
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.08.18





【CJ】But what about you? What—what’s your thoughts on it?

【Alex】Yeah I agree. I think perfectionism for me is my great strength and a great weakness at the same time. I think that, you know—I really want to do well at something or if I really care about something then I try to do the best I can. But when it stops me from being authentic or honest or—you know, or—you know, putting something out in the world, I mean, you know?

【CJ】Yeah, right.

【Alex】Or trying something that I want to try or doing something that I want to do. I don’t—you know, if I’m not perfect at it I don’t want to, you know, even try or—or…I’m being very general about it so maybe I should just use an example. (laughs)

【CJ】No, I get it. I get it. I’m the same. I’m the same.

【Alex】Yeah, it’s…

【CJ】Yeah, yeah. We know what we’re good at, right?

【Alex】Yeah it’s something—and also it can be related to procrastination and then—so, like I’m working on a project right now and it just seems to never have an ending because I keep trying to perfect it—perfect it. And it needs to be done. I have actually a couple of things. It needs to finish.

【CJ】Yeah, right?

【Alex】They have to finish for me to move forward.


【Alex】And also…so that—that’s kind of inhibiting because I have to have every little detail be perfect. And that’s where it starts to become maybe a little too much.

【CJ】I see.

【Alex】But yeah. Hopefully, I make it perfect and that it all works out, and I get to have my cake and eat it too. (laughs)

【CJ】Yeah, right?

【Alex】But yeah. With, like…in Japanese, you know I—I read and write better than I speak because I’m so afraid to make mistakes. And I’m so afraid that I’m not good enough yet that I don’t even try. And I don’t even try at home! And I have the opportunity all the time.


【Alex】But I tend to use English because it’s fast and it’s easy and it’s…and yeah. So that’s a problem. So I’m not practicing enough because I’m not perfect enough at speaking.


【Alex】And so…yeah. And I just thought, “Oh, if I get really good at being quiet and hiding with my reading and writing and doing kanji.” But, you know, studying kanji doesn’t help me communicate with other humans, and I live in Japan. So that’s—that’s an issue.


【Alex】So I’m trying to have the courage to make mistakes and—because we learn more from mistakes than we do successes.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. At what point does Alex think perfectionism can be a problem?
  2. Why does Alex’s project keep getting delayed?
  3. Why does Alex write and read better in Japanese than she speaks?



  1. She thinks it’s a problem when it prevents her from being authentic or getting things done.
  2. She keeps trying to perfect it, thereby delaying its completion.
  3. She doesn’t speak as well as she reads and writes in Japanese because she’s often afraid of making mistakes while speaking.



Alex and CJ continue their discussion of perfectionism in this episode. Alex agrees with much of what CJ said in the previous episode and thinks perfectionism is both a strength and a weakness of hers.

Alex often wants to do the best she possibly can on projects she really cares about. But she also feels perfectionism can be a problem when it prevents her from being authentic or from finishing objectives she set out to do.

In particular, Alex is working on a project that she constantly feels a need to perfect. This has caused her to continuously delay finishing it in order to get it just right.

Perfectionism has also affected how Alex has learned Japanese. She feels she’s much better at reading and writing Japanese because she often avoids practicing her spoken Japanese out of fear that she’ll make a mistake.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Authentic(本物の)

authenticは何かが偽物や複製でないことを意味する単語で、「本物の」や「信頼できる」を意味します。例えば、「本物の腕時計」は“authentic watch”、「本格的な日本料理」は“authentic Japanese food.”と表現します。また、「自分らしくいる」ことを“be authentic”を使って表現することもできます。この表現は、人や物、体験などに対して使うことができます。

  • That store sells authentic kimonos from Japan.
  • I’ll take you to a restaurant that serves authentic Italian food.
  • I like her because she is a kind and authentic person.

2) Put something out into the world(〜を世に送り出す)

put something out into the worldは何かを他の人や世界と共有することを表し、「〜を世に送り出す」を意味します。特に自分の考えや自分が作り出したもの、スキルなどを、YouTubeやインスタグラムなど、SNSを通してみんなとシェアする意味合いがあります。例えば、絵がすごく上手な友達に「その作品を世に出すべきだ」と言う場合は、“You should put your artwork out into the world.”と言います。今日の会話でアレックスは“put something out in the world”と言いましたが、一般的にはinの代わりに intoを使って“put something out into the world”と言います。

  • I decided to put my songs out into the world.
  • You should use Instagram to put your artwork out into the world.
  • Don’t be afraid to put your message out into the world.

3) Perfect(完全なものにする)

perfectは一般的に「完璧な」や「完全な」を意味する形容詞として使われますが、日常会話では「完全なものにする」という意味の動詞としても使われ、欠点や不足しているスキルを補って完全なものにするというニュアンスがあります。例えば、「英語をマスターしたい」は“I want to perfect my English.”、「書く力を磨いて完璧なものにしたい」は“I want to perfect my writing skills.”のように表現します。


  • I want to perfect my English pronunciation.
  • This lasagna is amazing. You perfected it.
  • It takes time to perfect a new skill, so just be patient with yourself.

4) Can’t have one’s cake and eat it too(いいとこ取りはできない)

“can’t have one’s cake and eat it too”は直訳で「ケーキを所有しながら食べることはできない」を意味することから、「2つを同時に手に入れることはできない」や「いいとこ取りはできない」という意味で使われます。目の前にある美味しそうなケーキを食べずにとっておきたい気持ちと食べたい気持ちは二つの相反する想いであり、矛盾する二つのことを同時に実現することは不可能だと表現する時に使われます。

例えば、お金がすごく良い仕事のオファーがあったが、数年間単身赴任で家族と離れて暮らさなければならない場合、“I want to take the job offer and spend time with my family, but I guess I can’t have my cake and eat it too.(この仕事のオファーを受けて家族と一緒に過ごしたいけど、二つを同時に手に入れることはできないみたいだ)”というように使います。この表現は一般的に否定形で使われますが、今日の会話でアレックスが表現したように肯定文で使うこともできます。

  • I want to travel and save money at the same time, but I know I can’t have my cake and eat it too.
  • She wants to become a fluent English speaker without speaking, but unfortunately, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
  • He wants to be successful without working hard, but he doesn’t understand you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

5) Have the courage to(〜する勇気がある)

have the courage toは「〜する勇気がある」や「勇気を出して〜する」を意味します。例えば、今日の会話でアレックスは、“I’m trying to have the courage to make mistakes.”と言いましたが、これは「間違う勇気を持とうとしている」を意味します。 have the courage toの後には勇気を持って取り組む事柄が入ります。

  • I’m trying to have the courage to talk to people in English.
  • I respect him because he has the courage to try new things and challenge himself.
  • We have to have the courage to stand up for what we believe is right.



  • Procrastination・・・先延ばしにする
  • Inhibit・・・支障になる


  • I get it・・・分かるよ
  • I’m the same・・・私も同じ
  • Work on・・・取り組む
  • Work out・・・上手くいく
  • Not good enough・・・十分上手でない
  • That’s an issue・・・それは問題








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