないといけない対象が入ります。

  • I’m going to LA next month, so I need to brush up on my English.
  • I haven’t given a presentation in years. I need to brush up on it.
  • You should brush up on your Spanish before going to Mexico.

5) Be out and about(あちこち出歩く)

この表現はあちこち出歩いたり、アクティブに動き回って活動していることを意味します。例えば、“I was out and about today.”と言うと、ただ外出をしたという意味ではなく、ショッピングしたり、街を散策したり、公園に行ったりなど、アクティブに活動したことを表します。

  • Since it was a beautiful day yesterday, I was out and about.
  • When I’m traveling, I’m usually out and about exploring the city.
  • On the weekends, I prefer being out and about than staying in.



  • Encounter・・・出会う


  • Go up to・・・〜に行く
  • Start off with・・・〜から始める
  • After all・・・結局は
  • Help someone out・・・誰かを助ける
  • Sinking feeling of・・・気がめいる感じ








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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