
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.06.09





【CJ】You—you mentioned something. Let me name one more place.

【Alex】Okay, okay. Yeah.

【CJ】Actually, it just came to my mind. I probably should put it up in first place, but…

【Alex】Okay, okay, I want to hear it because I’m taking notes. (laughs)

【CJ】If you—if you ever have a chance


【CJ】…or if you’ve ever been—if you’re ever by—I think it’s Nagasaki…House of Roses. Huis Ten Bosch.

【Alex】House of Roses, okay.

【CJ】I don’t know if I’m pronouncing it right, but it’s Huis Ten Bosch.

【Alex】I’m going to write that down. (laughs)

【CJ】Yeah. I think it’s…it’s…not German. I can’t remember. I can’t remember. But anyway, this place is a theme park for—for flowers. It’s a theme park for flowers.


【CJ】There are flowers everywhere. And I mean—when I say “everywhere” I mean…I mean everywhere.

【Alex】Wow. Is it—is it, like various types or just mostly roses?

【CJ】Yeah, any kind of flower. Any kind of flower you can—you can imagine. And it’s set up in such a way that it looks like a theme park. And there’s…there’s a modest number of rides. They have a Ferris Wheel. They have…stuff.


【CJ】They have shows. They have restaurants. They have little shops. This place is—it’s set up to look like a European—an old, old European city, or town.


【CJ】Not city. Maybe town.

【Alex】So I don’t have to leave Japan to experience Europe then.

【CJ】You do not. You do not. It is…

【Alex】It sounds like a really unique theme park.

【CJ】Check—check it out. It’s free advertisement for them. (laughs)

【Alex】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【CJ】It’s awesome, though. It’s an awesome place. Pretty, pretty…

【Alex】Yeah, wow. That’s so cool. Yeah, and it’s—you know, there’s one other place that I want to mention. And it’s outside—it’s not Japanese culture-related. But I recently discovered how many amazing species there are in the ocean near—just near Tokyo.
It’s—so, last summer, I started snorkeling because I was just…I think it was in Atami or something. I was at the beach, and I noticed there was a cuttlefish just in the shallow water. And I saw…I don’t know the English. It…in Japanese, it’s called takanoha dai. And so it’s a really cool fish with stripes and a spotted tail.

【CJ】Oh, okay.

【Alex】And so then I realized there’s a lot of interesting fish. And I started snorkeling and seeing lots of different…

【CJ】That’s awesome.

【Alex】Yeah, they—like, the fish I used to have as pets I could just go see…

【CJ】You could go see them.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the name of the Japanese theme park CJ mentioned that’s modeled after a European town?
  2. What are some of the attractions of the theme park CJ describes?
  3. What activity did Alex take up after seeing the many types of fish in the shallow waters of Atami?



  1. The theme park is called “House of Roses,” or Huis Ten Bosch.
  2. The theme park has flower gardens, a Ferris Wheel, shops, restaurants, shows, among other attractions.
  3. She decided to take up snorkeling when she realized how many types of fish there are in the waters around Japan.



Alex and CJ continue their discussion of their favorite places in Japan. CJ was reminded of a theme park he visited while in Japan that was one of his favorite places in the country.

The theme park was called “House of Roses,” or Huis Ten Bosch, and was modeled after an old European—and specifically a Dutch—town. CJ remembers the park primarily for its vast collection of flowers on display throughout.

But the park also had a Ferris Wheel, shows, restaurants, shops, and other attractions as well. Alex jokingly says that she doesn’t have to leave Japan to experience Europe after learning about this theme park.

Alex has recently taken up snorkeling in Japan. She started this after seeing the many types of fish that live in the waters around Japan. Specifically, she spotted cuttlefish and takanoha dai fish at the beach of Atami.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Take notes(メモする)

take notesは「メモする」ことを意味します。授業でノートをとったり、会議中に議事録をとったり、アメリカのテレビ番組を見ながら英語の表現をメモしたりすることを意味します。この表現を使う時は必ず“notes”と複数形になります。

  • I always take notes when I watch American TV shows.
  • The seminar was interesting, and I took a lot of notes.
  • She is excellent at taking notes. Everything is very organized.

2) If you ever have a chance(もし機会があれば)

if you ever have a chanceは 「もし機会があれば」や「もし時間があれば」を意味する日常表現です。if you have a chanceと意味は同じですがより強調したニュアンスになり、例えば、海外のホストファミリーにお別れの挨拶をする時に、“If you ever have a chance, come and visit me in Japan.(もし機会があれば日本に遊びにきてね)”と表現できます。

ちなみに、a chanceの代わりにan opportunityを使って表現してもOKです。

  • If you ever have a chance, you should visit In-N-Out.
  • If you ever have a chance, try out my friend’s ramen shop.
  • If you ever have a chance, check out Tokyo DisneySea.

3) Theme park(テーマパーク)

「テーマパーク」は英語でtheme parkと言います。ポイントは「テーマ」の発音で、英語では「テーマ」ではなく“theme”と言います。「テーマパーク」に限らず、例えば、「本のテーマは何ですか?」は“What is the theme of the book?”と表現し、テーマは全て“theme”と発音します。

ちなみに、英語ではtheme parkをamusement parkと表現することもよくあり、日常会話ではどちらを使っても問題ありません。厳密にいえば、theme parkはテーマがある遊園地に対し使われ、テーマに基づいていない遊園地は amusement parkと言います。

  • What is your favorite theme park in Japan?
  • I took my kids to a theme park last weekend.
  • The theme of today’s discussion is local specialties.

4) When I say ~ I mean ~(本当に〜だ)

直訳で「私が〜と言ったら、〜と言うことだ」となるこの表現は、何かが本当であることを強調したり、伝えようとしていることが真剣である意味合いが込められています。例えば、今日の会話でシチージェーは“When I say everywhere I mean everywhere.”と言っていますが、これは花が本当に至る所にあることを強調しています。

その他にも、何度もしつこくお願いをしてくる相手に、“When I say no, I mean no.”と言うと、「絶対にだめです」を意味し、真剣さが伝わります。

  • The cakes in the U.S. are sweet. And when I say sweet, I mean sweet.
  • We saw a lot of fish. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot.
  • When I say he’s stubborn, I mean stubborn.

5) Any kind of ~ you can imagine(想像できるあらゆる)

直訳で「想像できるあらゆる種類の〜」となるこの表現は、考えられるすべてのバリエーションや種類があることを強調する表現です。例えば、友達をチョコレート専門店に連れて行った時に、 “This store has any kind of chocolate you can imagine.(このお店は想像できるあらゆる種類のチョコレートがある)”という具合に表現できます。

  • That wine shop offers any kind of wine you can imagine.
  • That shoe store has any kind of style you can imagine.
  • The summer festival offers a variety of food stalls with any kind of cuisine you can imagine.



  • Modest・・・適度の
  • Snorkeling・・・シュノーケリング
  • Stripe・・・縦縞模様
  • Spotted・・・水玉模様


  • Comes to one’s mind・・・思い付く・思い出す










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